"What's wrong?

Wasn't your boy so arrogant just now? "

Li Yichen turned to look at Huang Dahu and smiled.


Huang Dahu swallowed his saliva:

"Actually...I just wanted to ask!"

"Don't worry! Didn't Fu Qiang just talk about balance just now?

In this case, there are such huge creatures on the island, but they force us to go to this island, which means that we must have a way to compete with the creatures on the island. Otherwise, where is the balance? "

Li Yichen looked at Xiaodao and said:

"No matter what, you have to go up and give it a try, right?"

"Okay! Then go up and try!"

Huang Dahu also suddenly felt proud, and in fact, everyone felt the same, because what Huang Dahu said just now was very clear. Now they actually have only two ways, one is to leave Li Yichen, and the other is to follow Li Yichen to the island.

Because Li Yichen definitely wanted to go to the island, he had already made this very clear. As for whether they could get on the island, Li Yichen also said that he would not interfere. If they insisted on leaving, Li Yichen would probably leave a small boat behind. As long as they add some supplies, they can continue to leave on the cargo ship.

But Huang Dahu's worries awakened others. If they leave here and stay away from Li Yichen, will they disappear directly like the mainland?

The disappearance of the mainland may not be witnessed by everyone, but they all know that the island disappeared behind and then reappeared in front.

As mentioned before, this is a world with the protagonist as the core. Just like a movie, only the scenes that the protagonist needs will appear, and other scenes that are no longer needed will disappear directly. Although no one can be sure whether Li Yichen is It's the protagonist, but actually this is no longer important.

Because as long as this protagonist theory exists, it doesn't have much to do with who the protagonist is. Li Yichen is the protagonist. It is certain that they will disappear after they leave. Therefore, they cannot leave Li Yichen. And if Li Yichen is not the protagonist, the protagonist is among them. First, although they will not disappear after leaving, the island will still reappear, no different from now.

oh! There is a slight difference, that is, Li Yichen will disappear because he leaves the protagonist. This of course means death for Li Yichen, but it is also not a good thing for others. The most powerful person in the team now is Li Yichen. Secondly They are Huang Dahu, Guo Qing and Fu Qiang. Kaizi's combat power should be there, but it has not been determined yet, so it can be said that there are only four combatants in the team now.

Once the strongest one is lost, there will only be three left, including Kaizi, which is three and a half. Now that Li Yichen is here, he can go to the island to explore alone, and even kill a leopard. If replaced by someone else , who dares to go up alone?

Moreover, Li Yichen's archery skills were so powerful that no one else could compare with him.

Therefore, no matter what the situation is, going to the island has become a must-choice for them. Otherwise, they will have to stay on the ship, slowly consume all the supplies on the ship, and wait to die! !

There are a lot of supplies on the ship, and there is fresh water in the sea. In addition, they can fish. In fact, they can persist for a long time, even for several years. But no one wants to live such a life where they are destined to starve to death, especially Huang Dahu. After talking to Li Yichen just now.

Just hiding on the boat and relying on fishing for a living, and when the fuel on the boat is exhausted, they can only eat the fish raw. This kind of life is not as good as farmers farming, at least such a life can be mixed with joy. And they... are only desperate!

"Actually... we don't have to go all the way up at the beginning. We only need a few people to go to the island and explore the way first. Those animals seem to come to the beach just to drink water, and they will not waste time and leave after drinking the water. , so the shore is not necessarily dangerous.”

Li Yichen looked at Xiaodao and said:

“Besides, we can’t camp on the beach, can you see both sides?

They are all steep mountains. Although it seems impossible to climb from the outside, you can still find a path from the inside. We can set up a camp on it first, slowly understand the situation of the island, and then decide what to do next! "

"The things on the boat can last us at least three or four years. If we include fishing and hunting animals to be dried and dried, we can last even longer. There is no shortage of fresh water now. If we set up a camp on the mountain, We can also chop down trees for firewood. No matter what, I will not stay on the ship. As for you... you can make your own choice. If you think you can return to the mainland by turning back, I will not stop you!"

"I won't go back, boss, I will follow you to the island!"

Kaizi was the first to speak this time, which surprised Huang Dahu and the others. However, this was actually normal. Kaizi was the first to suspect the disappearance of the mainland, so of course he did not dare to leave Li Yichen.

"Boss, there is no need to make a decision in a hurry. Think about it, we only need a few people to go to the island anyway, so the others will wait on the boat first, waiting for us to find out the situation on the island, and then they will make a decision. OK?

Why bother with this now? "

Huang Dahu suddenly had an idea and said.


yes! "

Li Tian's eyes lit up. He was actually very conflicted before. Seeing the animals on the island, especially the last beetle, almost scared him to death, so he would never go to the island alive or dead, but if Li Yichen, Huang Dahu, Guo Qing, and Fu Qiang all stayed and asked him to leave with a few women, but he didn't have the courage.

If it were before the end of the world, he would have dared to take away even forty girls, not to mention four girls, and he would have been very happy. But now... lives are more important. If lives are gone, there will really be nothing.

So, of course, he agreed with Huang Dahu's plan with both hands and feet. It didn't matter that the island was dangerous, and he didn't have to go up there, and he didn't have to leave here. He could just stay on the boat and watch them explore the way. How great would that be?

At that time, if the island is safe, they will move to the island. If the island is dangerous, he will not be harmed, so Li Tian is the first to agree with this plan. As for the four girls, of course they have no objections. Anyway, they are the same There is no need to go to the island. No matter how many animals there are, they don't have to face them.

"Okay! It's settled then!"

Li Yichen nodded, then looked at the others and asked:

"Who's coming up with me?"


Huang Dahu was the first to respond, Guo Qing and Fu Qiang also raised their hands, and Kaizi also volunteered to follow Li Yichen this time!

"There is no need for so many people, just two people following me will be enough!"

Li Yichen shook his head. At this time, the more people the better, and Li Yichen has always been used to acting alone. This has always been the case in the trial field. When there is no system, he is a lone hunter, and he gets After the system, although the Capital of Hell was established, Li Yichen has always been a loner, completely leaving the Capital of Hell to Wan Shan and Chang Guchuan.

But now Li Yichen has lost his original strength, so he wants to bring two people with him. As long as he wants to set up traps or something, he still needs helpers!

"Boss! Are we going to the island now?"

Huang Dahu suddenly asked.


"That's it!"

Huang Dahu thought for a while and said:

"Guo Qing and I followed the boss to the island, and then Fu Qiang and Kaizi sent us up in a small boat, and then waited on the side to pick us up. Anyway, this time we first checked whether there are any suitable campsites in the mountains on both sides. We won’t be gone for long, and with their support, if we lure those animals, we can evacuate to the ship immediately! It’s safer this way!”

"Okay! That's it! Get ready now and leave now!"

Li Yichen nodded and said, and then everyone was busy for a while. Finally, Li Yichen took Huang Dahu and others on the boat and left. Fu Qiang and the others actually brought a lot of roasted meat with them, and also picked up two boxes of beer, ready to go on the boat. Waiting for them while drinking.

The boat rushed straight to the beach, but when it got close, Huang Dahu asked them to stop the boat. If they really rushed to the beach, it would be difficult to get down. So in the end, Li Yichen, Huang Dahu and Guo Qing were all wet. Walked onto the beach.

"Boss! Why do these guys come here to drink water?

Moreover, looking at the situation just now, they are divided into batches according to their body size. Logically speaking, doesn’t the animal world always follow the law of the jungle where the weak eat the strong?

Why are there no conflicts between those animals at all? "

Looking at the numerous footprints on the beach, Huang Dahu frowned and asked.

"How do I know? I have never been to this island, but as long as we pay more attention, we will always find clues!"

Li Yichen smiled and then pointed at it:

"Go up! After you go up, you will know how high the jungle, which looks quite short, is. I think if we can get those big trees up the mountain, we can just dig a hole in the tree and use it as a house. Living."

"Okay! Let's go!"

Huang Dahu nodded, and then walked up with Li Yichen...

Among the three people, Li Yichen still had a bow and a barrel of arrows, while Huang Dahu and Guo Qing both carried a crossbow and a machete in their hands. In addition, they each carried two barrels of arrows to help Li Yichen carry them. , after all, there are a huge number of those animals, so you have to prepare more, and the weight of the arrows is not very heavy.

Soon, they climbed to the top of the beach. The huge jungle really shocked Huang Dahu and the others, but Huang Dahu immediately looked back at the beach they were passing by and frowned...

"What's wrong?"

Li Yichen looked at Huang Dahu strangely and asked.

"Boss! This beach... doesn't look right, there's something wrong!"

Huang Dahu pointed to the beach and said...

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