Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1077 Becoming a mother?

Seeing this change, Li Yichen became nervous. He threw away his clothes, grabbed a long bow, put an arrow on it and aimed it at the insect nest. When feeding the insect nest, Li Yichen deliberately looked for It's not too big. The diameter of this small insect nest is just over one meter. Even if a bug hatches, it shouldn't be difficult to kill it as long as you prepare in advance!

Moreover, Li Yichen mainly wanted to see whether what was hatched from this small insect nest was actually the Zerg race!

However, after waiting for a while, Li Yichen discovered that after the small insect nest turned dark red, there was no movement at all. It was like a piece of coal that was about to burn out. Dotted with stars, the insect nest was shrouded in darkness. In it, it was like a red giant star, hanging there quietly.

"This...is it over?

Or...is there not enough sand? "

Li Yichen was a little stunned and couldn't help but put down his bow and arrow and looked at the small insect nest. However, he immediately rejected his idea because he clearly saw that some of the sand he had poured up before was still left on the top of the small insect nest and had not been absorbed. In other words, the reason why this little insect nest is like this is not because the sand has not absorbed enough!

"What could be the reason?"

Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned, and then subconsciously reached out to remove the sand from the top of the insect nest. It was not because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but mainly because Li Yichen discovered that the connection between the insect nest and the stone pillar seemed to have been broken.

Because he has entered the insect nest, Li Yichen knows that this stone pillar is not actually a stone pillar, but a channel used by the insect nest to transport life energy to the small insect nest. Only by receiving the life energy from the mother nest, the small insect nest can He could continuously create one Zerg after another, but now Li Yichen saw that there seemed to be a gap between the stone pillar and the small insect nest, which meant that the link was broken.


However, because the sand was on the top of the small insect nest, blocking the connection between the small insect nest and the stone pillar, Li Yichen was unable to confirm his discovery, so he wanted to get rid of the sand, because the sand was on the small insect nest. , so when Li Yichen wanted to get rid of the sand, his hand inevitably touched the small insect nest. The moment his hand came into contact with the small insect nest, Li Yichen suddenly felt that his hand was sucked by the small insect nest. , and there was a sharp pain immediately on the finger!

Li Yichen was shocked, and then he remembered that the small insect nest could absorb life energy, and he actually touched it with his hands. Wasn't he looking for death?

Even the deer's carcass was sucked clean, so...

Li Yichen tried hard to take his hand back, but what he didn't expect was that with this force, the small insect nest was pulled directly into his arms. The weight of a small insect nest with a diameter of one meter was not light. , Li Yichen was caught off guard and immediately sat on the ground holding the little insect nest.

"It's over!"

These two words suddenly appeared in Li Yichen's mind. He could imagine that he would soon be completely absorbed by this little insect nest like the deer's corpse. But he didn't know that after absorbing him, the little insect would What kind of bug will hatch out of the nest? I just hope it's not too ugly. Of course, if it's a bug with its own face, it's best not to!

However, Li Yichen soon discovered that the pain in his hand seemed to be over. Now his hand seemed to be free, and the suction force disappeared for some reason. To verify, Li Yichen also tried to hold the little boy in his arms. Insect Nest took his hands away and found that there was no obstacle.

Although the little bug nest is now in his arms, except for his hands, the rest of his body is covered with clothes, and his skin is not exposed, so it should not be absorbed. What is going on?

Although he didn't understand it at the moment, it was definitely a good thing. Li Yichen hugged the little insect nest again and was about to throw it away and leave here quickly, but at this moment, the little insect nest suddenly made a crisp sound, and then, The small insect nest actually split open, and a hole was suddenly pecked out at the top, and then, a head came out...


Li Yichen cursed in his heart. After all, a bug hatched out. The head that appeared in front of him was furry and had eight pairs of eyes. It turned out to be the eyes of a big spider. It looked similar to the Zerg in the trial area. The king is quite similar, but his size should be much smaller!

However, Xiao Zaiduo is no match for this spider now. Looking at the fangs in the spider's mouth, Li Yichen felt nervous. If this guy came out before, he would definitely kill this ugly head with one arrow, but now ... He is holding this little insect nest with both hands, how can he have time to take the bow?

Moreover, when I fell down before, I didn’t know where it fell, and now I might not even be able to find it if I look for it!

Li Yichen wanted to throw the little insect nest in his hand far away, but it was too heavy and probably couldn't be thrown far. Moreover, Li Yichen was afraid that he would anger the spider if he moved too fiercely, so he had to stare at the spider with his eyes wide open. Look into each other's eyes, and if your heart says die, just die! The worst case scenario is giving up this trial and trying it all over again!

However, what surprised Li Yichen was that after the spider stared at him for a while, it didn't bite him with its fangs. Instead, it pushed the small insect nest open a little, opened its mouth wide and ate it. A large number of small insect nests then crawled out from inside...

This guy's spider legs were exactly the same as those of the King of Zerg. They were sharp at the tip and full of barbs. They looked a bit scary. However, the spider was very careful not to touch Li Yichen with its legs before crawling out of the insect nest. After that, he used his spider legs to move the small insect nest, which was about the same as an eggshell, and then rubbed his big furry head on Li Yichen's chest a few times, making a hissing sound in his mouth, and then turned around to eat the small insect nest. went.

"Nima...what...what's going on?"

Li Yichen, who had saved his life, was a little confused, but since the spider was eating his own shell, it must have thought humans were unpalatable, right?

While thinking about it, Li Yichen stood up, looked around, picked up his bow, put the quiver on his back gently, and then slowly retreated out of the cave entrance. After leaving the cave entrance, Li Yichen immediately headed down the mountain. Run away, I don’t dare to go up the mountain now, run to the beach quickly, spiders can’t swim, right?

Just after running a few steps, Li Yichen suddenly felt something was wrong. Damn it, it was just a little spider. Although his strength was gone, his archery skills were still there. Wouldn't it be over if he killed it?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen immediately stopped, then turned around suddenly and prepared to raise his bow. The hole was not big. As long as the spider dared to crawl out of it, Li Yichen was absolutely sure to shoot an arrow through its head. Now he was far away , not afraid that its dying struggle will hurt itself!

But as soon as he turned around, Li Yichen's body stiffened instantly, because he found that the spider was following him closely. When he stopped suddenly, the spider also stopped instantly, lowered its head and tilted its head to look at him. , and then rubbed his head against his chest.


Li Yichen swallowed and did not dare to raise the bow in his hand. At this distance, even if he could shoot the spider to death, he would definitely be scratched by its claws. And, for some reason, when he saw the spider's eyes, Li Yichen felt that this guy seemed to have a certain level of intelligence. If he dared to lift the bow, it would definitely not let him shoot that arrow! !

But...why didn't it hurt itself?

Shouldn't humans be the prey of the Zerg?

Could it be that this spider wants to keep its own body alive and eat fresh ones when it gets hungry?

Because it still has food, and its "eggshells" haven't been eaten yet!

That's right, the last two spider legs of the spider that chased Li Yichen were still dragging the small insect nest, as if they were reluctant to throw it away. Seeing the insect nest that had been eaten for a third, Li Yichen suddenly felt that this seemed Just an egg! Generally speaking, those egg-laying creatures will eat their own eggs after birth to supplement nutrition. Moreover, spiders seem to be egg-laying creatures in the first place!

So... this small insect nest is different from the ones I have seen, because it can only hatch one insect race, but the insect race in the trial land can continuously produce insect races. If a small insect nest can only hatch If one Zerg is produced, the number of Zerg will be reduced sharply, and it will not be able to pose a threat at all.

Maybe it was because Li Yichen knew that he was on a trial and that even if he died, he would not really die, so when the big spider looked at him, he was still thinking about other things, and the big spider didn't think about it for a long time after seeing Li Yichen. Then he took his eggshell to the front and started chewing it again.

The clicking sound woke up Li Yichen. He looked at the spider that continued to eat the eggshell, and carefully started to back away. The spider immediately noticed Li Yichen's movements, so he looked up at Li Yichen again, then grabbed the eggshell and followed him again. When he saw the spider coming again, Li Yichen stopped again, and the spider also stopped and continued to eat the egg shell.

"Brother! If you don't give me that, why do you have to eat it in front of me?"

Li Yichen looked at the spider and sighed, and said softly:

"I don't like to eat this stuff. Even if you eat it in front of me, you won't be able to satisfy me. Only chickens and ducks like to eat this stuff..."

Speaking of this, Li Yichen was suddenly stunned for a moment. He remembered one thing. When he was on Earth, he once heard someone say that animals hatched from eggs, such as ducks and chicks, would see what they saw after hatching. The first creature to be your own mother!

This spider... was also hatched from an egg. Could it be that it also has this habit? In other words, the reason why this guy didn't eat himself was because he thought of himself as his mother?

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