Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1092 Hatching eggs again

To be honest, Li Yichen thinks Geer's method is quite reliable. After all, Geer can directly control the nesting beetle and there is no danger at all. The only thing that needs to be considered is that they will be the last to appear today. The beetle was caught, but it was not allowed to completely complete its task, which meant that the normal cycle process was not completed. Therefore, will those animals still appear tomorrow?

However, after asking Geer, Li Yichen felt relieved, because according to Geer, the insect nest it was going to build now was not a super large one, so when this nesting beetle died, it could at least build one About a third or even half.

If this is the case, Li Yichen feels that this insect nest can definitely be built, because even if the animals do not appear tomorrow because of their destruction today, Li Yichen can take Geer to the other three gaps.

There are a total of four gaps on the island. Although Li Yichen has not been to the other three gaps, Li Yichen feels that the procedures here must be repeated in those three gaps every day, so even if they don't show up here tomorrow, it will be special. You can also go to other gaps to catch a nesting beetle and come back to continue building its nest!

After making the decision, Li Yichen ignored Geer and the nesting beetle, and instead came to the edge of the mountain to look down. Huang Dahu and the others were almost reaching the top of the mountain, and this time they came together as four people.

Originally Guo Qing thought of leaving Kaizi and Fu Qiang waiting on the shore like last time, but Huang Dahu thought about it and realized that if there was a problem here, it would not be a wise move for them to disperse, so he simply decided They are all here, and according to Huang Dahu's own thoughts - we must die together to save trouble, since we can't escape anyway, so why are we bothering?

"Boss! Are you...are you okay?"

When they were about to reach the top of the mountain, Huang Dahu found Li Yichen waiting for them on the side, so he stopped, looked at Li Yichen and asked.


What can happen to me? "

Hearing Huang Dahu's words, Li Yichen was a little confused, but then he looked at Geer and the bugs, and immediately realized that these guys probably didn't understand how these bugs could live in peace with him!

"This is hatched from those round stones at the heart of the mountain!"

Li Yichen pointed at Geer and said:

"After you guys went back, I had nothing to do on the mountain, so I moved the sand a little further up the mountain. I accidentally discovered that the mountain actually absorbs the sand, so I made a lot of sand for a ball in the middle of the mountain to absorb. Then...this guy hatched out of it!"

"Are those round rocks eggs?"

Huang Dahu was stunned and looked back at Guo Qing and the others.

"Well! If you are interested, you can try it, but be careful. The hatched bugs may not listen to you. I, a big spider, should have absorbed my blood before hatching, so it will listen. I commanded, but those praying mantises didn't listen to me. Fortunately, this spider seems to be more advanced than them and can control those praying mantises, otherwise I think I would have been killed by those praying mantises."

Li Yichen explained, and also suggested that they give it a try. Anyway, it would be fine here now. In addition, Geer did not need to contribute to building the insect nest, so they could simply let it protect Huang Dahu and the others from "hatching eggs"!

"Which rocks are these insects hatched from?"

Huang Dahu asked, looking at the huge beetle that was building an insect nest.

"No, this guy is not. It is the big beetle that just appeared below like a mountain!"

Li Yichen replied:

"The formation of these animals is very strange. It is a bit difficult to describe. You can stay here and see for yourself tomorrow. Anyway, as long as you stay on the top of the mountain, there will be no danger. Those animals will not go up the mountain!"


Huang Dahu nodded, and then looked at the big beetle. Although the big beetle is actually quite large now, compared with its previous size, it is far behind. But since Li Yichen said that this is the big beetle , Huang Dahu certainly wouldn’t ask any more questions.

Looking back at Li Yichen, Huang Dahu frowned. Judging from Li Yichen's behavior, he felt that Li Yichen was not controlled by anything. In other words, Li Yichen was still himself, but the question was, how did he control these bugs? of?

Although Li Yichen had explained before that these bugs were hatched from the eggs in the belly of the mountain, Huang Dahu didn't believe it, but now it seems that at least Huang Dahu can confirm it!

The method is very simple. Since Li Yichen said that those bugs were hatched from stone eggs on the mountainside, and he made them from sand, of course they can do the same. Although Li Yichen said that these bugs hatched from After coming out, they may not obey their orders, but as long as they prove that those stone eggs can absorb sand, they can basically confirm Li Yichen's words!

For Huang Dahu, he didn't care whether he could control the bugs. He just wanted to know if Li Yichen was still their boss! !

"Boss! Then...can we try that?"

Huang Dahu looked at Li Yichen and said.


Li Yichen didn't know that Huang Dahu thought so much, so he nodded in agreement because he hadn't realized yet that Huang Dahu would doubt that he was being controlled.

For Li Yichen, before he got the system, he was a lone hunter. After getting the system, he established the Capital of Hell. Both Wanshan and Chang Guchuan were helping him. He manages the capital of hell, which means that he actually has no management experience.

He has a system, but the system only gives him practical things. As for how to deal with interpersonal relationships, the system has never taught him. Therefore, in this regard, Li Yichen is basically the first brother...

So Li Yichen didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Huang Dahu at all, and even supported them in hatching those eggs. Li Yichen didn't know how lucky he was to be able to hatch Geer and the insect nest, so in his opinion, they could also hatch those eggs. Some insects come,

However, those bugs may not obey their commands. Li Yichen has experienced it himself, that is, those praying mantises. That's why Li Yichen asked Geer to follow Huang Dahu and the others. In Li Yichen's mind, if Huang Dahu and the others couldn't hatch the bugs, forget it. This should be considered normal, but Li Yichen judged based on his own experience that Huang Dahu and the others were likely to hatch out Zerg species, and... those Zerg species might not be so obedient, so Geer had to follow them.

When it comes to dealing with the Zerg, Li Yichen himself has to admit that Geer is definitely the best choice. After all, it is an intelligent Zerg and its status among the Zerg is very high. In addition, it has already begun to build its own insect nest, and it will be there soon. Now that he is the King of Insects, he will definitely have no problem dealing with some newly born Insects.

In fact, because the core of the Zerg has been condensed, the current Geer is actually a quasi-Insect King. The newly born Zerg will not have the courage to attack Geer after seeing it, even if they do not belong to it at all. A bug hive.

"Just use sand from the beach and pour it on the round stones inside. Those stones will absorb the sand, but be careful not to touch those stones, otherwise, they may drain the blood from your body. !”

Seeing that Huang Dahu and the others wanted to "hatch the eggs," Li Yichen couldn't help but remind him that if he hadn't accidentally touched his hand on the stone before, maybe Geer wouldn't have hatched successfully, and even if he hatched, it wouldn't necessarily be possible. Will obey Li Yichen's orders, but try not to do this kind of thing. No one knows how much blood the other stones require. If they are sucked dry...

"Okay! Boss, we get it!"

Huang Dahu nodded to Li Yichen and said, although he felt that Li Yichen seemed completely normal now and did not seem to be controlled by insects, it would be better to verify it himself!

Afterwards, Huang Dahu, Guo Qing and Kaizi all walked down. Because the bottom hole was closest to the beach, they were also going to choose that hole. As for Fu Qiang, he had no intention of hatching eggs. The large nesting beetle was so interested that it stayed at the top of the mountain!

Li Yichen also followed them down the mountain, because they didn't need to worry about it above, and he asked Geer to tell the mantises above that Fu Qiang would not be attacked by them.

Of course, Geer was also taken down by Li Yichen. Now Li Yichen is not sure what kind of Zerg Huang Dahu and the others will hatch out in a while. Is it an intelligent Zerg like Geer?

Or is it like those praying mantises, directly activating an insect nest?

In fact, Li Yichen was overthinking it. As for Huang Dahu and the others, they could only hatch three more eggs at most. The chance of coming up with another intelligent Zerg like Geer was basically zero. Otherwise, the Zerg in the original trial place would also After so many epochs, there would be only less than twenty intelligent Zerg races.

After so many epochs of accumulation, the number of Zerg hatched in the insect nest must be measured in billions. Hundreds of billions of Zerg will produce more than a dozen intelligent Zerg. It can be seen that the probability of intelligent Zerg being born is very low. Li Yichen just left before. It's just shitty luck that I got Geer now. It's completely hopeless to have another one like Geer.

Huang Dahu and the others soon got a backpack of sand on the beach, then entered the cave, each picked an insect nest and started experimenting. Following Li Yichen's instructions, they poured the sand directly onto the round stones. Sure enough, after they Under his gaze, the sand poured on the stone was actually absorbed by the stone and did not fall to the ground at all...

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