Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1094 The weird insect nest

Seeing Geer disappear, Li Yichen did not panic, because this place was already very close to the foot of the mountain, and Geer was in front, and he had almost reached the place where the animal appeared before. Therefore, Li Yichen felt that Geer should have discovered the passage. , so I pounced down.

Sure enough, Li Yichen mentally contacted Geer, and the information that this guy fed back was exactly under the secret passage. However, Geer did not rush in because he discovered the secret passage, because if he only discovered the secret passage, Geer would It will notify Li Yichen first, which is also the order Li Yichen gave it before.

The reason why Geer disappeared was because the moment he discovered the passage, he also saw an animal in the passage. To Geer, this animal was prey, and of course he couldn't let it go, so he seized the opportunity and pounced on it. , it happened that Li Yichen and the others turned back to see Guo Qing, so they seemed to disappear suddenly...

"Gerr said it caught an animal and it was in the front passage."

After Li Yichen communicated with Geer, he immediately explained it to Huang Dahu and the others. When they heard the passage appeared, Huang Dahu and the others immediately turned their attention back and left Guo Qing aside. However, the animal had already appeared before, so In the coming time, this island should be safe. Guo Qing just went to catch fish in the sea, so there should be no accidents.

After explaining, Li Yichen walked forward quickly. Since Geer was already in the passage, he didn't need to be on guard, so he rushed directly to the passage.

Li Yichen was a little surprised when he saw the passage, because strictly speaking, this should not be considered a passage, but at the junction of the mountains and the ground, there was a hole about two meters in diameter, and below the hole was a large The platform, Geer was on that platform at this time, and a spider leg pierced the neck of an animal!

This animal is an elk. It is not dead yet and is still struggling. Of course, it is said to be an elk, but the animals in this world are different from those on the original earth, so Li Yichen just calls it what it looks like. What, it’s just a name, it doesn’t matter.

When Geer saw Li Yichen coming in, he immediately sent him a message, telling him that the life energy in the elk was very pure, and suggested that Li Yichen eat some, which might be good for his body. This was why Geer only used his own energy. The spider legs pierced its neck without causing any more wounds, and there was no reason to directly bite it with its mouth.

After all, Geer is a spider. Both its silk and its mouthparts are highly poisonous. Once these are used, the elk can only enjoy it by itself. If Li Yichen eats it, he will be very poisonous. It will probably be over in seconds!

Li Yichen did not answer Geer immediately, but just looked around. The platform was about a thousand square meters, with the ground above his head, and the platform extended toward the jungle, not the mountains.

Quickly walking to the edge of the platform, Li Yichen looked down and found that there was indeed a huge space below. It looked a bit like the belly of a mountain, but this space was even more empty than the belly of a mountain. After all, mountains are circular and surrounded by mountains. The jungle is a complete circle. From the looks of it, of course the space below the jungle is wider!

Looking back at the direction of the mountains, Li Yichen discovered that there was still a mountain wall on the other side of the mountains and was not connected. In other words, the space in the hollow mountains and the underground space on the jungle side were not connected. Mobile...no, but isolated!

"That's wrong! The insect nest should be integrated. How could this happen?"

Li Yichen thought in his mind, and then immediately asked Geer, but he didn't know the information Geer fed back, and he told Li Yichen that according to his inherited memory, the insect nest should indeed be integrated. Nest, Geer couldn't figure out what was going on.

However, Geer definitely told Li Yichen that this underground space was definitely the structure of an insect nest! This is absolutely correct!

Li Yichen looked directly below. The space was large, but not empty. Moreover, like the mountain, there were quite a few spheres. However, these spheres were hung on vine-like things. On the top, those vines hang down from the top of the ground to the bottom, and all the vines have many branches and are entangled with each other, forming a crisscross, like a three-dimensional spider web!

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen suddenly thought of the brain. It seemed that the nerve circuits in the brains of humans or animals were like this, and those spherical objects were mental nodes!

Of course, this is just an image, and Li Yichen can't tell you anything specific. As for Huang Dahu and the others, they have long been shocked by this huge underground space, because it is really too big. This is what is underneath the entire jungle. Hollowed out!

"Those...are tree roots, right?"

Huang Dahu came to Li Yichen and asked, pointing to the vines.


Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized that yes, these were definitely the roots of the jungle above, and they should also be responsible for transporting life energy!

When the sand and snow fell, it covered the entire island. Not only the mountains, but also the jungle contained huge amounts of life energy. After that, Li Yichen could not find the sand and snow at all in the jungle. The traces, so of course, are absorbed by the trees in the jungle, and then transported through these vines to the balls below.

It seems that those animals were hatched from these balls?

Li Yichen looked down and pondered. Now he was a little confused. The insect nest should obviously be a whole, but in this situation, it is clearly two completely separated spaces. Moreover, according to the current situation, the insects in the mountain are , and those underground are animals.

So... those hatched animals will run out every day to absorb life energy, and then continue to cycle and grow in size, and finally form a huge nesting beetle, are they just to build the unfinished insect nest above?

If so, what are these animals?

Is it also a Zerg race?

At least in the trial place, Li Yichen had never seen Zerg with this appearance. Although Zerg had all kinds of strange forms, and there were many that Li Yichen had never seen before, at least their appearance and characteristics were obvious at a glance. insect! Even though some of them are larger than elephants, anyone who sees them will only say that they are large bugs, and will never say that they are animals.

Geer can't provide any information to Li Yichen now, so Li Yichen can only guess on his own. But the problem is that the situation in front of him is too weird, and Li Yichen has no clue at all!

"Boss! The situation down here... seems to be similar to that inside the mountain?"

Huang Dahu didn't know that Li Yichen had already thought so much. He just looked down and said casually:

"If this underground space is combined with the mountainside, it would match well, but those trees will definitely occupy the space at the mountainside. There seems to be some conflict!"


Hearing Huang Dahu's words, Li Yichen's thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he shook his head and threw away this possibility. If the insect nest was built, it would be the same from top to bottom, and those small insect nests would have come out from the wall of the insect nest. pipes connected like blood vessels.

Although the vines in front of me look very similar to that kind of pipe, they are still very different. Moreover, there is no vegetation growing outside the insect nest in the trial area!

In addition, it seems that the situation in the mountains is not quite right, because the stone balls there are connected by stalagmite-like stone pillars. The stone pillars go straight up and down without spreading to the side at all. Therefore, the stone balls in the middle of the mountain, It looks like a lot of chandeliers, which seems very different from the situation in the insect nest!

In addition, in addition to this platform, there are many such platforms in the distance. After all, this underground space is different from the mountain belly. The mountains are circular, and the mountain belly is of course the same, so Li Yichen cannot see the whole mountain belly at all, but the underground space Not so.

This underground space means that the bottom of the entire jungle is hollowed out, so it is no problem to see from here to the other side. Of course, because of the existence of those vines, the line of sight is not very good, and you want to see directly from here. On the opposite side, you still need to constantly look for angles to avoid the line of sight being blocked by vines!

However, relying on his eagle eyes, Li Yichen still saw platforms in other locations. The platforms in the underground space were not just the one they came down from. There would be one almost every 100 meters, and they were similar in size and shape. From below There is also a slope leading directly to the platform, which seems to be prepared for those animals.

After all, animals are not bugs, and among those animals, Li Yichen did not find any birds. Without these slopes, they might not be able to reach this platform. In addition, the balls inside are not uniform in size. specifications, but the largest one is only two meters in diameter. To say that all the animals in the first wave were hatched from it, there seems to be something wrong, because even in the first wave, the size is quite large. , at least not the biggest egg that can be hatched.

Moreover, there was an animal on other platforms. Looking back at the completely dead elk on Geer's lap, Li Yichen understood a little bit. This guy... seemed to be a sentinel?

Looking at the balls below and the animals on each platform, an idea suddenly came to Li Yichen's mind...

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