Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1108 Trap or sneak attack?

What Li Yichen thought was that if Huang Dahu was Li Fangzhou, the only thing that didn't match up was the time. But the question is, who knows the time on this earth now?

Although when he came back, he went back to the time before he traveled through time, but Li Yichen didn't know whether his timeline was synchronized with the timeline of the trial place.

What if at this time, the Trial Land has not yet started trials, or it has just been selected by those people as the Trial Land?

There is a piece of evidence here, which is the message Geer sent to Li Yichen. Geer said that the insect king it swallowed was the first insect king of the Zerg tribe. Even now, the first insect king has not been born yet, because it is necessary to Only when this island, that is, this nest is completely integrated into one, will the Zerg be able to get its first nest. At that time, the Zerg will be truly born.

Then, this timeline may be able to match, because if there were no Zerg, the Trial Land would definitely not become a Trial Land, because the reason why the Trial Land appeared was because the humans in the Source Realm wanted to deal with it. Zerg, and found a testing site.

The Zerg haven't appeared yet, so how can humans leave the Source Realm without encountering an enemy they can't resist?

In other words, maybe at this time, the great speaker in the source world has not been born yet!

"No! If you put it that way, then the Zerg..."

Thinking of this, Li Yichen couldn't help but look at Geer. If it was like what he imagined, the birth of the Zerg could be attributed to himself. Even the first king of the Zerg was still his pet and was very important to him. Follow your advice?

"How to do?"

Li Yichen stared at Geer, his body trembling a little. If this is the case, then if he kills Geer now, the insect nest will continue to be suppressed. The Zerg may never appear, so the crisis of mankind will never come again. What's up?

"Boss! What's wrong with you?"

Seeing something strange about Li Yichen, Kaizi couldn't help but asked strangely, wondering if it was because of the departure of Huang Dahu and the others that Li Yichen was a little sad?

But it doesn't look like Li Yichen is feeling sad?

"I'm fine! But you...why did you stay?

I see the boat has left! "

Of course, Li Yichen couldn't tell Kaizi the tangle in his heart, so he shook his head and asked.

"I didn't plan to leave in the first place?"

Kaizi said:

"I don't have the ambition of Dahu. This guy sounds like he wants to save the earth. It would be nice for me to have a stable place to live! This island has a beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains, and there are animals in it and the sea. It’s fresh water, and I brought a lot of supplies down. Anyway, the two of us won’t starve to death in the short term. As for the future... we’ll talk about the future later!”

"You are open-minded!"

Li Yichen smiled and said.

"Hey! There's nothing you can do about it! Anyway, it's like this. I've never planned my life too far ahead. Plans can't match changes. When luck comes, you can't stop it. When bad luck comes, you can hold on. Can’t help it, too many plans are useless, it’s like the end of the world, the day before I planned to chase a girl the next day!”

It seems that because Huang Dahu and the others left, Kaizi suddenly became active and talked more. However, it could be seen that this guy must have been drinking when he was on the boat. His face was a little red. He said casually. :

"The results of it?

The girl turned into a zombie the next day. Don't let me chase her. If she chased me, I would have to run away for a few blocks. So, boss, let's eat and drink here, go fishing at the beach and chat. Chatting and having a small day are not bad, and..."

Looking back at the praying mantises and the nesting beetles still building their nests, Kaizi continued:

"Boss, some bugs are actually quite delicious when roasted. If there is no food in the future, ask Geer to get some bugs out, and we will have food. I think we will be able to live for twenty or thirty years. By then At that time, when we were really tired of staying around, we would sail out to sea, no matter where we went. After all, after living for such a long time and living a happy life for such a long time, it would not be a loss even if we died in the sea, don't you think? "

"If this island can be so peaceful, the life you mentioned would be really good!"

Li Yichen replied with a smile.

"Alas! I know that you, boss, are not an ordinary person. Not only are your experiences extraordinary, but your status is also extraordinary. Although they all call you boss and they all obey you, the temperament you have is definitely not that of someone who cares about a few people. Can have it!”

Kaizi continued, and his words made Li Yichen stunned for a moment. This guy seemed to be quite discerning. Li Yichen was actually very easy-going, especially when he was getting along with Huang Dahu and the others. He didn't have any airs, but after all, Li Yichen The actual leader of the capital of hell, even Wan Shan would not easily disobey his orders. Over time, Li Yichen naturally had the aura of a superior person. This cannot be faked, and it is not easy to even hide it. , many times it will show up naturally, but I didn’t expect Kaizi to see it.

"Boss! In fact, what I said before is just to comfort myself. I have a guess in my mind that maybe... the coming of our apocalypse will have something to do with you. But don't worry, boss, I don't have any objections to you. But I actually just want to see, boss, what are you going to do if you stay on the island!"

Looking at Li Yichen, Kaizi's eyes flashed:

"I feel that what you are going to do must be quite awesome. I don't dare to even think about it, let alone see or hear about it in this life. So I stay here because I actually want to open my eyes!"

"However, the island may be very dangerous, and you may die. Isn't the price of opening your eyes a bit high?"

Li Yichen looked at Kaizi and asked.

"Haha! Didn't I just say that before?

You can't stop luck when it comes, and you can't hold on when bad luck comes! If I deserve to die, I can't survive no matter where I hide. If I don't deserve to die, I can't die no matter where I go! "

Kaizi smiled and said:

"So I stayed. Even if I die, at least my eyes will be opened, right?"

"Okay! As long as you don't regret it!"

Li Yichen nodded. In fact, it really didn't matter to him that there was one more person. He was not afraid of exposing his secrets now. He was not from his own world anyway!

"Aiya, I go!"

At this moment, Kaizi suddenly let out a scream, then jumped up and ran down the mountain, shouting:

“Our roast lamb!!”


Li Yichen then remembered that the one-horned sheep they had made before seemed to be still roasting on the fire. He didn't know if Fu Qiang had taken it down when he came over later, so he stood on the edge of the mountain and looked towards the jungle, then smiled bitterly. Shake his head.

The sheep was still on the fire, and Fu Qiang probably had just added firewood when he left. The bonfire was still burning at this time, but... the sheep had been roasted until it was completely charred, and it was definitely inedible!

Li Yichen didn't feel any pity. He didn't plan to let Geer devour the Beast King today because he had to think about it. Before he made a decision, he wouldn't let Geer leave the top of the mountain. As for the one who was still building a nest, The beetle, Li Yichen already knew at this time, although it was still building a nest, the nest it built was no longer the kind of insect nest it had built before, but a small insect nest, the insect king's nest exclusively for Geer!

This kind of small insect nest is specially used to hatch the troops customized by Geer. It is quite advanced. At least in Li Yichen's memory, there seems to be no insect king in the trial place, because Li Yichen did not see any powerful spider-type troops. According to Geer's explanation, the Insect King's Nest will definitely hatch troops with the same shape as his own, so that his skills will give bonuses to the troops, and the troops will in turn provide bonuses to Geer. This may be the first time that Geer becomes the leader. The Insect King’s preferential treatment?

Moreover, this insect king's nest can hatch without the presence of a large insect nest, just like the small insect nest that hatched those praying mantises before. When Huang Dahu first learned about it, Huang Dahu had not said those words to Li Yichen, so Li Yichen also No blocking.

Now that the Insect King's Nest is almost half complete, Li Yichen did not stop him. Just having an Insect King's Nest is useless. The Insects still cannot be born. Geer must swallow the Beast King's egg and crystal, and then the entire island will be destroyed. Really transformed into an insect nest! So Li Yichen is not in a hurry!

At this time, Kaizi had also seen the sheep roasted into black charcoal. He went over and touched it and found that it was indeed inedible. So he put out the fire with some frustration, and then brought back the bucket and seasonings. , all the previous animals, except the sheep, have been absorbed by Geer, so if they want to bake something to eat, they probably only have seafood.

Seeing Kaizi walking towards the beach, as if he wanted to grab something to bake and eat, Li Yichen also walked down the mountain. There shouldn't be any changes on the island today, so he should relax first and then make the final decision whether to kill him or not. Geer!

In fact, Li Yichen was a little reluctant to kill Geer. This guy had never disobeyed him since he was born. Even if he let it deal with the insect king, Geer would not hesitate to rush up and entangle it. , if Li Yichen hadn't taken the opportunity to shoot the arrow, Geer would have died by now.

But Li Yichen now feels that if this insect nest is really obtained by Geer, it will definitely become an insect race that will frighten mankind in the future. Li Yichen has never seen other insect nests, but at least the insects from the insect nest in the trial place Wang is in the form of a spider, and Li Yichen even suspected that Grijalva was the descendant of Gal.

Therefore, Li Yichen is already thinking about how to kill Geer. After all, although this guy is very obedient, if he wants to kill him openly, he might resist. It is best to think of a trap or a sneak attack...

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