Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1112 Dig out Guo Qing?

After a while, the shrouded white mist began to condense, and the huge nesting beetle began to appear. Li Yichen stared down intently, but his target was not the beetle, but on both sides of him!


When he saw the two creatures next to the beetle, Li Yichen couldn't help but scream. Kaizi couldn't help but be startled. From the day he met Li Yichen, it seemed that he had never seen Li Yichen so excited, so he followed He looked down and was shocked to find that there were two creatures next to the big beetle - a praying mantis and a lobster! !

These are the two corpses from before, and now, they are actually resurrected, and the two living guys have different reactions. The mantis takes off directly and flies towards the top of the mountain, while the lobster is jumping up and down. He fled to the beach, seeming to know that the sea was there.

Flying is still relatively fast, so the mantis returned to the top of the mountain first and landed behind Geer. Although it was stabbed to death by Geer just now, this guy didn't seem to have any complaints and still stayed by Geer's side. , As for the big lobster, Li Yichen had asked Geer to send out a few mantises to catch it back.

After resurrection, it's still the same as before, which means...

Looking at the mantis, Li Yichen asked Geer to control the mantis for a few movements, thinking to himself, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his plan could be implemented, but... he would have to wait until tomorrow.

Although there were two more creatures around him when he was born, the nesting beetle originally only knew how to build nests. Even if it had seen the lobster and mantis, it ignored them and let them leave, while he continued to start his journey. Work - strengthen the seal!

Seeing the big beetle, Geer had some mood swings, but Li Yichen had already told it not to move, so Geer just moved its spider legs a few times, and then calmed down. Li Yichen was also looking at the nesting beetle, because it had just condensed , so this nesting beetle is still as tall as a mountain.

According to Geer, it can now directly control this nesting beetle, and as long as it is successfully controlled, its insect king's nest can be successfully completed. The life energy in this new nesting beetle is enough to build A bug king's nest!

However, Li Yichen still suppressed Geer because he was not sure if he really let Geer subdue the nesting beetle, whether the Beast King's Nest would continue to send animals to strengthen the seal tomorrow, because obviously Geer could It controlled the nesting beetle it finally created, so as long as Geer didn't let go, no matter what it did, it would be completely useless.

Beast King Egg now also has a certain degree of consciousness. Once he discovers this situation, he may not waste his life energy to strengthen the seal, but instead absorb all his life energy and accelerate his incubation process!

In this case, Li Yichen's plan came to nothing, so he didn't let Geer conquer the big beetle. Instead, he watched quietly from the side until the beetle completed its work and strengthened the seal of the insect nest. !

Reinforcing the seal has no impact on Geer, because this seal was made by the Beast King, just to suppress the insect nest so that he can hatch out first, and now Geer has hatched in advance because of Li Yichen's appearance, and has also killed the original The Insect King took over its position, so this seal has no effect on Geer himself!

As for the insect nest?

As long as the Beast King Egg is swallowed, the upper and lower parts of the nest will naturally merge into one, and the seal will of course disappear. However, what Li Yichen and Geer don't know is whether the sand of life will still fall every evening. !

If it is still like that, Nagel will be too comfortable and can use those sands of life to completely complete the insect nest. If not, it will be a bit troublesome!

There is no other place to obtain life energy here. Although there are some fish and shrimps in the sea, for such a huge insect nest, those sea creatures are simply a drop in the bucket and not enough to complete the insect nest. Therefore, when that time comes, Huang Dahu's worries might become a reality!

This is also Li Yichen's concern. He can first let Geer lead the Zerg to target the zombies. This will be helpful to humans, but what happens after the zombies are killed?

Huang Dahu was right. Those who are not from our race must have different intentions. Once the Zerg kills all the zombies, they will have no source of life energy. Then, I am afraid that they will still target humans in the end!

"Forget it! Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Li Yichen felt a headache when he thought about this problem. He didn't know if he could bring Geer back when he completed the trial. If he could, it would be a big help. The other insect nests would definitely be in front of Geer. If you don't even have the courage to fight back, then the crisis in the source world will be resolved.

But if it is true as he thinks, all the Zerg in the future only appeared after the completion of Geer's insect nest, then Na Geer will definitely not be taken away by Li Yichen, otherwise there will be no Zerg in the future.

Moreover, what Li Yichen still can't figure out now is that according to his understanding of himself, since he already knows that the Zerg will be in trouble in future generations and even threaten the existence of mankind, then he will definitely not leave the Zerg behind, but if it kills With Geer out of the way, where did the Zerg come from in later generations?

This kind of thing that already involves time and space makes Li Yichen feel confused. Just like when he was on earth, there was a classic question. If a person traveled back in time and killed his grandfather when he was still a child, what would he still be able to do? Can't be born?

Normally speaking, since he killed his grandfather when he was a child, his father would not have been born, and of course it would be impossible for him to come to the world. But if he was not born, how could he kill himself? grandfather?

There will never be an answer to this question, because at that time, humans were just imagining and had no ability to go back to the past. But now Li Yichen has done it. Based on his experience in this world, he feels that he was a long time ago before the Zerg was really born. that era!

So Li Yichen is a little confused now. Normally, he will definitely kill Geer. It is impossible to leave such a huge hidden danger to mankind. Even if Geer is quite attached to him, he cannot leave such a huge hidden danger to mankind because of himself. Enemy!

But if killing Geer can really prevent the Zerg from appearing again, it would be worthwhile. The problem is that Li Yichen is worried that if he goes back and finds that the Zerg still exists, he will definitely regret it.

Li Yichen had never been so indecisive as he was today, so he simply stopped thinking about it and turned his attention to his plan for tomorrow. Seeing that the nesting beetle had completed its work and completely dissipated, Li Yichen and Kai The child began to prepare food again!

After the lobster was caught, Li Yichen pierced its brain with an arrow, and then put it on a campfire to grill. The crab also suffered the same fate. Kaizi muttered that it would taste better if it was steamed. But the problem was that they didn't have such a big pot, so Kaizi randomly took some claws off the lobsters and crabs, found a new pot and boiled them with water.

After eating and drinking, Li Yichen looked at the beach below, hesitated for a moment, and did not take action. Instead, he chatted and slapped with Kaizi on the top of the mountain. After a while, Kaizi ran back to his tent to sleep because he was hungover. , while Li Yichen sat outside, looking at the endless sea in the distance.

"Unexpectedly, after working on it for a long time, I found out that the reason why Li Fangzhou and the Zerg exist is because of me. Could it be... is this why I traveled to the trial place in the first place?

Is my arrival just to activate Li Fangzhou's organization and allow the Zerg to come to this world smoothly and become the enemy of mankind? "

Li Yichen murmured that he still remembered his surprise when he saw the Zerg at the beginning, and how the Hell Zerg continued to appear in the hell capital later, and even built the Laifling Castle specifically for the Zerg, and Li Yichen later added He first united with the Orcs, and then he worked hard to dismantle the Insect Nest and completely drove the Insects back to the place of trial.

It can be said that among the six trial races, the Zerg and the Undead are the ones that Li Yichen has the most contact with. However, after coming here, the only ones he saw were zombies and Zerg. However, zombies cannot be called immortal yet. clan, after all, they have no wisdom.

But Li Yichen is sure that this place is inextricably connected with the trial place, and maybe this is actually the trial place in the future!

Li Yichen just sat like this, thinking wildly in his mind, and did not move until the evening. At this time, the snow fell again, and he woke up early. Kaizi, who came out to get food, looked at Sha Xue and was a little shocked. He stretched out his hand to catch it. A little sand, and covered his mouth and nose with his other hand to prevent himself from inhaling the sand. He looked at Sha Xue carefully, but he didn't see any difference and couldn't feel the life energy that Li Yichen said, so he simply got in. tent.

Sand and snow are not real snow, but they are more troublesome than real snow, because the sand of life is not real sand. They are very light. When it snows, people's breathing will inhale the sand and snow into their lungs!

Although this sand is the sand of life and will not cause any major harm to the human body, because it contains the violent gene, if you inhale too much, it will make people very irritable and upset.

Of course, Li Yichen was not affected by this. His life energy level was still there, but he just couldn't exert his power. So, Li Yichen sat outside and spent the whole night quietly...

Early the next morning, Li Yichen woke up Kaizi, threw a shovel to him and said:

"Let's go! Go to the beach and dig out Guo Qing!"

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