Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 122 The shadow falls and the gods pass away!

"Now, tell me what happened before. If I hear a lie, a piece of skin will leave your body! If you don't start after five seconds, you will also receive the same punishment."

The lone wolf looked at the man and said softly, while the man looked at the lone wolf in horror. It wasn't until the lone wolf moved his hand with the skinning knife that he suddenly shouted:

"I...I said! I am the father of that little girl, because...ah!"

As soon as he said his first words, Lone Wolf's knife drew a silver arc, quickly circled around his elbow, and then passed over his forearm. Then, with a "tearing" sound, the man's left All the skin on the forearm from the elbow down has disappeared.

Lone Wolf was quite skilled in this skinning technique. The man's skinless forearm didn't bleed much at all, and there were even just some blood drops oozing out from the exposed muscles.

"Say it again. You can continue to tell lies. Anyway, you still have a lot of skin on your body!"

After looking at the torn off arm skin and throwing it aside, Lone Wolf looked at the man again and said.

The man looked at his bare arm and gasped violently. When he found that the lone wolf's eyes had begun to fall on his intact right arm, he finally collapsed and cried loudly:

"I said! Don't hurt me, I said! I...I am not the girl's father, but I know them, we are from the same base, I...I also bullied that woman because her man died! I really only thought of impersonating when I saw a family of three entering. Please spare me! I won’t dare to do it again!”

"Sounds like! You didn't lie this time?"

Lone Wolf looked at the man and asked. The man shook his head quickly and said in a loud voice:

"No, no! I swear, every word I just said is true. I didn't even dare to stop the woman I once bullied, but there was already this little girl at that time, so she really has nothing to do with me. !”

The lone wolf nodded and said nothing, but suddenly his right hand moved, and a silver light lit up, cutting the man's throat. The man's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to say something, but he could no longer make a sound, so he could only Staring at the lone wolf with disbelieving eyes, he seemed to be asking, why should he be killed even if he told the truth?

"You didn't lie, so I didn't continue to torture you. As for killing you, it was because of your previous mistakes. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. I am a law enforcement officer, do you understand?"

Lone Wolf looked into the man's eyes and said calmly. After listening to his words, the man's eyes gradually dimmed, then his head tilted, and he remained silent...

"Damn it! This guy... is so fierce!"

Chang Guchuan, who saw all this, glanced at the piece of skin on the ground, swallowed and said, while Xiaohu looked at the killed man, with a hint of unbearability in his eyes.

"Little Tiger!"

Li Yichen saw the expressions of the two people in his eyes and suddenly shouted. Xiaohu quickly looked at Li Yichen.

"Do you think Lone Wolf, the law enforcement officer, is too harsh? This man just wants to pretend to be someone else's father and enter the passage in advance. He won't die anyway, right?"

Squatting down and looking directly into Xiaohu's eyes, Li Yichen asked softly.


Xiaohu didn't hesitate and nodded vigorously. This man was very annoying, especially when he took advantage of him just now and spoke in the same tone as his father. Xiaohu didn't like it either, but he really felt that such a trivial matter would not kill anyone.

"Chang Guchuan, tell Xiaohu, when he was talking to that man just now, how many people were influenced by them and did not enter the passage in time?"

Li Yichen still stared at Xiaohu and said, while Chang Guchuan on the side immediately said:

"Report to the instructor! Xiaohu and that guy stayed in the middle of the passage for 32 seconds, occupying one-third of the passage. In addition to the delay caused by onlookers and re-clearing, the overall progress was delayed by about one minute."

"heard it?"

Li Yichen looked at Xiaohu quietly:

"If we block the tide of corpses hard enough and they enter quickly enough, then this minute may not be a big deal, but if the tide of zombies arrives before everyone enters the passage, then they will not be able to enter the passage because of this minute. , the people who died in the tide of corpses were equivalent to being killed by that man, and you were also responsible for it!"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Xiaohu's face became stunned, and then he looked at the survivors who were entering the passage.

"In the city where I came from, there was a saying that time is life, and wasting other people's time is equivalent to killing people. I think it is just appropriate to use it here. To judge the size of a person's mistakes, you can't just look at him. It depends on what he does, but on the possible consequences of what he does!”

Li Yichen stood up, looked at the passage and said:

"Because of his selfishness, he wanted to sneak into the passage in advance and mess around with you. How many people's time was delayed? If the zombie wave really came before then, why did those people behind lose their lives because of him? "

"There is a saying you'd better remember, kindness does not control the army! You two are the leaders of the legion, and your style determines the style of the legion under your command! An indecisive and compassionate army is not what I want!"

"In front of some people, reasoning will never work. They will always have all kinds of excuses, but as long as you punch them, they will immediately wake up: What you said makes sense, it is indeed the case!"

After looking at Chang Guchuan and Xiaohu who seemed to be enlightened, Li Yichen smiled:

"Do you know why... when Lao Wan applied to go to the Tiger Shark Base, I didn't agree and asked Lone Wolf to go? Because Lao Wan is a good old man. After he goes, he will be surrounded by those people asking questions In order to clear those people’s doubts, he kept explaining, but the more he explained, the more questions he would have.”

"But Lone Wolf is different. He just needs to bring the news. As for whether those people believe it or not? He doesn't care, let alone explain! That's why he came back so soon."

"What I didn't expect was that if I let this guy go, he would be able to bring me so many people..."

Speaking of this, Li Yichen glanced at Lone Wolf strangely. After Lone Wolf killed the man, he left him hanging there and stood watching the group of survivors below...

"Xiaohu! It seems... we will be more ruthless in the future?"

Chang Guchuan looked at Xiaohu and said softly:

"Especially you. My legion is called Redemption. Better yet, yours is called Shadow of Death. Brother Yi probably has his own intentions in choosing this name, right?"

After hearing what Chang Guchuan said, Xiaohu looked at Li Yichen blankly, his eyes gradually brightening, as if he had made some decision.

Chang Guchuan never dreamed at this time that just because of his words, Xiaohu's heart would undergo a huge change. In the end, the shadow of death was built into the terrifying army with the title of "The shadow falls, the gods die!"... …

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