Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 128 Let’s go find mom

While running, the strong man screamed crazily, and the other people suddenly woke up and no longer looked at the monster "affectionately", and swarmed out like swarms of swarms. This terrifying monster, with its weird image, As well as the horrific killing method, it successfully caused extreme fear in everyone's hearts.

They would rather face the endless tide of corpses than stay and face this monster that can turn people into juice and suck only a piece of skin...

After the strong man rushed out of the laboratory, he fell to the ground and began to cry loudly. His hands kept slapping the ground. His cries were full of despair and madness.

What a chicken! I can't get through this life, it's so damn deadly. Every day, I encounter people who either peel off someone's skin, or only leave one skin. Who can bear this? Are you two related?

Other people also rushed up. After coming up, they quickly picked up the obstacles that they had moved away before and piled them towards the main entrance again, shouting continuously:

"Quick! Bet this damn exit!"

"Block it, block it! Don't let it come up!"

"Ah! Damn it! It's catching up! Quick! Quick, quick, quick!"

Looking at these guys, the people around them were confused. What on earth did they encounter down there? To actually make these enhancers become like this? One cried bitterly when he came up, as if he was remembering his childhood, while the others...are they scared out of their minds?

Just as the base leaders were busy blocking the entrance, and everyone else was watching in confusion, a car that had just been thrown down to block the exit followed with a loud bang. Suddenly flying up, high into the sky, and then, the dark red figure appeared in front of everyone...


The strong man who was sitting on the ground crying suddenly jumped up, rushed to the wall like crazy, and then jumped down without stopping, facing the tide of corpses that had already appeared in sight, running madly...

"Quick! Everyone come together! Kill it! Otherwise we will all die!"

A base leader howled. They had forgotten the strategy they had made before to lure this monster up to deal with the zombie tide. Now they just wanted to kill it immediately to erase the shadow in their hearts.

Seeing the monster that appeared and the man's shout, everyone around them drew their weapons and rushed towards the monster. However, this monster with only arms was extremely flexible and much faster than the Licker. .

None of the weapons used to attack it were able to cause harm to it. Instead, those around it were constantly stabbed into their bodies by the straw-like tongues ejected from the monster's mouth.

The strange thing is that no matter where this "straw" is inserted into a person's body, the injured person will stiffen instantly and then fall to the ground. In less than a minute, his body will be completely limp. It seemed that everything had turned into liquid, just like a human-shaped hot water bottle.

When they are shocked, the skin of their bodies will undulate slightly, and people who are close to them can even hear the faint sound of running water, which makes people's hair stand on end.

Soon, the surroundings of the laboratory were filled with such people. One of the enhancers accidentally stepped on a human-shaped hot water bottle while avoiding the attack of the "eight-clawed zombies". As a result, he stepped on it and exploded. The thick liquid splashed out, accompanied by a fishy smell.

Some dark green liquid splashed on the legs of the enhancer who stepped on the corpse. He suddenly let out a scream, jumped forward desperately, trying to keep himself away from the corpse, and then rolled to the ground, using his own His hands desperately grabbed the part stained with liquid.

But as soon as his hand touched the wound on his leg, he suddenly retracted it and kept waving his hands. Everyone saw that his hands were gradually turning black and rotting, and they were rapidly spreading to his whole body... …

Soon, the enhancer stopped howling miserably and remained motionless. Even his face had turned black and his muscles atrophied, looking like a mummy from a thousand years ago...

This weird situation made the people who besieged the monster even more frightened. However, because the monster was too fast, they knew that running was useless, not to mention the terrifying tide of corpses outside, so they could only keep a look on their faces. The despair continues this hopeless battle...

Finally, because one of the Enhancers was completely desperate, he simply stopped dodging the monster's straw-like tongue that was stabbing him. Instead, he decided to die together and slashed at the monster's head with a knife.

The monster actually didn't dodge, as if it hadn't seen the knife, and continued to pounce on the enhancer. So, in the eyes of everyone's ecstasy, the thick-backed machete hit the monster's head hard. superior……


In the sound of gold and iron, the machete flew high. There was only a scratch on the monster's head, and black blood oozed out, but its skull was actually safe?


The monster jumped on the strengthener, and with a look of horror and despair on his face, it pierced his tongue between his eyebrows. Then, a gurgling sound sounded, and the scar on its head actually appeared in front of everyone's gaze. Healed quickly and was as good as before in the blink of an eye...

A base leader stared blankly at all this, then slowly turned his head and looked in the direction where Lone Wolf and the others had left. When he saw the rolling tide of corpses, he suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a scream. Howl, the voice full of regret and despair.


Hearing his howl, a childish shout suddenly came from the distance. He turned around and saw a child jumping and waving to him on the second floor of the inner city.

Looking back, he found that the monster was fighting with the people on his right again, and only a complete human skin was left in the original position...

The leader suddenly took a deep breath, and then rushed towards his child. He jumped on the roof of the building, leaned on the ground with a knife, knelt on one knee in front of his son, and reached out to touch his hair and face.

"Dad! You just...screamed like that again. That's what you screamed like when mom was sleeping that time!"

The little boy looked at his father and said timidly, with tears still rolling in his eyes, but he tried hard not to let them flow down!

"Really? Don't worry! Dad will never yell like that again!"

The leader gently touched his son's face, his eyes suddenly blurred:

"Son! Dad... I'm sorry for you. Dad... made a wrong decision today. Maybe... he can't fulfill his promise to your mother, so... dad is going to admit his mistake to mom. You go with dad and help dad. Can I please beg for mercy?”

"Really? Are we going to find mom?"

The little boy looked surprised, with tears on his face, but he had already started to cheer!

"Well! Let's go find mom now. From now on, we will never be separated again. Besides, mom's place... there are no zombies!"

"Really? Where is mom?"

The little boy shouted happily.

"It's right over there! Look, mom is still smiling at you!"

The leader smiled sadly and pointed behind the little boy. The little boy immediately turned around and looked up, but what he saw was only a dark and low sky...


Looking at his son's thin body, the leader knelt on the ground and let out his last questioning cry in this world. Then, the sword flashed and the head with angry eyes rose into the sky...

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