"When we left the base, the people in those cars were all those chosen by Huang Jinfu, the guys who had been helping him fan the flames. Everyone else was on foot!"

Chang Guchuan said:

"Details determine character. If he is the boss, he will choose women, children and people with weak constitutions to get on the bus. Although this is a bit womanly and not suitable for this apocalypse, but... following such a boss, at least you don't have to worry about yourself. Abandoned or sold!”

"Hahahaha!" Li Yichen laughed, looked back at Wan Shan and others and said:

"Look! The people in your base are all brainless!"

Wan Shan and others had a dark line. They swore that they never wanted to hear any talk about the brain again in their lives...

"Okay! Now that I'm back, I welcome you. Believe me, you will feel happy and proud of today's choice in the future. This may be the most correct thing you have done in your life!"

Li Yichen patted Chang Guchuan on the shoulder:

"Hurry up and follow Boss Wan's command, I'm going out!"

"Where are you going?"

Chang Guchuan was stunned and looked at Li Yichen.

"I have something to do when I go out!"

Li Yichen said.

"Can I...can you come with me?"

Chang Guchuan asked immediately without hesitation. Li Yichen couldn't help but look at Chang Guchuan and found that there was no doubt in his eyes, but rather curiosity and expectation.

"Okay! But you have to obey my command and run forward. If you think you can keep up, then come!"

Li Yichen nodded and ran out first. Chang Guchuan nodded to those who came back with him and followed closely.

"Okay! Now, we need two hundred people to go out and destroy the zombie tide. Anyone who thinks they are smart, obedient, and not afraid of death should come and gather here!"

Watching the two people leave, Wan Shan suddenly smiled at their backs, and then shouted loudly to the people who stayed behind, while other people who needed to stay to set up defenses also began to get busy...

"Wait for me here, don't follow me, there is my secret base ahead!"

After leading Chang Guchuan all the way to the hill near Wanshan Base, Li Yichen stopped and whispered to Chang Guchuan. Chang Guchuan nodded, looking very excited.

Li Yichen looked at him strangely, and then entered the mountains. After a while, a brand new bus drove out of the hills.

"This...this is..."

Chang Guchuan was stunned. He was a combatant at Wanshan Base and often went out to search. He had been to this small hill several times. Don't you think there is a place to hide such a large car?

"Why are you dazed? Drive the car back! There's another one inside, I'll drive it out! You go first, don't wait for me!"

Li Yichen opened the car door, got out of the car and ran into the hill again.

Chang Guchuan got into the car with a confused look on his face. He found that this was actually a new car? When did a car factory get built in the apocalypse?

On the way to the base while driving the bus, Chang Guchuan found that Li Yichen was catching up with him again in a bus, and his eyes couldn't help but look excited again...

"Where did this... come from?"

When Li Yichen and others returned to Wanshan base, Wanshan and others looked at the new car that Li Yichen and Chang Guchuan drove back, and asked with a strange expression.

"My inventory! Otherwise, can I let those white-eyed wolves drive away all the cars in the base? We are going to build a new base, and everything must be new!"

Li Yichen smiled and said:

"It's almost time. When Xiaomao and the others saw the corpse tide just now, they were less than ten kilometers away from Wucheng. In more than an hour, the zombie tide should arrive at Wucheng. Everyone has made their choices, right? Let's go! Take a seat. These two cars!”

Li Yichen said, then ran to his off-road vehicle, jumped on it and drove off, sticking his head out and shouting to Wan Shan:

"Hurry up and bring someone here. I'll go to Wucheng and wait for you first!"

Wan Shan waved to Li Yichen, then turned back to Er Mao and others:

"Hurry up and organize people to get on the bus!"

After leaving Wanshan Base, Li Yichen rushed to Wucheng at full speed. Since the plan had changed and he no longer had to fight alone, some changes needed to be made in some places. It would not be so convenient if other people were here.

When Wan Shan and others arrived at Wucheng, Li Yichen had completed what he wanted to do. It was already dark, and no celestial bodies could be seen in the gloomy sky.

"Park farther away, to my car!

When everyone got out of the car, Li Yichen pointed to the off-road lane parked in the distance with the lights on:

"Then turn off your car and turn off the lights. That's where we will gather after the battle! Remember it all, just look at the lights of my car!"

"This...is Wucheng?"

Looking at the empty Wucheng with nothing, Wan Shan and others looked shocked.

"I'll explain to you after it's over. Now everyone gather and listen to my orders!"

Li Yichen didn't answer and shouted loudly.

More than 200 people got off the bus. To Li Yichen's surprise, Chang Guchuan actually followed and stood in the first row of the queue.

"Are you here too? We will soon face a tide of more than 20,000 corpses. We may die. Aren't you afraid?"

Li Yichen came to Chang Guchuan and asked.

"Afraid! I'm very afraid of death, but... if you don't have to be afraid, you won't die, so it's useless. Besides, I've never seen such a huge tide of corpses. It's good to come here and learn more!"

Chang Guchuan replied loudly.

"Haha! Using more than 20,000 terrifying corpses to educate yourself, you are really weird!"

Li Yichen laughed and then said:

"But at least what he said is right. I'm afraid it's useless. You will still die when you die. In this operation of ours, I am almost certain that one of us will die. It may be this guy, it may be me. , or it could be any of you!”

"But since you are here, you are probably mentally prepared, so I will not comfort you. Some people say that I am not good at this. I can only tell you that everyone must obey my orders in a while, even if I let you You drive into the corpse tide, and you must do the same, otherwise, my arrow will directly penetrate his head, do you understand?"


Everyone, including Wan Shan and Er Mao, answered in unison!

"Very good! Then...let's begin!"

Li Yichen turned around, climbed up to a thirty-meter high platform standing on the edge of Wucheng, and lit a fire on the high platform. A line of fire quickly descended along the high platform, entered Wucheng, and quickly split and spread. In less than two minutes, the entire Wucheng was lit up and turned into a burning city...

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