Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 165 Another misunderstanding?

Hearing Lin Yichen's name, Li Yichen finally understood why Lin Yichen had that expression after he said his name, because the two names were almost the same!

However, Li Yichen did not dwell on this, but asked another question:

“Isn’t the Kingdom of Heaven with us?

"Well! I can only tell you for the time being, if according to Li Fangzhou, they belong to... the polluter camp, they are polluted humans! It is their shepherd dog. As for more details, before getting father's permission , I need to keep it a secret!”

Lin Yichen said.


Li Yichen took a breath of air.

"Yes! If Li Fangzhou is not a liar and polluters do exist."

Lin Yichen nodded, and then continued:

"That's why I'm warning you, hide your pendant. If it's not me who saw it just now, you will be caught immediately and sent to the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven as quickly as possible. When you get there, you will Under all kinds of 'preferential treatment', I told you all your secrets."


Li Yichen nodded:

"The headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven is not in the Yabei Continent, right?"

"Of course not. How come the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven is in a place like the Yabei Continent?"

Lin Yichen shook his head, then looked at Li Yichen:

"Remember, the current strength of the Kingdom of Heaven is definitely not something you can shake. Although you killed two of us before... Oh! It's a messenger, but you have to know that no matter whether it's a demon fox, a mad dog or an iron wolf, No matter what, they are just pawns of the Kingdom of Heaven, not even a formal member!"

"Evolutionaries...are not even considered official members?"

Li Yichen was shocked.


Lin Yichen nodded:

"Only the truly awakened evolvers can be considered as stepping into the threshold of new humanity, and new humanity is the minimum standard for becoming a formal member of the Kingdom of Heaven! What I need to remind you is... any new humanity has to deal with a mad dog. It’s like an adult dealing with a three-year-old child!”

"Are you...also a new human?"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Yichen.

"Do you want to try it?"

Lin Yichen looked at Li Yichen teasingly.

"Forget it! Maybe it's better to find another way!"

After looking at Lin Yichen for a while, Li Yichen muttered a little dejectedly, but secretly decided in his heart that once the matter here was over, he would immediately find a way to break through to the Evolver, so that he could superimpose his own attributes and fight against Heaven. The more the Kingdom of God knew, the greater the pressure he felt.

Especially after knowing that Li Fangzhou was indeed a real person and that the polluter might really exist, Li Yichen felt that he seemed to be covered by an endless net!

"Damn it! No matter what happens, I will make a huge hole in this net!"

Li Yichen cursed secretly in his heart, but Li Fangzhou's heroic voice sounded in his mind: What mankind will finally usher in will be a glorious victory!

After the conversation with Ariel Ariel was over, the two returned to their seats again, and then Ariel Ariel shouted:

"come in!"

The white-haired old man and Han Buqu walked in. When they saw the dented tabletop in front of Lin Yichen because Lin Yichen had written something and then erased it, they couldn't help but look at Li Yichen with strange expressions. There was also a look of admiration, obviously regarding it as their "battlefield" just now.

Li Yichen immediately understood the meaning of their eyes, and couldn't help but have a black line, but he couldn't explain it, so he had to pretend to be stupid. Although Lin Yichen thought the two of them were a little weird, he didn't think that way at all, so he continued to be cold to the end.

"Bald Eagle! Assemble the team immediately. Let's go and completely eliminate that group of corpses. That kind of creature must not be allowed to become perfect!"

After the two came in, Lin Yichen did not speak immediately and said:

"Remember! All the evolved ones are going. As for the enhanced ones... take two hundred with you."


The white-haired old man, the bald eagle, lowered his head and agreed, then looked at Lin Yichen and asked carefully:

"Should you... inform the higher ups about this first?"


Lin Yichen immediately shook his head:

"Remote communication cannot be used for this kind of thing. Once it is leaked, it will cause an uproar. Those forces that have long disliked us will definitely take the opportunity to attack us! After this group of corpses is eliminated and this hidden danger is resolved, I I will go back and report this matter personally!”

"Yes! Lord Inspector!"

After hearing Lin Yichen's words, the bald eagle finally felt relieved, so he immediately went out to gather the team, while Han Buqu was a little stunned. What the hell... two hundred strengtheners in one mouth? Do you wholesale this stuff?

"By the way... is that zombie's body useful to you?"

After the bald eagle went out, Li Yichen suddenly asked.


Ariel Lin raised her head and looked at Li Yichen.

"I need the corpses of zombies, especially high-level ones. I can be of great use!"

Li Yichen nodded with a solemn expression.

"Okay! But I have to bring it back first, otherwise I won't be able to do the mission report!"

Lin Yichen didn't hesitate for long and nodded directly.


Of course Li Yichen agreed, as long as the body is given to him, as for you bringing it back first, of course there is no problem!

The bald eagle gathered the team very quickly. In less than ten minutes, he came in to report to Lin Yichen:

"Master Inspector, the team has been assembled! Waiting outside!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Lin Yichen stood up and looked at Li Yichen:

"You lead the way!"

When he saw the team that Lin Yichen was about to lead out, even Li Yichen couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Two hundred strengtheners are nothing? The thirty-two guys standing at the front are the most dangerous, right?

Evolver! Thirty-two! !

When Li Yichen thought about how much effort he had put into killing that sissy, he knew how powerful these thirty-two guys were.

But then I thought about it, these thirty-two guys are at least my "friends" for now, and because of the misunderstood "secret conversation" with Lin Yichen just now, I'm afraid they won't become enemies at least in the short term, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being. They take it to heart.

As for the future?

Li Yichen, who has a garbage system, is absolutely confident that when he sees these people in the future, he will treat them as garbage!

Because they had to carry the corpses of the zombies back, the team also drove five large trucks and left the base in a mighty manner. Li Yichen left his motorcycle at the base and sat on the off-road vehicle driven by Lin Yichen. .

Originally, the bald eagle should be the driver of this car, but when he saw Lin Yichen sitting in the cab and Li Yichen also got in the car, he couldn't help but look at Han Buqu. Understanding appeared in the eyes of the two idiots at the same time, and then they ran away with a tacit understanding. To a car behind...

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