"Old Hei! What should I do?"

One of the people in the team shouted while looking at the approaching zombies behind him, and at the same time turned to look at the open space next to him!

"Zhang Laosan! Don't even think about it!"

When Lao Hei saw him looking to the side, he shouted angrily:

"So many brothers are watching. If you dare to run away, I will be the first to chop you!"

Then, Lao Hei looked at the zombies in front of him, turned the accelerator twice, and shouted loudly:

"Follow me, we'll kill these idiots!"

Before he finished speaking, more than a dozen feather arrows flew towards them and fell into the zombies blocking them in front of them. Several zombies were directly shot in the head, while other arrows only hit the zombie's body - it was the high platform. The reserve team A on board saw the situation here and initiated remote support.

"Hahahaha! Brothers, the reserve team is helping us clear the way, rush over with me!"

Lao Hei laughed loudly, then hit the accelerator and rushed forward, followed by the other four people who were also shouting.

But at this moment, a licker suddenly emerged from the group of corpses in front of them. At this time, another wave of arrows arrived, and three arrows landed on the licker's back.

The licker could feel pain. After being hit by three arrows, he immediately looked up to the sky and roared. However, he couldn't tell who was attacking him, so Lao Hei and the others in front became his targets.

"Don't worry about anything! Keep rushing! Leave this bastard to me!"

Lao Hei glared angrily at the Licker who was rushing towards him, turned the throttle of the motorcycle to the end, and rushed forward resolutely...


Lao Hei and the licker approached quickly. When they were only a few meters away, Lao Hei suddenly let go of the motorcycle, jumped up from the car, and flew towards the licker, roaring:

"Come on, bastard!"

The licker also jumped up at the same time, and the tongue in his mouth was the first to flick towards Lao Hei...


The bodies of Lao Hei and the licker collided directly in the air, and then landed together. After rolling twice, Lao Hei managed to stand up, with the licker's tongue wrapped around his right arm, and his left arm firmly clasped On the back of the licker, he shouted to the other side of the high platform:

"Quick! Kill him!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an arrow flew from another direction and directly penetrated the head of the licker controlled by Lao Hei. It was Li Yichen.

He was chasing this licker. While Lao Hei was hedging against him, Li Yichen had just killed another licker.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Lao Hei looked at the licker whose head was resting on his shoulder, and laughed loudly. Then he let go of his hand, and the body of the licker slowly slid down. Lao Hei grabbed the licker's tongue and touched it. Li Yichen shouted:

"Go on! And me!"

Lao Hei was injured. There was a fist-sized wound on the left side of his neck, and blood was pouring out from the wound.

"Old Hei!"

The other four people did not rush out at this time. They stopped not far from Lao Hei and looked at Lao Hei silently. Zhang Laosan, who had just been scolded by Lao Hei, couldn't help but scream.

"Shout to Mao Yao! Get out of here!"

Lao Hei cursed at them, and then looked at Li Yichen again:

"Hurry up! Why are you wasting your time? Isn't it fun to watch you do something? Why have you become such a girl all of a sudden?"

Li Yichen finally raised the bow in his hand. Lao Hei's injury was on his neck. The artery should have been severed. Even if there was no infection, he would be dead.


An arrow pierced Lao Hei's eyebrows, and his body froze instantly. Then he shook twice and slowly knelt on the ground. Then, he fell next to the licker's body. His right hand was still dead. Holding the licker's tongue...

After sending Lao Hei away, Li Yichen did not pause, and drew his right hand behind his back again. An arrow was nocked on the bow and left the string. His goal this time was to rush into the corpse because Lao Hei jumped up. The motorcycle in the group.


The motorcycle that fell to the ground exploded instantly, scattering the surrounding zombies into pieces. Li Yichen shouted loudly at the four people:

"Let's go! Why are you lingering? Don't be such a bitch!"

The four of them glanced at Lao Hei, but no one said anything. They gritted their teeth and rushed out of the flames caused by the explosion on their motorcycles...

Lao Hei was the first to fall, but everyone knew that he would not be the last, because... less than half of the corpse wave has entered Wucheng now.

Er Mao was not close to Lao Hei, so he didn't know about Lao Hei's death, but he knew something must have happened because he heard the explosion and saw the bright light produced by the explosion. They did not have thermal weapons that could make such a sound. Only their motorcycles.

"Hurry up, you're going to be stopped!"

Er Mao turned around and yelled at a group of five people next to him. They should meet at the intersection ahead, but they were now nearly a hundred meters ahead of that group.

"Brother Mao! Just keep going, or we'll rush out! Don't wait for us, you're about to be caught up!"

Someone in the group shouted loudly and waved to Er Mao.

"Fart! Are you out of your mind? The zombies can't keep up if they can't keep up. Why are you waiting for them? Just throw two inducers along the way!"

Er Mao yelled, and after the team over there heard it, they looked at the group of corpses behind them and immediately reacted, yes! Why are we waiting here for them? As long as they follow the road, it doesn't matter how far away we are?

As a result, this method quickly spread, and fewer and fewer groups were blocked. However, sometimes zombies still appeared occasionally because of the flames blocking the way and attention being focused on the group of corpses behind. blocking the road situation.

There was no discussion or prior agreement. Every time we encountered this situation, one person would volunteer to stand up and be the first to drive towards the group of corpses to clear the way for those behind him.

"Fuck! I'm blocked again!"

When a group was heading to the next intersection, they found that a group of zombies had gathered in front of them. One person couldn't help but cursed that they had encountered this kind of thing once before, so their group also lost one person.

However, this kind of thing can easily form a chain, because if you are delayed at this intersection, you may be late at the next intersection.

"It's my turn!"

A young man in his twenties drove to the front and smiled at his teammates:

"Remember, you must kill these sons of bitches, or you will see how I torture you when you come down!"

"Bottle! I'll go with you!"

The person who spoke before brought his car up alongside the young man:

"There are too many zombies, you can't get rid of them alone!"

"Knife! Just wait until next time! I am enough this time! Don't worry! I will definitely be able to find a way. After all, these are just zombies. Do they know how to use a motorcycle?"

The young man waved his hand and stared at the zombies in front of him, with a crazy smile on his face. Then he turned the accelerator and rushed towards the zombies in front...

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