After seeming to understand, Chang Guchuan nodded vigorously to Li Yichen, turned around and came to Lone Wolf, and bowed to him:

"I'm sorry! I misunderstood you!"

"No need! I don't care about other people's opinions!"

Lone Wolf shook his head gently:

"As for what you just said, I think I will remember it when you make a mistake in the future..."

"Pfft hahaha!"

Hearing Lone Wolf's words, Xiao Mao laughed and looked at Chang Guchuan whose face suddenly became stiff with pity.

"Okay! Stop making trouble!"

Looking at these three guys, Li Yichen smiled, waved and said, then looked at Xiaomao:

"Xiao Mao! If you use the injection I gave you last time, will it be beneficial to you?"


Xiao Mao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Li Yichen didn't say much. He waved his hand and flew a Ji Zhi injection toward Xiao Mao. This was provided by the Zhi Nao he killed at the Tiger Shark Base.

"Thank you, Brother Yi! This is of great use to me!"

Xiaomao took the injection and said excitedly.

"Xiao Mao! Are you sure this thing is only good for you?"

Li Yichen asked worriedly.


Xiaomao nodded vigorously:

"Brother Yi! I'm sure that I... am no longer a human being. I can fully withstand this kind of injection. It will only make my life form more perfect and there should be no side effects."


Li Yichen hesitated for a moment, then said:

"That's it! You go back now and use this injection immediately. When you use it, let Lone Wolf and Chang Guchuan be on guard next to you."


Xiao Mao nodded. He knew what Li Yichen meant, so he didn't refuse.

"That's right! You go back and tell Wan Shan that if you come to this lake to fish in the future, you must stay near the lake, be sure not to enter the water, and there must be experts on guard!"

Li Yichen looked back at the big lake behind him and said:

"Or you can dig a small artificial lake directly next to it, divert the lake water, and use it as a breeding farm. Remember not to enter this lake, let alone the island in the middle of the lake!"

"I understand! Don't worry!"

The three of them looked at Li Yichen's serious expression and nodded in agreement.

"There is nothing else to do. You can go back! I will leave the base for a while. Before I come back, guard the base and try to clear the Valley of the Dead as much as possible!"

Li Yichen looked at the three of them and waved. The three nodded again, saluted Li Yichen together, then turned and left...

Looking at the backs of the three of them, Li Yichen stood for a long time before gently raising his arm and waving to them, then turned and left. His next goal is to break through the evolutionaries and become the new human being mentioned by Lin Yichen!

According to Ariel Ariel's words on the tablet, if you want to become a new human being, you need to reach the upper limit of your main attributes. Then you will realize during the battle that his three major attributes have already reached the upper limit, and after reaching the upper limit, he has experienced it many times. There was no sense of breakthrough in any of the battles. Now that I think about it, those battles probably didn't make me feel a sense of crisis.

According to Li Yichen's understanding, the key to this breakthrough should be like the masters described in those martial arts novels. Only when people are at a critical moment of life and death can they suddenly have an epiphany and make a breakthrough.

Originally, Li Yichen actually planned to take a look at the bottom of the lake, because from Li Fangzhou's words, it seemed that there was something at the bottom of the lake, and it was quite dangerous. If he went down, he might be able to find an opportunity for a breakthrough.

But just now Li Yichen stood by the lake for a while, and suddenly he had a strange feeling in his heart, that is... if he went down, he might never be able to come back up.

It's okay to find a breakthrough under pressure, but if you know that you will die if you continue, then you don't want to break through, but break the jar. Li Yichen feels that his jar is in good condition at least for now. He has no intention of breaking it now, so what? I insisted on it for a few thousand more chapters, so I changed my mind.

"Quick! This way, this way! They're climbing up, squeeze them down!"

"There are people coming from the east gate. We can't hold it any longer! They're about to be breached!"

"Fuck! Where is there anyone? Even the hadrons have turned into zombies and are joining them! Stop guarding the city wall and close the defense line!"

"Pull up the wool! Without the city wall, gather together and let them have a buffet dinner? Everyone who can still breathe should go to the city wall. Go wherever there are few people. If the zombies rush in, no one can escape! Fight with them !”

"No! It's too much, I can't bear it anymore! Lao Huang, I'm going first..."

"Have a baby! Just hold on! Maybe someone will come to save us soon!"

"The zombie wave breaks out, and every base has no time to take care of itself. Who will come to save us? Moreover, looking at the attack methods of these zombies, we know that there are ghost eyes in this zombie wave!!"

"Hey! Forget it, it doesn't matter if you die, you won't have to worry so much. If I am reincarnated into this world in the next life, just let me be reincarnated as a zombie. At least I won't have to live in such a miserable state..."

On a dark night, a survival base with about five to six thousand people was attacked by zombies. The area illuminated by the torches on the city wall was filled with an endless tide of corpses.

The survivors standing on the city wall tried their best to kill and block them. From time to time, exhausted survivors were pulled off the city wall by zombies and torn into pieces in the miserable howls. In the light of the fire, the pale and desperate faces of human beings , looks so similar to the ferocious and terrifying face of the zombie.

"I won't play anymore!"

A young man in his twenties looked at the few companions around him and then at the endless tide of corpses under the wall. He suddenly discarded the curled steel knife in his hand and took a deep breath. , stretched out his arms, jumped up, and rushed towards the tide of corpses below...

"Xiao Gu!"

The man next to him was shocked. He stretched out his hand to grab it but failed to catch it. He could only watch helplessly as Xiaogu fell into the group of corpses.

Seeing the faces of the zombies getting closer and closer to him, a crazy smile appeared on Xiaogu's face, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a "swish" sound coming from his ears, and he quickly looked up …

Countless feather arrows broke through the dark night, like fangs from the abyss, falling into the raging tide of corpses in the light of the torch, and Xiaogu found that he was actually within the scope of this arrow rain.

"Phew! That's great! If you get shot to death... you don't have to turn into a zombie and die again!"

Seeing this situation, the crazy smile on Xiaogu's face suddenly calmed down. He closed his eyes and stretched his arms as much as possible, imagining that he was an angel with a pair of invisible wings! I am about to use it to fly over despair and fly to heaven...

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