Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 181 Development towards miniaturization

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen naturally took action immediately. Although the lickers were guarding the tyrant, the current lickers no longer posed a threat to Li Yichen.

The scary thing about the Licker lies in its speed, and the fact that it will quickly turn into a zombie if it is even slightly injured. Therefore, other people face great psychological pressure when facing the Licker.

Li Yichen is not afraid of the zombie virus, and he is faster than the Licker. Therefore, when the Licker encounters him, it is a one-sided massacre. Even if Li Yichen is caught a few times, he does not care at all—— The scars on his body have already been countless, and he doesn't care about a few more.

Quickly breaking into the group of corpses, in less than five minutes, nearly a hundred Lickers and the Tyrant became materials in Li Yichen's garbage recycling system. Seeing how ferocious Li Yichen was, coupled with the loss of the threat of high-level zombies, the remaining The survivors all broke out and managed to hold on.

After Li Yichen cooperated with them to kill all the zombies, there were only about 800 survivors in this base. After Li Yichen appeared, they still lost some people - there was nothing Li Yichen could do, he was incapable of killing them. All were placed under their own protection.

Because Li Yichen went all the way here after leaving the Dead Army Valley, there should not be a wave of corpses on the road between this base and the Dead Army Valley in a short time, so Li Yichen pointed them to the capital of hell. base road.

Looking at the dilapidated base and the few remaining companions, the leader of the base directly chose to set off for the capital of hell.

After sending these guys away, Li Yichen swept away all the recyclables in the base, and then embarked on a journey to continue searching for the corpses again.

Because there had been a large attrition of survivors after he arrived, Li Yichen felt that he should develop a set of skills that could quickly kill ordinary zombies.

After two or three days of hard training, Li Yichen accidentally awakened his first active skill - the rain of arrows he fired when he appeared before.

In the past, Li Yichen's arrow skills were very accurate and very fast, but no matter how fast he was, the arrows would be shot out one after another. But now with his newly awakened skill, he can shoot hundreds of feathers at the same time. arrows and still maintain a certain accuracy.

However, this skill consumes a lot of physical strength and arrows, but for Li Yichen, who has full endurance and a system, this is not a problem.

After trying his new skills several times, Li Yichen finally became familiar with his new skills. He didn't know why he could fire hundreds of arrows at the same time. Could this be a superpower? It's a pity that Ariel Ariel is not here, otherwise she might be able to get some answers by letting her take a look.

This skill was named Hell Fangs by Li Yichen. Perhaps because of the dispersion of power, the strength of these arrows is not very strong. It is just fine against ordinary zombies and lickers. As for the tyrant, it may not even be able to break their skin.

However, Li Yichen developed this skill to quickly rescue survivors when they were surrounded by corpses. This skill just met his needs, so he embarked on the journey again.

The killed tyrant was already the fourth tyrant that Li Yichen had killed that could control the corpses, and Li Yichen discovered that this tyrant seemed to be stronger than the first three.

Although he was also killed instantly, with the help of eagle eyes, Li Yichen saw the performance of the previous tyrant. The expressions on the faces and eyes of the first three tyrants he killed were not so humane.

This discovery is undoubtedly not good news for mankind. Li Yichen agrees very much with what the leader of the base said - if there are more zombies like this, the entire human race will soon become extinct!

While Li Yichen was studying this tyrant, the out-of-control zombies had swarmed up again. Now that there were no high-level zombies to restrain them, Lin Li and the others were naturally able to step aside to help others resist the zombies. After Li Yichen's research failed, Also joined the fight.

In about half an hour, all the zombies on the scene were finally cleared away. When the people in the base were cheering desperately and celebrating their own survival, Lin Li came to Li Yichen with several enhancers under his command.

"Thank you! Brother! If it weren't for you, our base would be finished today! There wouldn't be any of us left!"

Lin Li looked at Li Yichen and said, and stretched out his right hand:

"My name is Lin Li, and I am the leader of this base!"

"Li Yichen!"

Li Yichen also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Lin Li. Lin Li was about thirty years old, with a crew cut and very small eyes. In proportion, they might not be as big as a mouse's eyes, but they looked quite bright.

"Is it convenient to meet your friends? I want to thank them. There is still some food in the base. Maybe we can..."

After looking around, Lin Li asked again. He had faced high-level zombies before, so Li Yichen directly used the rush tactic, so Lin Li did not see Li Yichen's Hell Fang skill.

However, in the battle just now, other people had told Lin Li what had happened before, and also told him that there was a large group of people outside the zombies, surrounding the zombies.

But until the battle was over and all the zombies were killed, Lin Li never saw any stranger except Li Yichen. At this time, he finally asked.

"my friend?"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head:

"None of my friends are here. I am the only one who comes here!"

"Just you?"

Lin Li's eyes instantly widened as big as a soybean, and he asked in surprise. Then he looked at [Biquge520 www.biquge520.xyz] at the arrows all over the ground, and then at Li Yichen:

"Did you cum all this? So much?"

Hearing Lin Li's words, Li Yichen's head turned dark. For a man to ask himself such a question, it was simply...

"Leader Lin Li! I believe you have also seen that the zombies have begun to evolve. Not only Guitong, but also the tyrant can control the zombies."

Li Yichen quickly changed the topic, pointed at the body of the tyrant on the ground and said:

"And I feel that now the zombie hordes have begun to become smaller. Along the way, I have never seen more than 10,000 corpses!"

"You mean...this guy is really a tyrant?"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Lin Li couldn't help being surprised, looking at the tyrant's body on the ground and asked...

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