Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 189 Seems to be dying

Under the orders of the telescope, the snipers began to continuously kill the high-level zombies near Li Yichen. These guys' marksmanship was very accurate, and they specifically targeted the flesh-wing lickers, because these guys caused them damage when they attacked the city. They are the most troublesome. Reducing the number of these flying zombies now will also be helpful for their subsequent city defense battles.

The gunshots kept ringing out. Even though Li Yichen was nearly a kilometer away from the snipers, he could still hear them clearly. Although he also felt that those guys were helping him, he was still a little frightened. Who else suddenly shot Just slide and direct the bullet to him.

Because he was among the corpses, Li Yichen had no chance to stop and breathe. He had to keep wandering and killing, and he didn't even have time to stop and release the teeth of hell.

With the help of those guys, the threats in the air are much less, but now those tyrants have surrounded them again, and a few will appear in front of Li Yichen from time to time. If Li Yichen hadn't been moving towards Fengcheng, he might have been killed long ago. They surrounded again.

"Lao Yan! What's going on?"

A majestic-looking man in his forties with a Chinese character came to the top floor, looked at the telescope and asked.

This man is Li Qingfeng, the leader of Fengcheng Base. He is an evolver and has a metal body. Therefore, he is not afraid of the bites of zombies. He just led people below to resist the zombie tide.

At this time, he found that the gunshots above suddenly became intensive, and he did not find any high-level zombies under the city wall. In addition, seeing the attack of the zombie wave slow down, it would be a while before any accident happened, so he ran up to check what was going on. .


Lao Yan was the one holding the telescope. He handed the telescope to Li Qingfeng and pointed at the location of Li Yichen:

"There was a silly boy who wanted to rush in to help us, but he got caught in the zombie wave. His body had been scratched and bitten by zombies with many wounds. He probably wouldn't last long. I asked Xiaojin and the others to use sniper rifles to provide remote support. At any rate, it was a thank you. Give him a break!"

Li Qingfeng took the telescope and looked at Li Yichen, who was slaughtering a lot of corpses, and frowned:

"Did he rush in from the outermost perimeter?"

"Yes! It has been a while, and now he is still approaching us! But I don't think he can reach the city wall."

Lao Yan nodded.

"I'll go pick him up. Ask Xiaojin and the others to cover me. If they see any high-level zombies approaching me, they'll kill them!"

Li Qingfeng returned the telescope to Lao Yan and said.


Lao Yan was shocked:

"My ancestor! You can't go! There are so many tyrants over there. It's useless for you to go there, and that guy is already infected. What will happen if he is rescued? How long do you think he can live?"

"There are a lot of tyrants, but I'm here to save people, not kill zombies. Just be careful and don't get close to them, and you'll be fine."

Li Qingfeng took a breath, looked in Li Yichen's direction and said:

"And if you take a closer look, there are so many wounds on this little guy. If he had mutated, he should have mutated long ago! So I think... he shouldn't be afraid of zombie virus infection!"


Lao Yan was stunned for a moment, then picked up the telescope and looked at it, shook his head and said:

"That's too dangerous, I don't agree with you going!"

"You've already said that he is coming in to help us. That's it. I can't stand here and watch him fight alone. And you also know my powers. The only person who can pose a threat to me is the tyrant. I won’t get close to those big guys easily!”

Li Qingfeng said:

"Don't worry! I will confirm it after I get close to him. There are so many people pointing at me in Fengcheng. I will not die easily!"

"Forget it! I can't persuade you to be a stubborn donkey, but are you sure your powers can support you in going there and coming back?"

Lao Yan shook his head helplessly and asked.


Li Qingfeng nodded:

"I didn't use my powers much down there just now, but now I have enough physical strength! And judging from the little guy's movements, he seems to have plenty of physical strength. We can return safely, don't worry, Lao Yan!"

With that said, Li Qingfeng jumped off the building and rushed towards the city wall. He summoned two people at the city wall. After explaining something, he jumped off the city wall alone and rushed towards Li Yichen!

"It's really... painful!"

Lao Yan watched Li Qingfeng rush into the group of corpses, rubbed his forehead and said, then turned to the snipers and said:

"Don't stop providing support. Send a few more people to keep an eye on the boss. All high-level zombies near him will be killed first!"


The snipers agreed, and then half of the snipers adjusted their directions, their muzzles moving continuously with Li Qingfeng...

Li Qingfeng felt that Li Yichen was full of energy, but Li Yichen knew in his heart that his current condition was very bad. Ever since he rushed into the zombie horde, he had been facing a large number of zombies, and due to the dense tide of zombies, no matter where he went, he would always be in trouble. There are zombies all around, and with his constant movement and killing, the physical exertion can be said to be quite high.

It's like running. If you sprint with all your strength from the beginning, no matter how strong you are, you won't be able to last long. This is the case for Li Yichen. He has been fighting at full capacity. Even if his endurance has reached its upper limit, it is still too much for him.

This was the first time Li Yichen felt tired after getting the system. Now he didn't even have the experience to be wary of the sniper rifles in Fengcheng, and put all his experience into the zombie wave around him.

With the consumption of physical strength, the wounds on Li Yichen's body gradually increased. Fortunately, he was more careful and experienced in combat, and avoided all fatal positions. Therefore, apart from the serious blood loss, the impact of those wounds on him was not Too big.


After taking another risk to kill a tyrant, Li Yichen reluctantly moved, but was still caught by a licker on the shoulder. After backhand stabbing it to death with a military thorn, Li Yichen picked up Tianya and cleaned up the ordinary zombies around him.


After just such a delay, Li Yichen heard several Tyrant roars suddenly sounded. He turned around and saw six Tyrants appeared on his right. These six guys surrounded him in a fan shape, and they were the one blocking Fengcheng. direction.

Looking back at the other side, I found that there were also many tyrants surrounding me. Although there was still a distance, as long as I was entangled by those six tyrants and waited for these guys to come up, I would be in big trouble. Maybe I would be there today. Throw it here.

"Damn! I'm an idiot this time! It seems like I'm going to die!"

Feeling that he had little energy left, Li Yichen looked at the six tyrants with some depression and murmured...

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