"If the third road is also captured, then we will have no choice but to fight tooth and nail!"

Li Yichen didn't wait for him to finish speaking before he continued, and then pointed at the three city walls he had just built:

"The first one is the most difficult to defend, but because there are traps connected to the city wall, the area we need to defend will be much smaller. When the zombies attack the first city wall, we need to divide the three waves of people into two groups. Because our defense area has expanded at this time.”

"But again, because the city wall is only five meters wide, there won't be many zombies coming up. Moreover, the defenders in the trap area don't even have to kill the zombies, they can just push them down. This area should be used to deal with tyrants. is the most effective.”

With that said, Li Yichen pointed to the high-rise buildings in the inner city:

"In addition, there will be people with thermal weapons to support us. Silly Big Guy, I and... Lao Yan will also support us on the city wall. If the zombie corpses are piled up too high somewhere, you can call me. Come and collect them.”

After Li Yichen's analysis, the soldiers' eyes lit up. Yes, even if the first city wall was breached, it would not be a big deal. On the contrary, it would be easier for them to defend. No matter how dense the zombies were on the five-meter-wide wall, how many zombies could they squeeze in? Besides, And Li Yichen can take away the zombie corpses used by the zombie tide to step on.

Li Qingfeng laughed even more. Looking at the three stepped walls, he knew that the chance of defending against the zombie tide had greatly increased, but there was still a question in his mind:

"Collecting junk! The person you want with good marksmanship is here, but we don't have any guns anymore. The only dozen sniper rifles are in the hands of those guys above, but they just told me that there are not many bullets. Besides, We still have two rockets, but that one is reserved for the Destroyer and cannot be used easily!"

"Leave this to me! Wait a moment!"

Li Yichen said, running towards the center building where the sniper was, climbed to the top a few times, and then was stunned.

Those snipers were actually looking at Li Yichen with admiration, because they had the clearest view of everything Li Yichen had done since he appeared.

Of course Li Yichen didn't know why, but he didn't ask any more questions and just said to a sniper:

"Give me one of your bullets!"

A sniper pulled out his own magazine, unloaded a bullet and handed it to Li Yichen. Li Yichen directly recovered the bullet into the system, and then immediately exchanged it for 10,000 identical bullets.


A total of ten thousand sniper rifle bullets appeared in front of the snipers instantly, piled up like a hill.

"Use these first and make sure they are accurate. If you don't have any, call me in advance!"

After putting down the bullet, Li Yichen said to the confused snipers. Then he remembered something, looked at them and asked:

"Who shot me before?"


Jin Zi raised his hand timidly, looked at Li Yichen and said:

"I... thought you were dead, so..."


Li Yichen nodded, went over and patted Jin Jin on the shoulder:

"I was thinking the same thing as you! So... you did the right thing, and if it hadn't been for your bullet, I might have really died! Thank you!"

After saying that, Li Yichen turned around and left. After taking two steps, he stopped and looked back at Jin Zi:

"But I need to remind you that if you shoot at me next time, you'd better kill me, otherwise you will be in big trouble!"

"My dear...I'll try my best!"

Jin Jin nodded blankly.

Li Yichen's face twitched twice, and he ignored him. He turned around and reached the highest point on the top floor, looking down at the surrounding buildings.

When he was a hunter in the past, every time he arrived at a new place, he would first conduct a thorough survey of the surrounding area, including the construction conditions and various routes, because in this world, any negligence might lead to death. Your life!

After seeing the conditions of the surrounding buildings, Li Yichen jumped down directly and came to Li Qingfeng:

"How many are good marksmen?"

"There must be more than five hundred people! I brought them all from the Kingdom of Heaven!"

Li Qingfeng replied, only those who came out with him here have the opportunity to touch thermal weapons. How can the survivors of those small bases outside have the opportunity to touch guns?

"Heaven Kingdom? I have read the information about Paradise Kingdom. Didn't it say that Paradise Kingdom mainly conducts biological research and lacks thermal weapons? Why are there so many good marksmen?"

Li Yichen was stunned when he heard Li Qingfeng's words.

"Ha! Where did you get the information?"

Li Qingfeng was also confused:

"The Kingdom of Heaven is one of the top forces after all, so how could it lack thermal weapons? Did you read the information at the Tiger Shark Base?"


Li Yichen nodded, then thought about it and said:

"In the preparatory base city in Yinhui Province, I haven't seen them having any thermal weapons?"

"That's because they didn't take it out!"

Li Qingfeng waved his hand and said:

"Let me tell you, the Kingdom of Paradise definitely does not lack any hot weapons, but their main goal is not to conquer the mainland or anything, so they rarely show their strength! You are right about one sentence, the Kingdom of Paradise is indeed committed to It’s about biological research, but I told you, they just want to make zombies smarter and smarter!”

"Okay! Let's not worry about this for now. At least the enemies we face this time don't have thermal weapons. They shouldn't be able to develop zombies that can shoot so quickly, right?"

Li Yichen shook his head and said, then pointed to several buildings in the inner city:

"Since there are five hundred people, then you five hundred people will be divided into eight groups and go to the top of these eight buildings. In addition-"

Li Yichen dropped a bunch of sniper rifles on the ground:

"Bring these weapons with you, and you will be responsible for providing long-range support from above!"

Because Li Qingfeng had already said hello, as soon as Li Yichen finished speaking, those people quickly divided themselves into eight teams. After queuing up to get guns and ammunition, they ran separately towards the building designated by Li Yichen.

"No... what kind of fusion power do you really have? You can even fuse guns. Isn't it too perverted?"

After the group left, Li Qingfeng stared at Li Yichen and asked.

"Please call me Tinker Bell from now on!"

Li Yichen didn't explain much. After saying this, he turned and looked at the corpses in the distance. Although the outer city wall had disappeared and everyone had withdrawn to the inner city, the corpses still stayed in place, and There is no corresponding move forward.

"Isn't it amazing? It can actually stop the zombie tide!"

Li Qingfeng came to Li Yichen, stood side by side with him, looked at the tide of corpses and said:

"Although I don't know when the secret laboratory in Beilu Port was established, I know about the Kingdom of Heaven. Among the top forces, the Kingdom of Heaven has the ability to control the tide of corpses."

"Are there many top forces?"

Li Yichen turned to look at Li Qingfeng:

"I have heard people talk about top forces before, but except for people from the Kingdom of Heaven, I have never seen anyone from other forces!"

"That's because the Far North Continent is lacking in resources. To put it bluntly, there are no minerals of any kind, except that the land is relatively fertile!"

Li Qingfeng replied:

"Before the end of the world, it was okay here. The agricultural products of the Far North Continent are world-famous, so it can be considered prosperous. But after entering the end of the world, no one will pay attention to the Far North Continent, which lacks other resources, because there are only zombies here. This is a paradise for studying zombies, so other forces won’t waste their energy here!”

"In addition to the Kingdom of Heaven, how many top forces are there? Do you know their situation?"

Li Yichen frowned, looked at Li Qingfeng and asked...

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