After all, it was just the foundation of the city wall, not very deep, and only five meters wide, so the zombie tide quickly filled up the trench, and the loss of ordinary zombies was simply a drop in the bucket for the entire zombie tide.

The tide of corpses entering the outer city did not fill up the traps in the outer city like the walls and trenches, but instead moved towards the inner city along the road between the traps.

But in this way, those lickers can no longer hide themselves like before, because some roads are only about three meters wide, and they cannot hide at all.

Li Yichen and the soldiers on the roof took action at this time, and the Lickers finally began to suffer casualties. Seeing this, the zombie tide suddenly accelerated its movement!

"Get ready for battle!"

Seeing the tide of corpses approaching, Li Qingfeng shouted loudly, and at the same time drew out the machete behind him. Although Fengcheng's defense capabilities had been greatly improved due to the addition of Li Yichen, to be honest, Li Qingfeng still felt unsure.

Zombies are scary not only because they have no sense of fear, but also because they are creatures that are never tired, and even more because they have terrifying numbers.

Neither Li Yichen nor Li Qingfeng mentioned it, but they both knew that these lickers were just the first batch of reinforcements because they were the fastest. Behind them, there were definitely countless tyrants and ordinary zombies heading towards them. Head here.

The zombie tide is controlled by humans. Obviously he also knows the advantages of zombies, so this battle will not stop as soon as it starts until one side is completely defeated!

The first ones who came to the city wall were all ordinary zombies. Before they got close to the city wall, Li Yichen and the soldiers on the last two walls began to attack. As for the soldiers and snipers on the roof, because Li Yichen said, they would be responsible. There are high-level zombies, so the gunfire is not that intensive.

Finally, the zombie tide came to the inner city wall, and the battle became fierce at this moment. What made Li Qingfeng especially angry was that after the ordinary zombies approached the city wall, the lickers actually acted at the same time.

They sprang out from the zombie tide and pounced on the warriors who were killing ordinary zombies. Especially because of their extremely strong jumping power, almost all the warriors on the three city walls were attacked by the lickers.

Despite the support of the snipers and soldiers on the roof, those dozen snipers were able to shoot in time and kill the lickers in mid-air because of their sufficient experience and extremely fast reactions.

As for the more than 500 temporarily selected warriors, their hit rates were checked a lot, and often when he fired, Licker had already jumped on the city wall.

Some of these lickers pounced directly on the warriors, and after catching them, they jumped back directly, leading the warrior to fall into the group of corpses. Some simply hid directly in the tide of corpses, using their long tongues to wrap around people's lips. calf, and then pulled him off the wall.

Below the city wall are all densely packed with zombies. Once they fall off the city wall, they will basically be declared dead...

Because this fighting method has never been used before by the zombie tide, and the suddenness of the attack, the soldiers on the city wall were caught off guard. Many of them were attacked instantly. At the moment when the battle just started, they were dragged off the city wall and disappeared among the corpses. In the tide.

Fortunately, Li Yichen had taken out a large number of strengthening enzyme injections before, so Li Qingfeng used these injections to make a lot of strengtheners among the soldiers, and when allocating the team, he also specially broke up all the strengtheners and interspersed them. Among ordinary soldiers, this prevented greater casualties.

"Ordinary warriors retreat, while all strengtheners press against the first wall, be careful of lickers! Agile strengtheners are the main attack!!"

Li Qingfeng was shocked when he saw this. He quickly took out the loudspeaker microphone in his pocket and shouted loudly into it.

When he assigned [Biquge] warriors before, he divided the strengtheners into three waves, so that each wave of warriors fighting on the first wall had a certain number of strengtheners.

But now it seems that ordinary soldiers can no longer be allowed to be on the first city wall, because their reaction is slow and they cannot avoid the lickers' attack. They must adjust their combat methods.

Li Yichen was furious. He designed this city wall, but he didn't expect that someone would find the flaw so quickly. To him, this was a slap in the face, especially for those soldiers who were pulled off the wall. In Li Yichen's opinion, those people killed the zombie wave just at the beginning of the battle because of their own carelessness.

If he had known this, he shouldn't have worried about those materials. He could have just raised the height of the first city wall to ten meters, and then raised the height of the next two walls in sequence. In this case, the Lickers would still attack in this way. , the soldiers on the city wall also had time to react, so they would not be caught off guard like now.

It was too late to change it now, because in order to rebuild the city wall, all the soldiers had to be removed. The tide of corpses obviously would not give Li Yichen this time. Li Yichen, who felt regretful, looked around and suddenly flew up , and at the same time exchanged for a platform that was one meter square and thirty meters high, and he stood on the platform.

Li Yichen, who was condescending, observed the tide of corpses below with eagle eyes, because although the lickers were low, they took up a lot of space. From the angle above, they could be easily spotted.

"Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

After Li Yichen stood on the platform, he shot out a stream of arrows, nailing each licker to the ground. Some lickers were even about to attack, but were shot through the head in the air, causing heavy losses for a while. .

But after all, Li Yichen was only one person, and he could only take care of this section of the city wall. He couldn't see other positions, so he could only suppress it here for a while and then move to the next section of the city wall.

If he went to the roof of the building where the snipers were, he would be able to overlook the entire battlefield, but it was a bit far away from the city wall. Li Yichen's bow and arrow were not that fast, and it was impossible to kill the licker in mid-air after it jumped.

With Li Yichen suppressing him back and forth, plus the dozen snipers and the 500 soldiers whose marksmanship became more and more accurate, the Licker's madness was finally suppressed, but just as Li Qingfeng expected, In general, the attack of the zombie tide did not stop, but became more fierce.

"The rag collector, those zombies seem to be deliberately dying, just to help the zombies behind!"

After killing for a while, Li Qingfeng felt that there were more and more zombie corpses under the city wall, so he shouted to Li Yichen...

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