Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 214 Prepare to take action

Of course Li Yichen didn't plan to run away. He came here just to enter the laboratory. Where should he run?

Seeing the number of soldiers above him gradually increasing, Li Yichen felt that he had almost finished his performance, and he was also pressed for time. Fengcheng was currently in a fighting state. Every minute he saved, he might save a soldier's life.


The five warriors who were advancing cautiously suddenly found that the licker they were chasing suddenly appeared in front of them. They couldn't help shouting together. Just as they were about to turn around and escape, they found that the licker was looking at them with his head tilted. So he stopped.

"What...is it looking at?"

A soldier said in fear, while holding the dagger at his waist. Although he said that he would not hurt this guy, if he was about to die, who would care about this order?

"Look at you! Don't you know what you are?"

Another soldier replied, while taking off his gun and slowly pointing it at Li Yichen, which made Li Yichen feel guilty. But at this moment, a soldier with a tranquilizer gun appeared beside Li Yichen and raised his gun. Just face Li Yichen...


Everyone saw the licker suddenly patting the shot area with his paw, and then, as if drunk, he stood up, staggered back and forth for a few steps, and then fell to the ground.

The soldier holding the tranquilizer gun had already loaded the tranquilizer bomb again and stepped forward to aim at Li Yichen, intending to shoot again. But as soon as he raised the gun, the director's roar came from his earphones. :

"Stop! This poor guy is unconscious. Don't shoot again! Excessive anesthesia may cause him to have an accident. Go drag the cage over and put it in. If you dare to shoot again, I swear that I will kill that gun." Put the whole thing in your mouth!"

The soldier raised his gun in a cold sweat, and then waved his hand. Immediately, someone came over carrying a cage, and carefully carried Li Yichen in. Only after the cage was locked, did they relax.

This cage is completely transparent, with many small holes on it. They are specially used to contain lickers. Even the tongue of the licker cannot come out of those small holes, so as long as it is locked in, it will not Any more threats.

"Quick! Send it to me, be careful! Don't hit it!"

Seeing Li Yichen "caught", the director shouted happily. The soldiers did not dare to neglect and quickly carried the cage into the isolation area and placed it on the elevator.

"I'll go! Use pitiful words to describe zombies? This is the first time I've heard someone say that."

When the elevator went down, a soldier shrugged.

"There's no way! Every time he sees a new type of zombie, the director feels like he's seeing his own son. Anyone who dares to hurt those zombies will be dead!"

The team leader said helplessly, then waved his hand to summon the team to gather and wait for the elevator to come up.

After entering the elevator, Li Yichen kept observing the surroundings. Of course he would not let himself be anesthetized. The anesthetic bomb is actually a syringe. After being nailed into the target's body, the anesthetic liquid will be injected.

And Li Yichen had a garbage recycling system, so the moment the syringe touched his body, it was directly recycled. The slap he slapped himself on was another identical syringe that he exchanged for at the mall. The barrel was slapped on his body.

Seeing the broken syringe, the soldiers didn't have the slightest suspicion. After all, they thought Li Yichen was a zombie, and zombies don't lie.

"Quick! Extract the genes from it and analyze them immediately!"

When Li Yichen was sent to the underground laboratory, the director shouted excitedly, and when Li Yichen heard it, his heart sank.

He just looks like a zombie. Once the genes are extracted, the secret will definitely be exposed. Moreover, Li Yichen doesn't know what the genes of someone like him, who has been crazy about injecting enhanced enzyme injections all the way to become an evolver, will look like.

"System! Can I recycle this cage?"

Looking at the location of the director, Li Yichen mentally asked the system while calculating the distance.

"No! This cage has an owner and cannot be recycled as garbage!"

The system replied.

"How can that tranquilizer bomb be recovered just now?"

Li Yichen felt a little depressed. No one was holding this cage now! Isn't it the same as the tranquilizer bomb?

"That is a weapon. Any weapon that has been discarded will be regarded as garbage by default, but this cage is not good. The owner has no intention of discarding it, so it cannot be recycled!"

The system explained.

"Then under what circumstances can this cage be recycled?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"Just kill its owner!"

The system was also afraid that Li Yichen could not determine the owner of this cage, so it added a sentence at the end:

"This director is the top person in charge of this research institute. As long as he is killed, all public items here can be recycled!"


Li Yichen sighed. The holes in this cage were very small. Although he felt that this cage could not block Tianya, he did not dare to act rashly now. According to Li Qingfeng, this director must be an evolver, and there should be more here. With the existence of other evolvers, if they were to break out now, the chance of success would be low.

At this time, the two researchers had come to the edge of the cage, tilted the cage slightly, and let Li Yichen slide to the edge of the cage. Then they took out a weird-looking syringe and prepared to extract Li Yichen's genes.

When the needle tip just pierced Li Yichen's skin, Li Yichen started to move suddenly. He staggered deliberately, as if he was not really awake yet. He stumbled around in the cage for a few times, then raised his head and used his nose to touch He sniffed the air and let out a low whimper.

Li Yichen knew how the licker screamed, and he could barely learn it. The problem was that he didn't dare to open his mouth now, so he could only make some weird sounds indistinctly.

"Quick! Give it another injection of anesthesia!"

The old man next to the director waved his hand quickly when he saw this, and a soldier immediately raised a tranquilizer gun, came to the edge of the cage, and pointed the gun at Li Yichen through a small hole.

This guy's position happened to be between the director and Li Yichen, blocking the man's sight. Seeing this situation, Li Yichen was finally ready to take action.

With this guy blocking his line of sight, he could lead him to the director's side, and suddenly saw a licker taking out a weapon from nowhere. The director must have been stunned for a moment.

Li Yichen didn't know if this time was enough for him to kill the director, but now he had no choice...

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