Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 228 The thief shouts to catch the thief

"It should be so. Judging by the time, the Bald Eagle people may have arrived at your base!"

Lin Xiaotian looked at Li Yichen:

"Can your base stop them without you?"

"Is there any remote communication equipment in the underground laboratory?"

Li Yichen did not answer, but stared at Lin Xiaotian and asked.

"Of course!"

Lin Xiaotian nodded, and then looked at Li Yichen in surprise:

"The Qianjun Valley base has long-distance communication capabilities?"

"Yeah! So after taking the laboratory, I can contact the capital of hell!"

Li Yichen nodded. He had a system, and there was electricity in the capital of hell. Wouldn't it be easy to build a signal tower that could carry out remote communication? It's just that after its establishment, this signal tower has only been used for internal communications in Hell City - they don't know people from other bases.

"Okay! Then let's take down this laboratory in the Kingdom of Heaven first!"

Lin Xiaotian said, then he looked at Li Qingfeng and the others:

"These people you brought are all combatants, right? We'll be like this in a while!"

With Lin Xiaotian, who can be said to be the highest-ranking mole in the secret laboratory, the attack plan is naturally formulated by him.

After Lin Xiaotian assigned everyone's tasks, he took Li Yichen on the helicopter and prepared to return to the secret laboratory. As for Li Qingfeng and his convoy, they also approached Beilu Port from the ground.

Thanks to the huge zombie wave before Beilu Port, the ground surveillance of the secret laboratory only deployed to the edge of Beilu Port and did not extend outward, because they felt that Beilu Port was already filled with zombies. Who would rush in like a desperate man?

In particular, Lin Xiaotian was a military officer himself and was very clear about the scope of surveillance and blind spots, so Li Qingfeng and his convoy went directly to the outskirts of Beilu Port without being discovered by the people below.

The helicopter driven by Lin Xiaotian was always above the convoy and guided them into the appropriate position. When the convoy was all ready, Lin Xiaotian nodded to Li Yichen, who was pretending to be the driver, and drove the helicopter into the elevator in the isolation area.

"Minister Lin! Is that you?"

As soon as the helicopter landed on the elevator, the red dot on the communicator began to flash, indicating that there was a communication request. After Lin Xiaotian connected, a voice came through.

"Yeah! It's me!"

Lin Xiaotian replied.

"Sorry! Minister Lin, please provide the video link."

After hearing Lin Xiaotian's words, the elevator did not go down immediately. The people inside actually sent another video request.


Lin Xiaotian snorted in dissatisfaction, but still linked to the video. The elevator was controlled from below, and even he couldn't control it from above.

"Minister Lin, I'm sorry! Because all the people on the ground have lost contact, I even contacted you through your communication before, but there was no response, so I have to confirm it!"

After the video link, the people in the monitoring room below immediately saw the situation inside the helicopter. When they saw Lin Xiaotian sitting on the cab, the people opposite were stunned, but they did not ask about it, but said apologetically. Lin Xiaotian said.

"Well! I know the situation above. I left the helicopter just now and killed the assassin who assassinated the director. But... now we have a more powerful enemy. Let me get down immediately, and then seal all the entrances and exits. Wait for me to get down. Will Ask headquarters in person for help!”

Lin Xiaotian nodded and said seriously.


The people on the opposite side were obviously taken aback and quickly lowered the elevator, allowing them to enter the laboratory...

"Immediately issue the highest level of alert. The entire laboratory is under martial law. Everyone should stay in their own places and are not allowed to move around. If you find a stranger, report your location immediately!"

After the elevator arrived, Li Yichen jumped down with Lin Xiaotian. At this time, several people were waiting outside the elevator. Lin Xiaotian ignored them and walked out of the elevator directly, saying loudly:

"Also, turn on remote communication! I want to ask for help from the headquarters immediately. The enemy this time is extremely powerful, and... it is very likely that it is a force we didn't know before!"

"Ask for help from headquarters? Is it necessary?"

Hearing Lin Xiaotian's words, a man in his forties who looked elegant and dressed in formal attire was startled.

"Sun Yong! If you think it's not necessary, then send me up now, and I will report back to the headquarters myself. As for everything that happens here, you will be responsible for it! Is that okay?"

Lin Xiaotian stopped immediately, turned around and stared at the man and asked.

"No, no, no! Director Lin, I didn't mean that. You misunderstood! Now that you have the highest position, of course you make the decision in everything!"

The guy named Sun Yong's face suddenly turned pale, and he quickly said that he was a senior researcher here and was highly regarded by the director, so he naturally did not have enough respect for Lin Xiaotian.

It's just that he has forgotten one thing now, that is, his backer is gone. If he has to confront Lin Xiaotian under such circumstances, then he must be out of his mind.

The people next to him also realized this, so they all moved aside to indicate that they were not familiar with this guy.

"You all listen to me. The director and the deputy director were assassinated in their own research room. Do you all know their strength? What kind of strength would someone who could assassinate them quietly have? ?”

Lin Xiaotian looked at those people and said gloomily:

"And the enemy can come and go freely here, and even the idiots in the escort actually sent them up in person, so now I no longer trust anyone here."

"You all know the value of the research materials in our laboratory. Now that the deputy director has been assassinated, the entire escort has been wiped out, and there is a high possibility that there is a traitor here, so I declare that the laboratory is under military control, and This will continue until someone comes from headquarters!”

"Yes! Mr. Minister!"

This time, Lin Xiaotian's order was fully respected, and everyone, including Sun Yong, agreed in unison.

"Now go back to your posts and do whatever you need to do. If you find anyone unusual, report it immediately!"

Lin Xiaotian waved his hand, then walked towards the Communications Department and said:

"When I asked for help from the headquarters, I wanted to report some things I discovered above, so... I don't want anyone to hear this communication, otherwise! I will directly regard it as a traitor!"

"Mr. Minister! Then I..."

Li Yichen, who had been standing behind Lin Xiaotian and watching him shouting to catch the thief, finally couldn't help but ask when he heard this...

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