"Is it safe?"

Li Yichen looked around. According to what the pilot said, this is the world of mutant beasts. No matter how powerful the mutant beasts are, they are relatively easy to deal with for Li Yichen who has a system. As long as he builds a fortress, it should be foolproof. .

However, if you want to ensure safety, the top of the mountain is not the most ideal location, because it is too high. If there are fighter planes or mutant beasts passing by in the sky, your camp may be discovered.

But Li Yichen is now eager to upgrade the system, and he is not familiar with this place. He doesn't know where there is a suitable location, so he can only make do with it.

Li Yichen restored the signal tower to the system, went to the jungle and cut down a few big trees and came back, camouflaging his temporary camp until he confirmed that it would be difficult to detect from the air.

After that, Li Yichen left his temporary camp and entered the jungle - before upgrading the system, he wanted to find out the surrounding situation. After all, he might survive here as an ordinary person for a week.

He can exchange food and weapons from the mall in advance, but if there are particularly powerful mutant beasts around, he must kill them in advance to avoid accidents.

He had already checked the system mall just now, and after recovering the big bird and several mutant beasts he hunted later, there were more canned meat, dried meat, bacon and other meat products in the mall. This made Li Yichen feel more and more, Your own garbage recycling system is actually a processing plant. No matter what materials you put in, it can help you process them into finished products!

It took a whole day for Li Yichen to circle around the area around his temporary camp. He didn't find many mutant beasts, and there weren't any that were particularly powerful, or like the large group of beasts on the previous mountain.

However, Li Yichen found traces of humans in the jungle. Not only were there footprints of human shoes, he even found buried bonfire embers.

This discovery is definitely not a good thing for Li Yichen. His temporary camp should be used to block mutant beasts without any problem, but if the enemy is replaced by humans...

Tracking is not what Li Yichen is good at, so he failed to find them according to the traces left by those people, and even almost got lost in the jungle while following these traces.

Finally, Li Yichen returned to his temporary camp carrying a deer he had hunted. Such a big deer could feed him for a week even if he didn't store any food.

After returning to the camp, Li Yichen remodeled the three-story building and directly replaced it with a fortress about eight meters high. He also widened the wall again and covered it with spikes.

There is a platform above the fortress, which is surrounded by reinforced concrete and has many crenels. Li Yichen exchanged some firearms and placed them around the platform.

Drag several big trees from below and set them up on top of the platform. Then I exchanged some camouflage mesh cloth from the mall and connected it between the big trees to cover the entire platform. Viewed from above, it looks like a jungle. There is no big difference elsewhere.

After checking it four times and going around the camp to clean up the traces he had left, Li Yichen finally felt that the camp was almost ready.

Later, he exchanged a lot of food and water. Although the system said it would take about a week, who knew if an accident would happen? Anyway, just exchange it and store it in the fortress, and then recycle it when you don't need it.

"Feather arrows, bullets, firearms, energy blocks, canned meat..."

Li Yichen was on the first floor of the fortress, counting the large amount of supplies he had redeemed. These supplies were almost enough for him to live for two or three years.

"Phew! Alright! System! Start upgrading!"

After confirming that he was ready, Li Yichen took a deep breath and said to the system in his heart.

"Confirm to upgrade immediately? During the upgrade process, you will not be able to use the system, and your own enhancements from the system will also be temporarily deprived."

The system confirmed:

"In other words, when the system is upgraded, you will return to the state before you got the system. Please confirm the security of your own environment and..."

"Okay, okay!"

Before the system could finish speaking, Li Yichen interrupted it:

"Before I got you, I was still living well! You should upgrade quickly and remind me immediately after you finish it!"

"Okay! System upgrade confirmed, upgrade begins!"

The system said no more and immediately entered the upgrade state. At this moment, Li Yichen felt the changes in his body.

He tried to jump and waved his arms again, eh! Sure enough, he became an ordinary person, and all the attributes enhanced by the enhanced enzyme injection were suppressed.

He took off Tianya from his back and tried to pull the bow. It was okay. He could still draw the bow fully, but it was a bit difficult. Li Yichen felt that, let alone activating the Hell Fangs, even if it was a three-shot, he might be in trouble. It can't be completed.

"This feeling... seems very familiar!"

Li Yichen put Tianya on his back and picked up a rifle. In his current state, this thing should be more lethal, but he mainly used it to defend against humans and to deal with mutant beasts. If so, maybe a sniper rifle will do.

"System? System?"

Lying in the recliner on the platform, Li Yichen called out to the system boredly in his mind, but did not get any response. It seemed like what was said before, once the upgrade started, the system was shut down. Not only could it not be recycled or exchanged, Not even dialogue is possible.

Li Yichen held a tube of enhanced enzyme injections and kept playing with it in his hands. Now that his physical attributes were suppressed, it was useless to inject this. However, Li Yichen still exchanged ten of each of the three enhanced enzyme injections and carried them with him. ——He is a little afraid that this upgrade of the system will never come out, so it is better to have some backup!

"Eh? Damn it! I forgot to take out the deer first! It's so hard now!"

After lying there for a while, Li Yichen suddenly slapped his forehead and remembered the mutant deer he had left in the fortress yard!

He stood up, stuffed the enhanced enzyme injection into his coat pocket, then put Tianya on his back, carrying the rifle and preparing to skin and decompose the deer, and treat himself to some barbecued venison on the way.

But just as Li Yichen turned around, he suddenly noticed a flash of light in the jungle from the corner of his eye. Li Yichen was shocked, but his face remained calm. He pretended to stretch his body, turned his head left and right and looked around casually, and then Entering the fortress...

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