Of course, Bloody Fang and One Eye are human beings, and they are also very powerful enhancers. Their own strength is at the peak of enhancers. They come from the Kingdom of Heaven, but... they are not official members of the Kingdom of Heaven, but from Heaven. The kingdom of God is specially used to "raise" feed for mutant beasts!

This mountain range actually belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven. On the outermost edge of the mountain range, there are observation stations and laboratories of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The reason why there are so many mutant beasts in this mountain range, and they are all extremely powerful, is because of the Kingdom of Heaven, because they discovered that mutant beasts do not seem to be affected by the zombie virus, and they also increase their strength by hunting zombies.

This improvement in strength is directly proportional to the strength of the zombies hunted by the mutant beasts. The stronger the zombies they hunt and devour, the faster the mutant beasts' strength increases, even after hunting or licking the tyrant. After that, the mutant beast's body will also undergo some corresponding mutations.

The Kingdom of Heaven can extract a substance similar to the strengthening liquid from the bodies of mutated beasts, and because this substance does not contain zombie viruses, it is safer to use, and some can even allow users to gain superpowers. !

Therefore, this huge mountain range is used by the Kingdom of Heaven as a breeding base for mutant beasts, because the mutant beasts here are not only huge in number, but also of various types. The only drawback is that the mutant beasts still have the instinct of animals. He will defend his territory and will not leave his territory to hunt zombies just because he wants to improve his strength.

In the mountains, there are naturally not so many zombies for them to hunt, so the Kingdom of Heaven often comes here to feed the mutant beasts, and will capture a few powerful mutant beasts by the way.

This kind of feeding is naturally very troublesome, so the Kingdom of Heaven will not put ordinary zombies here, but will use all high-level zombies so that the mutant beasts here can be further improved.

At first, they directly used their brains to control a group of high-level zombies into the mountains. The effect was very obvious and allowed them to obtain a lot of strengthening fluid from mutant beasts in a short period of time.

But the problem is that the Kingdom of Heaven's main attack direction is also zombies. They also have a large demand for high-level zombies. If they continue to consume like this, they themselves cannot afford it.

So, the top leaders of the Kingdom of Heaven thought of a good way - to use those survivors to raise mutant beasts!

Of course, ordinary survivors are useless. You must improve their strength before driving them into the jungle!

Fortunately, although the enhanced liquid is not easy to refine, that only refers to the enhanced liquid without any zombie virus after purification. As for the unrefined liquid, it is relatively simple.

If the enhancement liquid extracted by a high-level zombie is not purified, it can be divided into five parts to turn five ordinary people into enhancers. However, these enhancers will lose their reason and become enhancers due to the existence of the zombie virus. They become high-level zombie-like existences. Only a few who are lucky can still maintain their consciousness after being injected with this strengthening fluid.

For the Kingdom of Heaven, these people are used as food for mutant beasts. Whether they retain their own consciousness or not is irrelevant to them - the same should be true for mutant beasts!

However, the Kingdom of Heaven has obviously overlooked one point. Although food is food, for the eater, the difference between a fried golden and crispy scorpion and a lively scorpion with teeth and claws showing is obviously huge. Don't.

These guys who are chosen as food are those who are unconscious and will wander in the jungles of the mountains. When they see mutant beasts, they will fight with them until they complete their glorious mission.

Those who have retained their consciousness do not have this awareness. They will avoid and hunt mutant beasts. The identity of hunter and prey is not fixed to them!

Most of these people did not change their fate in the end, but there will always be some people who are adaptable and find their own place to survive in this mountain range full of mutant beasts.

As time goes by, there are more and more such people, and eventually they will even go out together to find those of the same kind who have just been released and still have their own consciousness, and establish their own base in an underground cave.

Because of the invasion of the zombie virus, their bodies have mutated to varying degrees. Like Blood Tooth, which only mutates the skin color, it is already quite good. More, it is A monster-like person like One-Eyed, whose appearance has changed significantly.

For this reason, they only accept those of the same kind who are infected by the zombie virus. Everyone is the same monster, and no one will laugh at anyone.

Because their bodies are similar to zombies, although they still retain human consciousness, they basically don't need to eat, and their bodies age very slowly, so as long as they have a place to hide, they can live for a long time.

But they discovered that mutant beasts could increase their strength by eating them, and if they ate mutant beasts, they could actually become stronger, and they all had an unquenchable desire for blood in their hearts.

Therefore, these people would wander in the jungle every day, hunting various mutant beasts, but they were very careful not to concentrate their hunting in one place, so as not to attract the attention of the Kingdom of Heaven.

They also hunted and killed the expedition team sent by the Kingdom of Heaven into the jungle. Whether they were researchers or armed soldiers escorting them, they slaughtered them all. Then they looted all the belongings they carried, including the corpses. They also dragged him back to the base without leaving any traces.

The corpses dragged back soon became their feast. Because of the hatred for the kingdom of heaven in their hearts, almost no mutant would be opposed to this kind of food. Instead, they felt that eating it was quite a relief from their hatred.

All the expedition teams dispatched disappeared without exception. Naturally, the Kingdom of Heaven had to investigate. And because of the deliberate arrangements of these mutants, even the cleanly chewed human bones were discarded in the jungle, so the Kingdom of Heaven finally It can only be determined that the cause of their death was the mutated beast in the mountains.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven no longer sends expedition teams in. Even to capture mutant beasts, helicopters are used, and a large number of warriors are used to cooperate.

Therefore, these mutants have been living in this mountain range without the knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven, hunting mutant beasts and any humans who enter the mountains. And now, Li Yichen has undoubtedly become their target. The target to kill...

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