Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 246 Do what you want to do

Two zombie-like mutants walked through the jungle for nearly two hours before returning to a mutant stronghold in this mountain range.

This is not their headquarters. The mountains that Paradise Kingdom calls Jurassic Park are extremely huge. From here to their headquarters, even at their speed, it will take more than a day to travel at full speed.

Because he still held on to a glimmer of hope, the pilot did not go too deep into the mountain range when he crashed. Li Yichen's camp was actually on the periphery of the mountain range, while the mutant headquarters was in the center of the mountain range. .

When the mutants attacked the expedition teams of the Kingdom of Heaven before, they had obtained their communicators, but they had never used them because they were afraid that the signals sent by the communicators would be intercepted!

But now that he was planning to face it directly, One-Eye no longer had any scruples. After entering the stronghold, he asked someone to take out the communicator that was left here just in case.

"Get through to the headquarters. I have an emergency to tell Leopard!"

One-Eye didn't know how to use this thing, so he said to the mutant who turned on the communicator. One-Eye was considered an elder-level figure among mutants, so although the mutant felt it was inappropriate to use the communicator, he still did it. One Eye did what he said.

"What happened? Who asked you to use the communicator? I remember I said that this can only be used in extreme emergencies!"

As soon as the communication was connected, a hoarse and majestic voice came out from the communicator. When the mutant holding the microphone heard this voice, he couldn't help but trembled in fright. He didn't dare to answer at all, and turned his head to look One-eyed.

One Eye snatched the microphone from his hand, pushed him aside, and said inside:

"Leopard! I am one-eyed! The claws of the Kingdom of Heaven have reached in! They have built a base on a mountain peak, not far from my stronghold. I am going to pull him out. What do you think?"

"how many people?"

the hoarse voice asked.

"I'm not sure. Bloody Fang and I stayed there for about three hours and only saw one person. But I'm sure they can't be the only one there. The others should be in that fortress."

One Eye said:

"I've been keeping an eye on him for a long time, but I didn't want to disturb him, so I didn't touch him. I plan to lead people over there immediately and capture that base tonight!"

"In this way, our existence will be exposed!"

The hoarse voice hesitated.

"Leopard! They have already entered the mountains. If you ignore him and let them think it is safe, they will soon expand their base. By then, more soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven will enter our mountains."

One-eyed dragon said:

"In that case, we will still be exposed, so... we might as well strike first! And I think this might be an opportunity for us to find a way to break through!"

After the one-eyed dragon finished speaking, there was a long silence on the other side. That hoarse voice was Leopard, the leader of all the mutants in this mountain range. He commanded these hundreds of mutants.

Leopard was one of the early mutants who was released into this mountain range to feed mutant beasts, and was lucky to survive, because he later rescued many mutants who were just released into the mountains and were full of fear, so among the mutants There are many die-hard fans in it - One Eye is one of them!

He was indeed, as One Eye said, always planning to rush out of this mountain range and seek revenge from the Kingdom of Heaven. Even before receiving this communication, he thought he was thinking so.

But now when this moment finally came, he hesitated. After all, he was also a survivor who had survived in this apocalypse. He knew very well what the outside world was like, and he had also struggled to survive outside.

For him, this place is almost an independent small kingdom. Although his people are all crooked and even have nightmares when they look at them, it is relatively safe here after all. There has been no major crisis for many years.

Moreover, due to the passage of time, the hatred in his heart for the Kingdom of Heaven has been slowly diminishing, at least not as strong as he imagined. Although he will still kill every human being he sees, but... This does not mean that he will take the initiative to seek revenge!

Feeling the leopard's silence, One Eye might have understood something. He took a deep breath and whispered into the microphone:

"Leopard! I think I know your decision. In this case...then I will do it myself! I know I owe you a life, and I also promised that my life is yours, but now I have to do it. I must What I have to do, but I will not involve others. After leaving this stronghold, I will not contact anyone again! When I think I have recovered all my debts, if I am still alive, I will come back to complete the debt. Your promise!"

"One-Eye! It has been more than ten years. Do you still have the same hatred for the Kingdom of Heaven in your heart as before?"

After hearing One-Eye's words, Leopard finally asked.


A cold light flashed in the one-eyed eye:

"It's much stronger than before. Every day, this hatred will get stronger! Leopards, those bastards from the Kingdom of Heaven, they killed my wife, my children in front of me..."

As if seeing the situation at that time again, One Eye gritted his teeth, and muddy tears kept pouring out of One Eye:

"My daughter was not even two years old at the time, and I will never forget the moment those bastards put her in that glass bottle and she cried and reached for me and screamed Daddy!"

"If you have never experienced it, then you will never understand the feeling of a father watching his child being tortured and asking him for help, but he can't do anything!"

"My daughter has been looking at me. The slave stretched out her hand to me, wanting me to rescue her. Her eyes were full of fear and doubt. She was scared, but she couldn't understand why her father was watching her right next to her. No. Come help her... After she left this world, I saw her wide-open eyes. From her eyes, I could not see fear, only doubt. Until the moment she died, she was thinking, Dad Mom...why don't you care about me!"

"My daughter has now become my nightmare. I see her every day and even hear her asking me, I swore that I would make the Kingdom of Heaven pay for what they have done!"

"Okay! One-Eye! I understand!"

Hearing this, Leopard suddenly said:

"Do what you want to do! Bring the people from that stronghold. Maybe you are right. We should change our approach and look for opportunities for breakthroughs. I will also take people there. I hope that when I get there, You have turned the base of the Kingdom of Heaven into ours!”

"Thank you! Leopard!"

Duyan was stunned for a moment, and after a long while, he softly said four words into the microphone, then threw away the microphone, turned around and walked out...

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