Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 267 Leopard’s Worry

Just when Li Yichen and the priest had just arrived in the valley where the laboratory was located, the leopard and the poisonous spider had already returned with the corpses of hundreds of mutants and thousands of high-level zombies.

It has to be said that Poisonous Spider and the others are very efficient. They have only been out for a few days, but they actually received such a large amount of goods. And if they hadn't been unable to take it, the quantity would probably have been even more!

However, some of these mutants were injured. The poisonous spider came back from the direction of the fortress built by Li Yichen, because when they brought Li Yichen back, they had already cleaned up the mutant beasts along the way. about there.

They will definitely bring a large number of zombie corpses with them when they come back, and mutant beasts are very sensitive to zombies. The poisonous spider does not want to carry zombie corpses to fight mutant beasts, so this route is undoubtedly the most suitable!

When Leopard arrived near the fortress, Poison Spider and the others had already reached the fortress first and killed all the soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven inside.

The poisonous spiders originally wanted to take a rest at the fort and ask about the situation. However, when they arrived near the fort, they were attacked. Only then did they realize that the people inside were not mutants, but humans, and these People were still wearing the standard equipment of the Kingdom of Heaven, so the battle broke out.

The Kingdom of Heaven actually discovered this fortress by chance, so it sent a few teams to see what was going on. However, the people left behind in the fortress are only a small team, and naturally they are not the poisonous spiders and the hundreds of mutants. The opponents were all killed by the poisonous spiders in a short time.

When it comes to handling human corpses, the Poisonous Spiders are absolutely expert, especially since they have just hunted zombies from outside the mountains and have returned with a lot of zombie corpses on their backs. Of course, they need to replenish their physical strength, so the corpses of these people are became their snack.

After Leopard arrived, he discovered that there were poisonous spiders and the others inside. After asking about the situation, without any delay, he took the poisonous spiders and the others back to the headquarters, because he knew that these people were not the only ones in the fortress, and the others should have already started to enter the mountain. Search for these mutants.

Neither Leopard nor Poisonous Spider knew that before Poisonous Spider and the others killed the soldiers in the fortress, the Kingdom of Heaven had never known about the existence of mutants. Even this fortress had nothing to do with them. Everything was It was just their own guesses and Li Yichen's guidance.

"Leopard! I always feel something is wrong!"

On the way back to the headquarters, the poisonous spider came to the leopard, frowned and said:

"During the battle just now, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven discovered us first, but they didn't seem to know what kind of... creatures we were. I even heard some of them shouting that there was a monster!"

"Aren't we monsters?"

The leopard didn't care.

"That was not what I meant!"

The poisonous spider shook his head and then analyzed:

"If they entered this mountain range just to search for us, then they shouldn't feel strange after seeing us, right? The Kingdom of Heaven must have shown them our information a long time ago!"

The leopard stopped suddenly and looked back at the poisonous spider:

"What do you mean?"

"I think there is something fishy about this small base!"

The poisonous spider replied:

"We have all been in the Heavenly Kingdom. Brother Bao, please recall, do all the bases in the Heavenly Kingdom have underground buildings? And in most bases, the scale of their underground buildings is much larger than the ground buildings! But! This base...not only has no underground buildings, it doesn’t even have a foundation. Whether it’s walls or fortresses, they are all built directly on the ground!”

Hearing the poisonous spider's words, Leopard was stunned for a moment. He really didn't pay attention to this, but looking at the poisonous spider's expression, he couldn't help but hesitate and asked:

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I...I wonder if we are being targeted by other forces! That Li Yichen is most likely sent by other forces to use our hands to destroy the Kingdom of Heaven!"

The poisonous spider finally expressed this idea that he had long had in his mind. At first, he discovered that something was wrong with the fortress. But just now, after fighting with the soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven, he was finally sure.

"so what?"

The leopard suddenly laughed:

"Poison Spider! Have you forgotten our previous plan? Do you really regard that human being as your brother? No matter what his purpose is, or whether there are other forces behind him, all we want is a breakthrough! "

Turning around and looking at the mutants, Leopard said with a smile:

"As long as we brothers can all become evolvers, not to mention the Kingdom of Heaven, all the large forces in this world, and even those small bases, we will destroy them. The world will eventually belong to us!"

"Then... we just ignore that guy?"

The poisonous spider asked hesitantly.

"It's not like I don't care!"

Leopard shook his head:

"We have to let him go! If he wants us to break through so that we can destroy the Kingdom of Heaven, then that's okay, but what if his real goal is not the Kingdom of Heaven, but us?"

"Us? That shouldn't happen!"

The poisonous spider shook his head:

"Except for the Kingdom of Heaven, we have not been in contact with any force! Moreover, this mountain range also belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven. Even if people from other forces know our existence, they will not want to destroy us, right? What about that? They don’t do any good!”

"There are no absolutes in this world!"

The leopard patted the poisonous spider on the shoulder:

"Anyway...it's always right to be careful! Take these zombie corpses back first and see what that kid says!"

When Leopard, Poisonous Spider and others finally returned to the headquarters and heard reports from other mutants, Leopard learned that Li Yichen had actually met the priest and left with him.

Since the mutants who knew what they were going to do all left with them, the remaining mutants didn't know what they were doing.

"Damn it! These guys are idiots. They can't even look down on a person, and they even let him see the priest!"

After Leopard learned the news, he immediately cursed.

When Li Yichen said he wanted to see the priest, Baozi would always say to come and ask, and then gave him the answer that the priest didn't want to see him. In fact, Baozi never came to ask, and he didn't want the priest to know Li Yichen's existence at all!

The leopard is actually very smart and not as rough as he appears on the surface! Even his IQ is no less than that of a poisonous spider, but he has always hidden it very well.

Among all the mutants, he may be the only one who vaguely feels that the priest actually hopes that the mutants will be content with their status quo and never wants them to grow stronger or even leave this mountain range.

So Leopard has been hiding the news about Li Yichen, but who knew that something happened anyway, and the worst thing is that the human being was actually taken out by the priest. The priest...couldn't he just kill the human being?

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