Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 269 The Priest’s Confession

Although there was a screen across the screen and the soldier was already dead with his eyes closed, Li Yichen could tell at a glance that the soldier must have transformed into a corpse before he died. In other words, what Li Fangzhou and the others killed was a zombie.

"This man was my soldier, the pilot of a fighter plane, but in the end I killed him with my own hands because he had become our enemy!"

Li Fangzhou himself turned to look at the soldier:

"For us, this is a war with no victory in sight, and... we have no way out! The captain of the fleet has long issued an order for all warships to eliminate star maps other than this galaxy and our navigation logs , so that the enemy will not know where we are coming from, and of course, we will not be able to return!"

When he said this, Li Fangzhou suddenly hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly:

"The only exception is me, because my star map... was lost. I encountered a... situation that I couldn't explain, and experienced some things. Finally, we discovered this planet. I don't know if we are still there." That galaxy, because we found no trace of the enemy near here!"

"We decided to hide on this planet. After confirming its safety, we will try to contact other battleships! Although this place will eventually be discovered by our enemies, but..."

"Your Excellency, Commander! We have discovered the situation! This planet... seems to have human activities!"

Just when Li Fangzhou said this, a soldier suddenly ran into the camera and reported to Li Fangzhou.

"What? Human?"

Li Fangzhou turned to look at the soldiers, seemingly a little surprised, but he immediately ordered:

"Open the shield, raise the height of the battleship, enter the planet's orbit, and then search for the landing site after confirming the internal conditions of the planet!"


The soldier agreed and turned around to leave. Li Fangzhou looked at the camera, shook his head gently, and then the video was interrupted...

Li Yichen saw this video in this secret room, but found nothing else. He didn't even know what the enemy Li Fangzhou said was.

Although the previous scenes of the war made Li Yichen's blood boil with excitement, Li Fangzhou had made it very clear that the monsters faced by the human warriors were not the real enemies, but... were invaded and invaded by those terrifying creatures. Slave intelligent life on other planets!

This is why Li Fangzhou and others said that this was a war with no victory in sight, because they did not even see the real enemy.

The only thing Li Yichen could judge was that the time when this video was recorded should be when Li Fangzhou and the others had just arrived here. In other words, in order of precedence, the secret room behind the Death Army Valley Waterfall should have been established after this. of.

But this didn't seem to be of great help to Li Yichen, and he also knew that the terrifying creature Li Fangzhou talked about seemed to have come to this planet - didn't that soldier have the characteristics of a corpse? In other words...it was the arrival of that terrifying creature that brought this planet into the end of the world! !

But in this case, something is wrong, because if the apocalypse is caused by that kind of terrifying creature, why are there no other monsters on this planet except zombies and mutant beasts thirty years after the apocalypse?

Li Yichen now feels more and more that Li Fangzhou is a scammer. He can now say that he has obtained two batches of information left by him, but he still doesn't know anything and is getting more and more confused.

So when Li Yichen came out of the secret room, he looked worried, and the priest was naturally surprised!

His question was not answered, and the priest was not angry. Instead, he smiled and said to Li Yichen:

"Since you successfully entered the secret room and came out safely, our family's mission has finally been completed, and I am finally liberated. I don't have to worry about one thing every day, or even worry about my own death. Fulfilling our family’s promise to that person.”

"Thank you and your family!!"

Li Yichen bowed to the priest. Although he didn't get much useful information from the secret room, he was really moved by the priest's family. Especially the priest, who even turned himself into a semi-human being in order to wait for his arrival alive. Zombie creatures.


The priest waved his hand:

"Next, let's discuss how to tell those mutants! I estimate that Leopard will come over immediately after knowing that I brought you here - he is afraid that I will kill you!"

"Kill me?"

Li Yichen was a little stunned.


The priest nodded:

"I helped the mutants actually just because of guilt and to let them stay in the mountains to protect me. Leopard should have seen this, so... he has never let me know your existence, just because he is afraid that I will cause trouble. !”

"Then you said before that you would help me improve the potion? Isn't this change too obvious?"

Li Yichen frowned. If his plan was to be implemented, it would require the cooperation of the priest. Obviously, this was not difficult to do. He even thought that he could just use the priest's previous words.

But the problem is, if Leopard has really suspected the priest for a long time, then if the priest suddenly becomes willing to let them break through, it will be counterproductive!

"Don't worry! I have a way to dispel his doubts!"

The priest smiled:

"Leopard's suspicion of me is limited to himself. He probably didn't tell anyone else. It's just his words. It shouldn't be a problem for me to convince him. In short, don't worry about this matter for now. What you have to do is..."

Having said this, the priest waved his hand to Li Yichen and led him to a sealed cabinet in the laboratory. He opened the cabinet and took out a bottle containing a light red liquid:

"The strengthening liquid you configure for them should be in a ratio of 4:6, 4 for zombies, 6 for mutant beasts. In addition, this is a liquid I prepared. Each of the strengthening liquid you prepare for them contains Add a little bit of this!”

"The proportion should be fine, but... what is the function of this liquid?"

Li Yichen looked at the bottle and asked doubtfully.

"The enhancement liquid you want to configure should make their gene lock collapse, right? In this case, their death will be very painful! After adding this... their pain will be alleviated, and the process of death... will also be Get some quick!”

The priest looked at Li Yichen:

"This is the last thing I can do for them! Consider it my repentance to them!"

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