Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 27 The End of the Battlefield

The sky in the apocalypse is more elusive than a woman's thoughts. Just a moment ago, it was covered with clouds, but in the blink of an eye, the sun was shining in the sky. No one knew how the dark clouds in the sky disappeared in such a short period of time.

Li Yichen and the others stood under the scorching sun, their bodies stretched straight. In front of them was the No. 5 high platform that Li Yichen had erected in Wucheng.

Right in front of the No. 5 high platform, there happened to be an undamaged trap, so they used this trap as an altar where those soldiers rested, and the high platform was also turned into a tombstone by them!

When Li Yichen fired the first sounding arrow, there were a total of 226 of them. Now, there are only 63 people left. There are 163 warriors who left their lives here. It turned into a few simple symbols and was engraved on the stone tablet.

"Brothers! I have fulfilled my promise. The zombie wave... has all been killed. You can rest in peace!"

Li Yichen looked at the bright names on the stone tablet and said softly:

"I don't guarantee that I will always think of you in the future, but! This battle in Wucheng will be engraved in my memory forever. You... are all good!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yichen turned around and looked at the remaining sixty-three people, and then at the empty and deathly silent Wucheng:

"Brothers, we have lost many partners and experienced brutal battles, but... we should have created the history of this apocalypse. We only used 226 people to annihilate more than 20,000 zombies. There is still a large zombie wave controlled by Guitong, we! We succeeded!!"

The soldiers also looked around themselves and around Wucheng, recalling the situation in the early morning when the place was still full of zombies, and excitement gradually appeared on their faces.

"Ah! We succeeded!!"

"Hahahaha! I'm so awesome this time!"

"We succeeded!"


Suddenly, everyone was rejoicing. At the end of the battle, they were busy cleaning up the bodies of their comrades, burying them, and erecting tombstones. Their hearts were always shrouded in a sad mood.

Only now, after being reminded by Li Yichen, did they finally realize what an earth-shattering thing they had done.

Some people were laughing wildly, some were crying, and some were kneeling on the ground, talking at a loss of words. Everyone was using his own way to vent his emotions.

People living in the apocalypse are in a depressed mood, because they don't know when they will be grabbed by the ugly and ferocious zombies and taken to hell.

After experiencing this battle, at least these sixty-three people have completed their transformation. They will no longer be afraid of zombies, because no matter how terrifying the zombie tide is, as long as you have the courage to face it, it is always possible to destroy it. its.

"Do you know why I like to be alone and don't like to make friends? Even though I have been to your base so many times, I am only familiar with Xiao Mao and his brother Er Mao, who I am familiar with?"

Looking at the jubilant warriors, Li Yichen suddenly asked lightly. Wan Shan beside him turned to look at Li Yichen, but said nothing.

Li Yichen turned around, looked up at the names on the stone tablet, and said softly:

"That's why! I'm afraid of separation. None of us know that any of these people around us will suddenly leave us. Even today we are still celebrating victory here, but tomorrow, someone will leave again. This world It’s miserable enough as it is, I don’t want to… cry over anyone else’s death!”

Wan Shan also turned around, but instead of looking at the stone tablet, he looked at Li Yichen and suddenly said:

"But you still cried!"

"Fart! I was just smoked by the zombies in the pit!"

Li Yichen turned around and left, leaving Wan Shan with his back. Wan Shan watched Li Yichen go away, looked up at the stone monument, and murmured:

"Farewell... I am actually... quite afraid of separation..."

"Okay! Let's go back! We haven't returned home all night. The guys at the base must be anxious, right? They might think that our entire army has been wiped out!"

When everyone's joy gradually stopped, Wan Shan finally said that when he came, he told his brother Wan Hai not to send anyone over to investigate the situation here, just wait for them to come back at the base.

Because Wanshan is afraid, if someone comes over and sees such a terrifying tide of corpses, and goes back to spread the word, the Wanshan base that has just experienced turmoil may fall apart in an instant! It is better to let those people wait honestly. Although the waiting is difficult, at least there is hope in the heart...

"Lao Wan! You take them back first, I want to stay and tidy up this place! Finish it off!"

Li Yichen said to Wan Shan.

"Okay! Be careful yourself!"

Wan Shan hesitated and looked at Li Yichen, who was covered in bruises. In the end, he didn't ask anything and just nodded lightly.

He knew that Li Yichen should have many secrets, but he didn't want to know. Everyone has the right to keep their own secrets. As long as I know that you are my comrade, that is enough.

"Brother Yi, I'll stay and help you!"

Chang Guchuan quickly came over and said.

"What are you causing trouble? Just be your driver!"

Before Li Yichen could say anything, Wan Shan yelled, "Damn it, I don't even have the right to know. If he really let you stay, wouldn't I be very embarrassed?"

Wan Shan and the others left, taking with them the two buses, the off-road vehicle Li Yichen drove, and the more than a hundred undamaged motorcycles they found while cleaning the battlefield.

However, Li Yichen only allowed them to take away 63 motorcycles. This was an idea in his mind. He wanted to use these 63 people as his team to form an army.

Now there are more than 20,000 zombies waiting for him to recover underground in Wucheng. How many enhanced enzyme injections will he have by then? How many strengtheners can he create with these injections?

In this apocalyptic world, it is impossible for Li Yichen to survive alone. Even when he was a hunter before, he often had to go to various bases to exchange supplies. Now that there is a system, Li Yichen naturally has to build a base by himself, not only to fulfill his obligations to thousands of people. Shan's promise is also for himself.

The enhanced enzyme injection is undoubtedly the best thing for him to strengthen his own power, but he will not give it away unconditionally, even to people with the best relationship. And the 63 people who survived this time have used last night's battle to After proving himself, Li Yichen decided to turn them all into enhancers and do his best to build a powerful army!

Watching Wan Shan and the others disappear from his sight, Li Yichen turned around and looked at Wucheng, which was once again in a mess. Excitement flashed in his eyes, and then he began to collect his harvest crazily!

The first thing he came to was the trap he fell into. Not only were there the largest number of zombies, but they were also of the best quality. Almost all high-level zombies died here.

Because he was afraid of being discovered by Wan Shan and others, Li Yichen did not come out after clearing the trap. Even his Tianya is still in the trap.

After jumping into the trap, Li Yichen started a crazy killing spree. Although the zombies here were just ordinary zombies and posed no threat to him, there were too many of them. It took him more than half an hour to kill all the zombies. , and recycled into the garbage classification system.

Fortunately, there is only one trap like this. Although most of the zombies in other traps were also led down, they have no flesh pads and have basically turned into a puddle of mud. Fortunately, such "garbage" The system recycled it as well, but it didn't cause any damage to Li Yichen!

It took a total of nearly two hours for Li Yichen to finally clear out all the traps. Because the corpses recovered this time were basically the corpses of various zombies, so except for the purification points, all they got were enhanced enzymes. However, Li Yichen was not in a hurry to count his gains, but was planning to leave first and wait until he returned to Wanshan Base.

Just when everything was ready and ready to leave, Li Yichen suddenly discovered that there was a motorcade in the distance, heading towards Wucheng...

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