Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 280 The leopard with insufficient pattern

"Okay! If everyone agrees, then we will do as you say!"

The priest did not argue. He went directly to a syringe and took out a tube of strengthening fluid from the jar. After looking at it carefully, he gave it to the leopard:

"This is the person who will arrange it for you! Just follow this standard!"

Leopard didn't seem to expect that the priest would be so easy to talk. He took the syringe blankly, looked down at it, and then waved to call a few people out from his guard, who were responsible for injecting others.

After the priest handed the syringe to the leopard, he walked aside and looked at them with a faint smile, as if he was not angry because his suggestion was rejected.

"Hey! This is not enough, you need to add some more!"

"That's enough! Compare it yourself!"

"It's just a little bit worse. The priest's sample is here, but yours is a little lower!"

What Leopard didn't expect was that the first person who came for the injection had a dispute with the person he arranged and quickly walked over and asked:

"what happened?"

"Brother Bao! Look, this... isn't enough!"

Seeing the leopard, the mutant who was about to inject the strengthening liquid seemed a little scared, but it was about his own breakthrough, so he didn't care so much. He pointed at the syringe and said bravely.

Without saying a word, Leopard took the two syringes together for comparison. But as soon as he saw the extra line of liquid on the scale, Leopard took a deep breath and turned to look at the priest.

He finally understood why the priest compromised so easily, and the reason was just this "little bit"!

The extra liquid is just a little more on the scale, but if you use the naked eye to judge which of the two injections in front of you is more and which is less, no one really dares to be sure, so it seems that there are less people being injected, and If the person who injects feels that there are too many, disputes... are naturally inevitable!

"Leopards! We are mutants, and our appearance has changed a lot, but we still retain human consciousness and humanity! Trust will always be our biggest problem!"

The priest came to Leopard, looked at the two strengthening fluids he took and said:

"I have said before that if you do it like this, it will make it more difficult for the brothers! Because the stakes are so important, no one dares to trust others easily! He can only rest assured if he extracts it by himself! Who would be willing to put his own Let others control your destiny? No!!”

"Before, we were a group and we relied on each other. That was because we had no other choice, and we were all surviving in this mountain range. We had a common enemy, but now? The hope of breakthrough has completely occupied us. If you want to return to the previous state, you can only wait until all of us break through and stand on the same level again. Otherwise, everyone's heart is hanging. In such a mentality, will they trust others? ?”

After patting the leopard on the shoulder, the priest walked around the leopard's back and said:

"I know. In fact, you don't believe me until now. It doesn't matter, but you have to understand... First of all, I have injected myself and extracted the strengthening liquid from here in front of you! And in each jar I extracted some of the strengthening liquid! No matter which tank has a problem, I will be finished!!"

"Am I willing to trick you all into it? What good does this do to me? Dragging you to hell together? Am I like a madman? Leopard! As I said before, you also agreed. Do you want to take the injection? And when to inject the enhanced fluid, it is not for you, the leader, to decide for everyone, but for them themselves. If you don’t believe that I can, I have no right to stop it, but those who believe in me, you also have no right to stop it!"

"You and those who have doubts can wait until half a month or a month later. That is your freedom. But for those who want the injection now, what reason do you have to stop them?"

Having said this, the priest did not wait for the leopard's reaction and directly said to the mutant humans:

"Everyone! Start lining up! If you think I won't harm you or myself, start the injection now. If you have any doubts, just wait aside!"

As soon as the priest finished speaking, the mutated people suddenly came over again. They all heard the priest's words, and the priest was right. The strengthening fluid he had just injected was extracted from each jar, and it was Who would inject the problematic enhancement fluid into themselves in front of them? Zombies wouldn't be so stupid, right?

(Zombie: This is complimenting me, so I won’t say anything!)

Leopard was furious when he saw this. In the past few days, the priest had targeted him almost every day. His anger had already reached the ceiling. But just when he was about to have an attack, he suddenly saw that the poisonous spider also ran over and lined up. In the queue waiting for injection.

"Poisonous spider! What are you doing?"

The leopard roared immediately, while the poisonous spider looked at the leopard [District 8 www.yeyin8.com] with some evasive eyes, but said loudly:

"Brother Leopard! I have been waiting for a long time at this time, and I don't want to wait another month. Moreover, the priest is one of our own, I think... we have no reason to doubt him! Especially... in case if we wait until the end, the strengthening liquid What if it’s not enough?”

Originally, some of the mutants were still hesitant, but after hearing the poisonous spider's words, they all immediately joined the queue. Only Leopard and his hundred-man guard were left outside!


The leopard looked at the poisonous spider blankly, as if looking at a stranger. At this time, the priest lost no time in asking:

"Leopard! Do you still insist...that you have to wait until we break through and confirm that it is safe before injecting?"

Hearing the priest's question, both the mutants in the queue and Leopard's hundred-man guard all focused on Leopard. Leopard turned around and found that some of his hundred-man guard were actually using Praying eyes are looking at them - they also want to queue up now.

Leopard's anger subsided instantly. He shook his head gently, waved his hands and said:

"If any of you want to queue up, go ahead! Don't worry about me!"

After saying that, the leopard turned around and walked out of the valley:

"You break through! I'll go outside and keep a lookout for you!"

"Brother Leopard!"

Seeing the leopard leaving, some people in the hundred-man guard suddenly shouted, and then immediately followed. A small half of the people hesitated, looked at the jars containing the strengthening liquid, and then looked at the leopard's back, and finally He gritted his teeth and chased after him, but not a single one of the one hundred guards was left behind.

"Hey! Leopard is a good leader! But his structure is not enough. It's okay to lead everyone in this mountain range! In the future, if he doesn't make changes outside, we may be killed by him!"

Watching the leopard leave, the priest shook his head and sighed, with a look of compassion on his face...

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