Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 29 Is this guy scarier than me?

Hearing Li Yichen counting the seconds, everyone else in the car immediately jumped out of the car without even thinking, including a few people standing on the carriage. However, the driver did not dare to get out of the car because Li Yichen was staring at him, so he shouted at the top of his lungs. :

"Brother Wolf! Save me..."

"Brother! We are from Tiger Shark Base, and Tiger Shark is our boss. What you are doing... is provoking Tiger Shark Base!"

The one-eyed dragon might be a little embarrassed, so he rushed up and shouted, but this time he did not dare to curse. His younger brothers also followed behind, but the weapons in their hands were lowered.

"Tiger Shark Base? The one that just replaced a batch of fuel? No wonder it's so luxurious!"

Li Yichen suddenly smiled. The world is really small. Isn't it the Tiger Shark Base that the man named Huang led people to defect to?

"Those two men attacked me, so I killed them, and this man wanted to hit me with a car, so I also wanted to kill him. If anyone offends me, then kill him. This is my habit. If you I think this is a provocation to the Tiger Shark Base..."

Reaching out to grab the bumper of the truck, Li Yichen swung it up with one arm. The truck rose into the air in front of everyone's horrified eyes. After spinning twice, the front of the truck rushed down and hit the ground. The entire front of the truck was smashed to pieces. The driver in the cab was naturally too dead to die.

"Then just think that I am provoking the Tiger Shark Base!"

After destroying the car, Li Yichen turned to look at Cyclops, finished what he said, and then turned and walked towards his motorcycle. Cyclops and the others just stared at Li Yichen blankly, their minds blank.

Throw a truck away with one arm? Their boss Tiger Shark doesn't have that much strength, right? This young guy is actually an enhancer? Or an extremely powerful enhancer?

Li Yichen came to the motorcycle and found that although his car was still in one piece, it could no longer start, so he simply picked up the motorcycle, threw it on his back, and then returned to the road.

"Did you see it? This is the fuel tank!"

When passing in front of the still stunned cyclops and the others, Li Yichen suddenly turned to them and pointed at the motorcycle's fuel tank:

"If you want to sneak attack me, you'd better shoot here. The motorcycle will explode and maybe kill me!"

"What... does he mean?"

Looking at Li Yichen who was gradually walking away, holding the motorcycle on his shoulder and exposing the fuel tank in front of them, the one-eyed dragon swallowed again, looked at the people around him and asked.

The others looked at each other, then shook their heads together.

Looking at Li Yichen's back as he walked further and further away, a hint of murderous intent suddenly flashed in the eyes of the one-eyed dragon. He turned to look at the guy holding a bow and arrow next to him, pointed at Li Yichen and said:

"You! Shoot his gas tank!"


The man was stunned, looked at Li Yichen's back, with a look of horror in his eyes, and shook his head subconsciously.

In fact, although Li Yichen killed three of them, the two in front were shot in the head with one arrow, and the one in the back overturned the car. Although the guy should have died miserably, they couldn't see the body, only the body. There was a large pool of blood flowing out of the cab.

The visual impact of this method of killing is far less powerful than when Cyclops and his gang kill people. Their level of cruelty is definitely unimaginable to many people. Even the deboning and skinning of living people is in their eyes They all belong to pediatrics.

But for some reason, Li Yichen's level of terror in the eyes of these murderous demons has increased infinitely. As a result, this guy with a bow and arrow did not dare to attack the seemingly defenseless Li Yichen, who had his back turned to him. He even did not hesitate to disobey. The order of the one-eyed dragon who has always been cruel and ruthless.

"Oh shit!"

Originally intimidated by Li Yichen's momentum, the one-eyed dragon was a little embarrassed. But now when he saw that his always respectful subordinates dared to refuse him, he became furious and pulled the archer out. He pushed it towards the middle of the road and pulled it out. A dagger said:

"Hurry up! Otherwise I will skin you alive and roast you on the fire. I will also let you taste the taste of your own roast before you die. You know I can do this! Hurry up. !”

Seeing that Li Yichen had gone a little further, the one-eyed dragon simply roared out at the end.

The archer's legs trembled. He looked at the one-eyed dragon and then at Li Yichen in the distance. Finally he raised his bow, pulled out an arrow and put it on the string. But as soon as he pulled it halfway, the archer suddenly let out a loud sound. Yelled, dropped the bow and arrow in his hand and ran away.

The one-eyed dragon didn't expect this at all. He opened his mouth wide and looked at the archer rushing down the road and running towards the wilderness. It took him a while to react. By this time, the archer had already run far away.

"No, that guy..."

The one-eyed dragon looked at the person next to him in astonishment, pointed at Li Yichen in the distance, then pointed at his nose and asked:

"More terrifying than me?"

His men looked at each other, but no one dared to speak for fear of being named and attacked Li Yichen.

Although no one answered, the younger brothers' expressions already told the answer. One-eyed dragon couldn't help but push up his blindfold, revealing one intact eye, looked at Li Yichen's back and muttered:

"Damn it! Who is this guy? And how does he know that we just changed the fuel?"

"Brother Wolf! The boss asked us to go to Wucheng to look for that damn zombie wave. Are we going to go?"

A guy who had been stared at by the one-eyed dragon was sweating profusely. He couldn't stand it anymore, so he asked with a forced smile.

"Go! Why not go?"

The one-eyed dragon seemed to have just remembered that he still had a mission, and immediately answered, and pointed to his right side:

"Wucheng is over there, in the opposite direction to this guy. Is there anything you can't go to?"

"Okay, okay! Then go to Wucheng!"

When the one-eyed dragon spoke these words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and quickly echoed:

"Actually, we are almost there. The fork in the road ahead is... Huh?"

A guy pointed at the fork in the road from Highway 6 to Wucheng. He felt something was wrong just halfway through his words. He shook his head and looked again, but there was still nothing wrong:

"No...Brother Lang! Wucheng...is gone!"


The one-eyed dragon was furious and slapped the guy on the back of the head:

"Are you so frightened by that guy that you lost your mind? What do you mean Wucheng is gone? It's because you haven't arrived yet! You haven't arrived yet, do you understand?"

"Brother Wolf! Wucheng is really gone!"

Another guy also pointed at Wucheng and shouted:

"I...I have been to Wucheng many times. I can't go wrong. That fork in the road leads to Wucheng. You can definitely see it from here. It should be there!"


The one-eyed dragon looked in that direction. He had never been to Wucheng and had no impression of it, so he waved his hand and said:

"Where's the map?"

"Here here here!"

A guy quickly ran to the second car, took the map and handed it to Cyclops. Cyclops opened it and looked at it carefully, then looked up at Wucheng, then looked at the map again, and murmured:

"Have you ever met a ghost... Did we encounter a ghost today? First we met a monster, and then... The boss asked us to come to Wucheng to look for the zombie tide. It makes sense that we can't find the zombie tide, but in this Wucheng... why can't we find it? What’s up?”

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