Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 295 Apply for alliance?

"Have Sun Cheng come to my place immediately! And bring a full set of testing tools! Tell him that I have a strengthening fluid here that needs to be tested!"

After pressing the button, Qu Fengyang spoke. After finishing speaking, he directly retracted his hand and looked at Li Yichen without waiting for a reply:

"I want to test this strengthening solution first. If it is really what you said and can be mass-produced, then your base will be qualified to cooperate with our Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce on an equal footing!"

"With just this one strengthening solution, do we have the qualifications to cooperate with you?"

Li Yichen asked with a smile.

"That's right!"

Qu Fengyang nodded seriously:

"Of course, if you have other novel things, we can also cooperate at a deeper level, and...if your base doesn't want to be exposed, we can also help you conceal the source of these products!"

"This can be considered!"

Li Yichen smiled and nodded:

"My base doesn't have many people, and we don't have any ambitions, let alone becoming one of the nine major forces. We just want to... survive in this apocalyptic world and protect the people around us!"


Qu Fengyang looked at Li Yichen and nodded gently:

"Yes! Live well. In this end of the world, even these four words have become a luxury wish for most people! In fact, our Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce is the same, but we are making our people live better. At the same time, I also want to help as many people as possible!”

"So you're in business?"

Li Yichen asked.

"Yes! This is the way we do it!"

Qu Fengyang nodded, then pointed to the injection on the table:

"Just like your strengthening liquid, with you, it can only help a certain member of your base, but with us, our Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce can use our own channels to allow others to use it. Use this strengthening liquid to strengthen yourself, and it will probably allow a person to live longer! It may even save a small base!"

“I don’t think a small base can afford this!”

Li Yichen shook his head and said:

"Actually, my base is actually a small base, so I know quite well how difficult it is for a small base to survive in this world. If we hadn't found a way to make strengthening liquid, I'm afraid my base would have been eliminated by this world long ago. !and……"

Li Yichen looked down at the injection:

"This is for evolved people or new humans. I don't know about small bases here, but in the Far North Continent, Enhancers are already the top combat power!"


Qu Fengyang nodded, but before he could continue, there was a knock on the door!

"Come in!"

Qu Fengyang nodded to Li Yichen, and then shouted. The door was immediately pushed open, and appraiser Sun Cheng walked in with two people carrying an instrument.

"My lord in charge!"

After Sun Cheng came in, he ignored Li Yichen and bowed directly to Qu Fengyang.

"Test this. I want detailed test results. Let's do it here. The sooner the better!"

Qu Fengyang picked up the strengthening liquid on the table and handed it to Sun Cheng, giving instructions.

Looking at Qu Fengyang's expression, Sun Cheng knew in his heart that this injection might be unusual. He took it carefully and then directed the other two people to place them together and started to get busy...

During this period, Qu Fengyang did not chat with Li Yichen anymore, and Li Yichen was also happy to relax, sitting on the sofa nearby and drinking the drinks on the table!

It took more than thirty minutes for Sun Chengcai to finish his test. During this period, he took two samples from the injection. I don't know if it was because he was not sure after taking it the first time, so he took another test. The second time!

When the test was over, Sun Cheng did not report immediately, but whispered to the other two people for a while, then looked at Qu Fengyang with some anxiety and said:

"Supervisor! This... is strengthening fluid!"

"Nonsense! I need you to tell me what this is? Get to the point!"

Qu Feng raised his eyebrows and frowned.


Sun Cheng bent down and saluted:

"This strengthening liquid is not an ordinary strengthening liquid. It is purer than the one the gentleman gave me before! I even feel that it has been purified twice or even more times. It should be specifically for new humans. And made!”

"Judging from the test results, it has a very good effect on strengthening the physical attributes of new humans, and can even ignore the attenuation mechanism, but..."

At this point, Sun Cheng suddenly hesitated and couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Yichen.

"but what?"

Qu Fengyang asked in a low voice:

"Just say what you have to say, why are you hesitating? Do you think you are Teacher Cang?"

"But...if the supervisor wants to introduce this purification method and mass-produce this enhanced liquid in our chamber of commerce, I don't agree!"

Sun Cheng looked at Qu Fengyang cautiously.

"Why don't you agree?"

Qu Fengyang looked at Li Yichen, suddenly laughed, turned to Sun Cheng and asked.

"Because the cost is too high!"

Sun Cheng raised the strengthening liquid in his hand and said:

"We have carefully calculated that to purify such a strengthening liquid, at least five to ten ordinary strengthening liquids are needed, and the probability of failure is quite high. Even if we finally succeed in purifying it, I am afraid that the gain will not be worth the loss!"


Qu Fengyang took the strengthening fluid, looked at Li Yichen and asked:

"Will purifying this still fail?"

"If you use our enhanced liquid for purification, it will basically not fail!"

Li Yichen replied calmly.

"Then how much does a bottle of strengthening liquid cost?"

Qu Fengyang continued to ask.

"ten times!"

Li Yichen's answer was brief.

"Ten times..."

Qu Fengyang thought for a moment, then looked at the injection in his hand and waved it to Li Yichen:

"If I want this, I'll give it to you ten times the price of that injection!"

Li Yichen nodded, and Qu Fengyang then injected the injection directly into his body.

Seeing his actions, Li Yichen and Sun Cheng were silent. They knew that Qu Fengyang was using his own body to verify the true effect of this strengthening liquid.

After completing the injection, Qu Fengyang handed the syringe to Sun Cheng, then sat on the chair. After looking at the time, he began to close his eyes and rest, while Li Yichen sat on the sofa and waited quietly... …

Only a few minutes passed before Qu Fengyang opened his eyes, took a breath first, then looked at the time, stood up, walked slowly to Li Yichen, and stretched out a hand to him:

"On behalf of the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce, I send an alliance application to your base!!"

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