Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 299 On the impact of rising pork prices on the end of the world

Almost everyone knows that the main direction of the Kingdom of Heaven is to study zombies, but the sole purpose of the Doomsday Scavenger is to kill zombies. You killed all the zombies, so why am I still researching?

(Zombie: Yes, yes! If there were no us in apocalyptic novels, what would you be writing?)

What is especially unacceptable to the Kingdom of Heaven is that the members of the Doomsday Scavengers kill for the sake of pure killing and will not collect any materials at all. Therefore, in their view, the zombies killed by these madmen are basically all. wasted!

The Kingdom of Heaven's zombie research is not just in the Far North Continent, all other continents are being carried out simultaneously, but often they have just developed a new type of zombie and are still in the period of observation and improvement, and this zombie is killed by the apocalyptic scavengers. members were killed.

The Kingdom of Heaven has communicated with the top management of Doomsday Scavenger for this purpose many times, but none of them have been effective. The answer given by Doomsday Scavenger is very simple. As long as it is a zombie, we will kill it, even if it is your father. Same! !

Therefore, the relationship between the Kingdom of Paradise and the Scavengers of the End of the World has always been tense. However, what makes the Kingdom of Paradise helpless is that the organizational structure of the Scavengers of the End of the World is even worse than that of the Hunters and Killers Association. The Hunters and Hunters Association is present on every continent. There is still a lair, but the Doomsday Scavengers... they have no gathering place at all!

What they yearn for is to take the initiative and not set up a base to defend passively. Therefore, almost all members of the Doomsday Scavengers are like hunters, wandering around the world.

After all, members of the Hunter Association will enter the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce's trading point to receive tasks or exchange for some supplies or information, but members of the Doomsday Scavengers basically do not need any supplies.

They all have strong survival abilities in the wild and rarely appear in people's sight. The only one who can track their whereabouts may be the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce - because sometimes they also need some strengthening fluids and the like!

The Kingdom of Heaven will not sell strengthening fluids to them, but the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce has no such scruples. Therefore, among the nine major forces, the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce can have some communication with the organization Doomsday Scavengers.

"This organization can actually get in touch with them. Maybe at some point, we can use their power!"

After reading the information on the Doomsday Scavengers, Li Yichen murmured, and then looked at the information on the next force: 6. Shengshi Farm!

The name of this force, Li Yichen felt a little strange when he saw it. The name of the organization in the apocalypse was actually called Shengshi Farm? This is a wonderful wish! Or have they already done that?

But before Li Yichen could look down at their detailed information, he suddenly heard the sound of a helicopter engine coming from outside.


Opening the curtains, Li Yichen realized that he had been reading the information all night, and it was already bright outside!

He looked up at the helicopter in the sky and found that it belonged to the Freedom Alliance. After reading the information for so long, Li Yichen could be regarded as recognizing the symbols of some forces.

"Forget it! Let's watch it tonight!"

Looking at the time displayed on the personal terminal, Li Yichen shook his head helplessly. It was now past seven in the morning, and the trading meeting would start at eight o'clock on time. Anyway, the personal terminal was here with him. He would come back at night to see the remaining forces. It’s not too late for information!

After washing up, Li Yichen exchanged a backpack from the mall, stuffed his personal terminal and some things he planned to trade with, then put on his backpack and left the hotel, heading towards the building in the center of the city.

The main venue of the trade fair is in the rotunda on the top floor of this building. Li Yichen has already found out! Participants in the trade fair included people from the nine major forces as well as survivors from some bases in the Far West Continent. Therefore, if the venue was not large, it might not be able to accommodate it.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the building, Li Yichen saw Zhang Xiang. This guy seemed to be waiting for him.

"Xiao Li! Are you here?"

Seeing Li Yichen, Zhang Xiang came up to him and said hello with a smile:

"The supervisor has reserved a box for you, I will take you there right now!"

"Haha! Is this a benefit for allies? Thank you for mentioning me, Laoqu!"

Li Yichen smiled.


Zhang Xiang was stunned, obviously he didn't know about the alliance yet.

"Nothing! Take me there first!"

Li Yichen waved his hand and said without explaining.

The box left for Li Yichen was not big, but the location was very good. It faced the big screen on the main stage of the trade fair. According to Zhang Xiang, this box was specially set aside by the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce and was not open to the public. It was generally not open to the public. It's what Sun Cheng and Qu Fengyang know how to use.

It is said to be a trade fair, but it is actually similar to an auction. Products for sale or tasks to be released will appear on the big screen. Those who are interested can bid below, and the one with the highest final price will win. It’s that simple!

Moreover, transactions here are basically anonymous. Everyone who enters the venue will get a mask and a small terminal. All operations can be completed through this terminal. Of course, Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce controls all participants. of information, which is also a way for them to collect intelligence.

"Old Zhang! If I want to know some information or news about a certain person, can I post it here?"

Li Yichen suddenly remembered something, so he called Zhang Xiang and asked.

"Of course you can, but you need to reach the quota we stipulate! In addition, our Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce should have the most complete information. If we don't even know it, then no one may know what you want to know!"

Zhang Xiang replied.


Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, he had never heard of this.


Zhang Xiang explained:

"To be able to appear at the trade fair, whether it is a task or a product, the transaction amount must be more than fifty Xinyuan coins. If the amount is lower than this, it can only be placed in the consignment hall outside, or go to the task hall Post a mission!”


Li Yichen suddenly realized it. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really necessary! Otherwise, if someone pulls a truckload of zombies over and sells them pound by pound, and they can't sell them all in three days, let alone three years, then there is no need to hold this trade fair!

(Zombie: The rising price of pork will also have an impact on the apocalypse? Have everyone switched to eating zombies?)

"Starting at fifty coins? It seems like...my Xinyuan coins are not too much, right?"

After looking at his more than four hundred Xinyuan coins, Li Yichen murmured...

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