Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 311 Settlement of Accounts after Autumn

The actions of Lone Wolf and the Law Enforcement Department can be said to have caused a bloody storm in the capital of hell. They had been waiting quietly for those people to jump out, and when they felt that they were about the same, they started arresting people without warning.

At this time, the only ones left in the Hell Capital base were Lone Wolf's law enforcement team and Xiao Hu's Death Shadow. Even the cannon fodder group had followed Xiao Mao's Hell Scythe out to "hunt".

The Shadow of Death has never expanded. Even though there were so many new children, Xiaohu still didn't choose anyone from them because he felt that the Shadow of Death was not his, but Li Yichen's. If he wanted to recruit someone, Li Yichen would have to speak first. Only then, so the current Death Shadow Army still has only 26 people.

Even if Lone Wolf's law enforcement team is included, they only have less than sixty people. Fortunately, there is still an army in the current hell capital, and that is the soldiers from Li Qingfeng's base.

These warriors can actually be regarded as elites. After all, they survived the battle of the zombie siege. However, Wanshan did not let the three legions collect them. Instead, he asked Li Qingfeng to temporarily manage them. It happened that they had just experienced After a bloody battle and a long journey here, it’s time to rest for a while!

But now, Lone Wolf has used all these soldiers. He called Li Qingfeng, without any scruples at all because of the opponent's strength. He directly told him that to temporarily take over his legion, all his orders must be fulfilled. Execution without deduction!

Li Qingfeng had known the identity of Lone Wolf for a long time. Li Yichen had warned him before coming here. After arriving in the capital of hell, Wan Shan solemnly told him no less than ten times, so Li Qingfeng himself felt that I'm very curious, why does this guy who is not even an evolver make so many people scruple? So I was ready to cooperate fully so that I could see for myself what the lone wolf was capable of.

After receiving full command of Li Qingfeng's army, Lone Wolf divided them into a hundred teams without further ado, then gave them a list and asked them to arrest people according to the list! Some may cause trouble, but Lone Wolf directly asks members of the law enforcement team to lead the team.

Because this arrest was sudden, without any warning in advance, and in addition, all the original soldiers from the capital of hell were seen leaving, so this was the time when those guys were dancing happily.

Because there was a list and identification of the shadow of death, the process of arresting people did not waste much time. Soon, everyone who had participated in spreading rumors was arrested.

During the arrest process, there were even some people who were not involved in spreading rumors. They called for help when they saw someone being arrested and tried to stop them. And these people were taken away without exception!

Finally, the arrests were all over, and the total number of participants and survivors who did not know the truth and tried to stop the arrests actually reached 5,000.

In fact, this number is not too much for the current Hell Capital base, less than one percent, but don't forget that the people Li Qingfeng brought, except for his soldiers, were all old, weak, women and children. They were arranged in separate living areas, and they were managed by people they knew well. They didn't care at all about the rumors, so they didn't get involved at all.

As for the soldiers brought by Li Qingfeng, they followed him through life and death. They had gone through countless fierce battles. They did not listen to anyone except Li Qingfeng. Therefore, in this incident, Li Qingfeng's base, which had the largest number of people, On the contrary, miraculously no one was involved.

That night, when everyone finished their work and returned to the base, they were surprised to find that the two-story tall walls of the Capital of Hell were actually covered with densely packed pillars, with a person tied to each pillar!

Seeing this situation, everyone couldn't help but start whispering to each other and talking about it:

"What's going on...?"

"Some people arrested a few people from the fishing village by the lake today. It is said that they are from the law enforcement team. Several workers were arrested together because they stopped them from arresting people. They should be among the people above, right?"

"Stop guessing! Hehe! This is the beginning of the settlement of accounts. I already knew that they wouldn't be able to survive for a few days. You heard that in the past few days, some people in the base were secretly discussing that the founder of the base, Brother Yi, was dead. They are outside, Wan Tou is competing with Li Tou and the leaders of the three legions for the management rights of the base, right?"

"Huh? I think I heard about it, but I was at work at the time and didn't listen carefully! What's going on? Tell me!"

"Tch! That's your luck! You're lucky if you didn't hear it. Otherwise, once you hear it, believe it yourself, and tell others about it, you'll be doomed! Among the people above, there will be There’s one for you!”

"Then aren't you spreading this now? Why aren't you tied up?"

"Get out! I'm telling you the reason why they made a mistake! Are you telling you that it's the truth? I don't believe it. Do you think I'm a fool like them?"

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Tch! Let me tell you! I am a formal member of the Hell Capital Base. I followed Brother Yi from Wanshan Base. Would you believe such nonsense? Let me tell you, this base would not have been established without Brother Yi. Get up, he built the capital of hell with his own hands! Do you think he will die? Bah! Let me tell you, even if zombies from all over the world come to besiege the Valley of the Dead and our base of the capital of hell, as long as Brother Yi is here, he can Take us to stop those bastards, do you believe it? If you don’t believe me, I’ll call someone right now and ask them to hang you on the pole above.”

"Damn it! I definitely believe it!"

"Yeah! I believe it too! Don't shout! You are my eldest brother, and I will hang out with you from now on!"

There are similar conversations among the crowd. The old people in the capital of hell know what is going on. They have seen the terror of the lone wolf, so when they hear those words, they will secretly go over and listen. , and remember the guy who was frothing at the mouth, and then go to the shadow of death or someone from the law enforcement team to report this matter.

Therefore, these people naturally do not have any psychological pressure. After all, they have watched the capital of hell rise all the way. They know very well what the senior officials above are like. They said that Wanshan would rob Li Dong and the commanders of the three major legions. Management rights of the base? Has this guy’s brain been bitten by a zombie?

"Okay! Attention, everyone, gather at the Parade Square! The law enforcement team has something to deal with publicly today!"

It was almost time to see people coming back. Wanshan’s voice came out from the loudspeaker on the resort. As for the Parade Square, it was naturally the large open space in front of the resort, because on the day when the Capital of Hell was established, the three The Grand Army all appeared here, so it was named Parade Square!

"Quick, quick, quick! Go and gather!"

As soon as they heard this voice, all the survivors in the Capital of Hell gathered towards the Parade Square...

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