Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 327 Life more advanced than human beings

After about ten minutes, the tingling feeling in Li Yichen's body disappeared instantly, and at the same time, a force was suddenly released in his body, and it all returned to his body the moment he left the body.

Li Yichen slowly stood up and closed his eyes to feel the changes in his powers. Then, he suppressed the urge to go out and try it out immediately, and once again ordered the system to give him another lightning power injection.

Fifteen minutes later, Li Yichen finally left the cave and came to Duanjun Mountain, facing a forest and stretching away to the end of the world...


A ball of silver light suddenly lit up in the forest shrouded in darkness, accompanied by the sound of electric current. When the silver light was extinguished, the area about a hundred meters in diameter that had been shrouded in light was already a piece of scorched earth.

Li Yichen, who was standing in the distance, swayed and appeared in the scorched earth as if teleporting. He looked down at the ground that was still smoking and filled with a burnt smell. He squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil, using his hands. After rubbing it, he threw it away and stood up again, his eyes flashing with excitement.

These are his new powers - Thunder Purgatory and Thunder Flash!

Thunder Purgatory is a combination skill of his Hell Fangs and lightning abilities. All the arrows he fires are attached with lightning attacks, while Thunder Flash is a rush-type ability that allows his body to break through within fifty meters in an instant. any distance.

These two new abilities have undoubtedly greatly enhanced Li Yichen's combat effectiveness, especially the Thunder Flash, which gives Li Yichen an extremely effective method whether he is escaping or chasing.

Of course, although this kind of rush is completed instantly, it is not a teleportation. It requires a moving trajectory. In other words, it is impossible to rush through the wall to the other side of the wall. In addition, this power cannot be used continuously. There must be an interval of more than five minutes.

However, the distance of Li Yichen's sudden power is a bit exaggerated, a full fifty meters! !

In this world, there are not many rush powers, but the rush distance of most of them is within ten meters, or even only two or three meters. Those that exceed ten meters are rare, let alone It's said to be fifty meters.

"System, why is the dash distance of my Thunderbolt Flash so far? Is it because of that creature? It seems like I didn't see them using this ability just now?"

Li Yichen also felt that his powers were a bit abnormal, so he asked in his mind.

"It should be a matter of life form. The silver snake is a water creature, so when it lunges, it needs to take into account the resistance of the water. But you are using it on land, so the resistance of the air cannot be compared with that of water. , so the distance will naturally become longer.”

After all, the system was researching genes, and it immediately analyzed:

"As for why those silver snakes didn't use this ability before... maybe they thought there was no need to go all out to hunt down a mere D-level creature like you!"

"Wipe! Merely?"

Li Yichen had a black line and decided not to continue the topic, but... he didn't want to continue, but the system did not intend to stop, but issued a warning to Li Yichen:

"In addition, you must find a way to improve your life level now, otherwise you will no longer be able to increase your three major attributes!"

"What do you mean?"

Li Yichen couldn't help but be stunned. If he were calculated according to the division of this world, he should be regarded as a second-level new human being, because the values ​​​​of his three major attributes exceeded 200!

The three major attribute values ​​are generally around ten for ordinary people. Those with more than twenty are considered enhancers. The full attribute value of an enhancer is one hundred. Without breaking through to the realm of an evolver, his attribute value cannot exceed one hundred. .

Once the attribute exceeds 100, even if it is only 101, it is considered to have entered the realm of evolvers. Among them, those who understand supernatural powers will be called new humans, and vice versa are evolvers.

Regardless of whether they have realized the superpower or not, the upper limit of the physical attributes of the evolver will be opened to one thousand. Of course, no one can reach such a perverted point and really pile up his own attributes to one thousand, so there will be evolvers without limit. upper limit argument.

When the main attribute of the body reaches two hundred, it is considered to have entered the realm of the second-level new human being, and three hundred is the third level, and so on, because the higher the attribute, the harder it is to improve, so Li Yichen has seen the second-level new human being in this world with his own eyes. There are not many humans.

In fact, after the system upgrade, Li Yichen had the opportunity to increase his physical attributes to at least 400, but he felt that it was useless for him to be strong alone. The whole city of hell must be strong, so he gave himself When all three attributes of Li Yichen were raised to about 267, Li Yichen stopped and kept all the remaining enhanced enzymes in the mall as reserves!

But now, the system actually told him that he could no longer strengthen his attributes before raising his life level. Wouldn't this be life-threatening? Seeing that there are so many zombies in the Han Province, is this a good time for him to plunder and improve?

"System! Why can't I continue to improve my physical attributes? Isn't the upper limit one thousand?"

Li Yichen asked angrily.

"The two enhanced enzymes you just used are from B-level life forms. Their life forms are two levels higher than yours, so they contain more life energy. After using them, the life energy in your body has exceeded yours. The current limit that you can bear, so...you can no longer strengthen your attributes unless you increase your life level!"

The system explained.

"You said that the life form of that long worm is more advanced than human beings? You're talking nonsense, right? And! Why didn't you remind me before?"

Li Yichen asked depressedly.

"I'm talking about life levels, not life forms! There is no necessary connection between the two. Human life forms are much more advanced than ants, but purely in terms of strength, ants are two hundred times more powerful than humans. above!"

The system quickly explained:

"Moreover, when I used the first injection on you, your body did not sound an alarm, so I continued to use the second injection on you. However, after this injection entered your body, it actually produced a reaction with the first injection. The chain reaction caused a huge increase in life energy, and by the time I discovered it, it was already too late!"

"But... there is another way now, which is to weaken the effect of your second injection. I can do this, but the charging distance of Thunder Flash will be weakened, and it will be permanent!"


When Li Yichen heard this, he couldn't help but hesitate. He was just excited about Thunder Flash's sudden advance distance, and now it was about to be weakened? Or is it an irreversible and permanent weakening...

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