Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 331 Don’t be too shocked

"Do you think... there is a traitor among them?"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Qu Fengyang originally planned to refute, but thinking about what happened before they set off, he felt that he didn't have much confidence!

"Whether there is or not! I have to be careful and careful!"

Li Yichen replied:

"Old song! We are a base here with hundreds of thousands of people. I can't risk their lives! Especially after what happened to you, I can let you know our true strength, but …They can’t!”

"Phew! I understand!"

Qu Fengyang sighed and looked at Li Yichen:

"Actually... I don't need to fully understand your strength. I just want to know whether you can keep the Valley of the Dead Army when the nine major forces really enter the Far North Continent!"

"Do not worry!"

Li Yichen patted Qu Fengyang on the shoulder:

"On the day they come, I will let you watch a good show! Moreover, the capital of hell will also begin its rise on this day!!"

"Okay! With your words, I feel relieved. Then I will place the headquarters of our Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce in front of your Death Army Valley!"

Qu Fengyang looked at Li Yichen's expression seriously and finally confirmed that his confidence came from the heart, so he nodded:

"But remember, if your Army Corpse Valley changes hands, I will be in trouble. It is not easy to temporarily choose a location and build a city!"

"Hahahaha! Keep your heart in your stomach! Huh? By the way, Laoqu, when will those guys start entering the Far North Continent?"

Li Yichen laughed and comforted Qu Fengyang, and then asked.

"When a force enters an unfamiliar continent, even if only a small number of its members enter, it still needs to make various preliminary preparations. They must first send the vanguard troops to carry out various constructions, and then the real large forces can start to move in."

Qu Fengyang analyzed:

"According to my prediction, it will take a week at the earliest for their vanguard to enter the Far North Continent. As for the main force, it will be half a month later. It is estimated that it will take at least a month to really start operating! Of course, among them It does not include the Kingdom of Heaven! Because they were the first to get the news!”

"It actually takes that long?"

Li Yichen felt more relieved upon hearing this, and then looked at Qu Fengyang and asked:

"Eh? Then why is your Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce so fast?"

"Nonsense! First of all, we got the information much earlier than other forces. Moreover, these I brought are just the vanguard. Especially since you promised to give us a city, we don't need to prepare many things, so it will be fast!"

The worry in his heart disappeared, and Qu Fengyang returned to normal, rolling his eyes and answering.

"Haha! So that's it. Don't worry, your city will be given to you as soon as possible. Lao Wan said that the foundation of your city will be finished tomorrow, right? Then I will give you your city the day after tomorrow!"

Li Yichen smiled.

"What? The day after tomorrow? Are you planning to paper-paste a city for me?"

Qu Fengyang's eyes widened.

"Hehe! Didn't I just say that? What you see is only the apparent strength of our Hell City. The real Hell City, just like the island in the middle of the lake, is mostly hidden underwater! "

Li Yichen pointed to the island in the middle of the lake in the distance and smiled.

"Okay! If you can really hand over the city to me the day after tomorrow, then the stone in my heart will be completely shattered!"

Qu Fengyang looked at the island in the middle of the lake and nodded.

"Well! Then hurry up and supervise the work. Let me tell you, if the foundation is not done well and it is not dug out according to the architectural pattern you want, then don't blame me for not giving you a city that is not what you want! I am following the instructions. It’s from the foundation!”

Li Yichen patted Qu Fengyang's shoulder and said, Qu Fengyang jumped up when he heard it:

"Don't worry! If I can't even look at the foundation, then I will pack up and leave tomorrow. I don't even want the city anymore!"

While talking, Qu Fengyang ran towards the outside of the valley...

"Nah! I was scared to death! I finally got through it!"

Looking at Qu Fengyang's back, Li Yichen couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his head, and secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, before returning, a traitor was found in the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce, otherwise it would be difficult for him to get through.

Although Li Yichen just kept saying that what Qu Fengyang saw was only the surface of the capital of hell, he knew best in his heart that there was indeed something in the capital of hell that Qu Fengyang had not seen, but... it was really not much!

The analogy Li Yichen made just now is indeed correct. The city of hell that Qu Fengyang saw was like the island in the middle of the lake. There were things hidden under the water. But the problem was... that island in the middle of the lake was so floating. The following is just a short section, and it is not connected to the mainland at all!

What Qu Fengyang has not seen so far in the capital of hell is the new humans from the three legions who ran out last night, but those guys just broke through after Li Yichen came back, so it can be said that Qu Fengyang yesterday and today There were no big mistakes in the investigation of the Capital of Hell. What he saw was almost all the power that the Capital of Hell currently possessed.

Of course, he couldn't fight against those three major forces with his current strength, but Li Yichen was not worried at all now. He went out to search for so many things. He was completely sure that before the vanguard of those forces entered the Far North Continent, he would be able to defeat them. The capital of hell has completed a terrifying improvement.

"The three major legions should be able to break through some people in the past few days. By then, it should be no problem to gather a new human team of more than 200 people!"

Li Yichen began to calculate the power he would be able to use in a few days:

"In addition, after the expansion of the three major legions, we will increase their attributes. There will be a legion of nearly 5,000 people, more than 200 new humans, and the others will all be strengtheners with at least one attribute full, and each of them will have a handful of Undertaker, like this The lineup should be pretty good, right?"


Just after calculating this, Li Yichen suddenly shook his head:

"By then, the new base must have been completed. Compared with such a large army, five thousand people seems to be a little less. The standing army must also be armed. There should be enough gunpowder. It may not be a real fight anyway, and we need to get some more. Heavy weapons are coming out, right!”

Suddenly thinking of something, Li Yichen jumped up suddenly and rushed towards the Death Army Valley. He just took two steps but stopped again and knocked himself on the head twice:

"Oh! I'm so careless. I don't have to be serious. I can just make a few and put them there to show off. There's no need for them to prepare them first! Haha!"

When Li Yichen thought about how he would arrange the capital of hell, he couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"Just wait! Old song! You will definitely have a good show when the time comes. I just hope you won't be too shocked!"

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