Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 333 Gathering in the middle of the night

"I am very aware of the strength of the nine major forces. Although they will only send a small number of people into the Far North Continent, even these people are not something we can resist at the moment. It is best for us to avoid them for the time being!"

Lin Xiaotian seemed to have thought about it a long time ago. As soon as Li Yichen asked the question, he answered:

"The relationship between the nine major forces is complicated. When they first entered the Far North Continent, they might have lived in peace, but the zombie wave was concentrated in the Han Province, so their base must be around the Han Province. , over time, it will definitely cause conflicts!”

After looking at Li Yichen, Lin Xiaotian pointed at the resort:

"They don't know about our existence yet. Even if the Kingdom of Heaven is aware of it, it doesn't matter. When the nine major forces enter the Far North Continent together, they won't have the energy to pay attention to us, so we can give up here temporarily and wait. After they fight, we’ll decide based on the situation!”

"Give up here...where are we going?"

Li Yichen asked with a smile. He didn't blame Lin Xiaotian. Lin Xiaotian was not Wanshan and the others, and they didn't have that kind of almost blind trust in him, so it was not surprising that he had such thoughts.

"I have a secret base in the Far North Continent, but... it can only accommodate up to 20,000 people. You can transfer all the elites from the Capital of Hell. As for the others..."

Lin Xiaotian hesitated and said:

"They are just ordinary survivors. The three major forces will not make things difficult for them, but will absorb them because they have just arrived in the Far North Continent and need people!"

"Uncle Lin! Regardless of whether they are elites or ordinary people, as long as they join me in the capital of hell, I will not give up on them! I said I will ensure their safety, this is my promise!"

Li Yichen's smile disappeared, he looked at Lin Xiaotian seriously and said:

"And... the Valley of the Dead Army belongs to the capital of hell. We were here when we were founded, so we will never leave. No one can drive us away!"

"Xiaoyi! It's a good thing that young people are more energetic, but you have to learn to distinguish the strength of the enemy and ourselves. It's not a smart thing to hit an egg against a stone!"

Lin Xiaotian couldn't help but persuade.

"Egg against stone?"

Li Yichen laughed:

"It doesn't matter how the stone collides. If you bake the stone and freeze the egg, the result of the collision will be completely opposite!"


Lin Xiaotian wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Li Yichen. He waved his hand and said:

"Okay, Uncle Lin! I'm not the kind of person who risks hundreds of thousands of people based on a momentary whim. You haven't really seen the strength of the capital of hell. Do you think I'm leaving for so long? Traveling?"

Patted Lin Xiaotian's back:

"Come on, Uncle Lin, I just need your help. I want to freeze the eggs. They will be harder than hard rocks!"

"Freeze the eggs?"

Looking at Li Yichen's back, Lin Xiaotian looked confused, shook his head and chased after him...

"Have you three completed the army expansion?"

Li Yichen summoned all the commanders of the three legions and asked directly without any nonsense.


It was Chang Guchuan who answered:

"But... there are a few more, because some people are really not easy to choose, so I will add them first, and then we will see after two days of training. If they don't work, they will be sent back to the standing army!"


Li Yichen nodded:

"How many people are there in the three major legions now?"

"The total number of Redemption Blades is six hundred and twelve."

"Three hundred and thirty-three shadows of death."

"Hell's Scythe...six thousand one hundred people."

The commanders of the three legions replied in turn. When it was Xiao Mao's turn, the guy seemed to be blushing because the number of people he recruited was already more than the total number of the other two legions!

"Yeah! No problem! As long as you think they can do it, that's it for now!"

Li Yichen nodded. In fact, he was not very surprised by this number. He even thought it was a bit small. After all, he was also very clear about the military quality of Li Qingfeng's soldiers. Can you survive without two brushes? The weak have been eliminated long ago.

"Are their people here now?"

Li Yichen asked.

"Yes! After the selection, we took them to dig holes, Brother Yi! I'm going to ask you for permission. We won't dig holes tomorrow. Do you think it's okay to take these new recruits out for training?"

Chang Guchuan replied.

"Why do you need tomorrow? Assemble immediately and set off immediately, I will take you there! Target: Hanbang Province!!"

Li Yichen said loudly.


The three guys agreed together, and then immediately went out to call their recruits who had already gone to rest!

"Is it too late to start training now?"

Lin Xiaotian looked at the backs of the three guys and shook his head slightly, then turned to look at Li Yichen and asked.

"Whether it's late or not, you'll find out just when you go and take a look!"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Xiaotian and smiled happily.

"It's not bad! The gathering speed is good, and the energy and energy are not bad!"

Standing in front of the assembly camp of recruits from the three major legions, Li Yichen nodded with satisfaction. These recruits were all from Li Qingfeng's legion. Of course they knew Li Yichen, and many of them had used Li Yichen's injections.

"Xiaohu! I'm not surprised that the two of them recruited too many people, but you..."

Li Yichen looked at the children behind Xiaohu and asked strangely. He didn't see Xiaohu gathering these children at the base today. In his mind, Xiaohu had to gather the children who wanted to join, and then Do some training or something to test it?

"Brother Yi! We have actually wanted to expand for a long time, but without your consent, we don't dare to make the decision ourselves!"

Xiaohu quickly stood at attention and said:

"However, although we dare not expand the army, we usually pay attention to those who have potential and can be absorbed into the legion. These little guys behind me are the ones I have selected a long time ago, but... they have not really been trained. .”

"Preparing for a rainy day! Very good!"

Li Yichen nodded, and then said loudly:

"Listen, you three. If you find a good seedling again in the future, you don't need to ask me for instructions. You can absorb it directly. Once you feel it is qualified, you just need to register it with Lao Wan. The legion is yours, not mine! Nothing else You all need to ask me for instructions! If you don’t bother me, why bother me? You all need my nod, so what do you three need to do?”


The three of them agreed together!


Li Yichen nodded, then looked at the recruits, and suddenly asked loudly:

"Do you know why I woke you up in the middle of the night?"

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