Xiao Mao had already put on the mecha Li Yichen gave him. He walked with a thumping sound and the earth shook as he came to Li Yichen. He didn't know this yet, so he asked curiously:

"Advance base?"

"Well! You will definitely have to train here for a long time during this period, so I plan to build a castle for you here as your base! This way you don't have to run back and forth."

Li Yichen nodded and said:

"In addition, the Far North Continent is going to be in chaos, so we must improve our strength as soon as possible. From now on, you will gather the zombie corpses here, and I will convert them into strengthening injections to improve the attributes of the three major legion members."

"Yes! I understand! Brother Yi!"

Xiao Mao was overjoyed when he heard it! Although the recruits selected by him and Chang Guchuan were all Enhancers, their attributes were vastly different from those of the veterans of the three legions! The main attributes of these recruits are in their 30s or 40s, with few exceeding 50. The secondary attributes are basically single digits or in the teens.\\n

If converted into specific numerical values, it would be: five, fifteen, twenty for new recruits, and one hundred, one hundred, one hundred for veterans. This gap is difficult to close, and will inevitably significantly reduce the overall combat effectiveness of the legion.

(Zombie: Your recruits just got off the wine table, right?)

Now with Li Yichen's promise and the tide of corpses ahead, the new recruits will soon catch up with the veterans, and there may even be evolvers! By that time, the combat strength of the three major legions...

"Haha! Hurry! Start working quickly!"

Xiao Mao waved excitedly, and he led the recruits to start digging according to the white lines on the ground. For those soldiers who had drawn the white lines, Li Yichen asked them to go back and continue killing, striving to enter the realm of evolutionaries as soon as possible.

Soon, Xiaohu and Chang Guchuan also arrived. After being injected with so many endurance injections, the little guys became energetic and did not look tired from traveling for a long time.

However, Li Yichen did not let them dig the foundation. Instead, he called Xiao Mao over and asked him and Xiao Hu to take these little guys to the front to experience fighting against the zombie tide! With Xiaomao's mental control, he can protect the safety of these little guys to the greatest extent.

Of course, Xiao Mao's power cannot be revealed casually, and he will not tell these little guys. Li Yichen even takes care of Xiao Mao and lets them encounter some "dangerous situations" appropriately, so that they can truly grow!

As for the matter of digging the foundation, it was naturally left to Chang Guchuan who looked reluctant, because the order was given by Li Yichen, so he had to stay here honestly no matter how unwilling he was.

Because what Li Yichen planned to build was an extremely strong castle, the foundation was deep and wide. Fortunately, the area was not large, and the recruits were all strengtheners, so it could be completed in one night.

Li Yichen didn't wait around here. After explaining what Chang Guchuan needed to pay attention to, he left the drawings to him and then headed to the battle area.

When passing by his car, Li Yichen discovered that Lin Xiaotian had disappeared, so he looked at the fighting area and found that he was actually mixed with the soldiers, killing zombies.

"Haha! Are you trying out your new powers?"

Li Yichen smiled and then ran towards Lin Xiaotian.

"Uncle Lin! How's it going? Is it a mutant power?"

After coming behind Lin Xiaotian and pulling Lin Xiaotian out, Li Yichen asked with a smile.

"Yes! It's a mutation! I tried it just now, and it's much more powerful! And the energy consumption is also reduced!!"

Lin Xiaotian looked at Li Yichen with excitement in his eyes! His ability is a purely attack-oriented agility ability called Flower Blade! Once activated, it will release countless dense sword energy in a certain area directly in front of itself, cutting all creatures in the area, regardless of friend or foe.

In battle, once Lin Xiaotian activates his superpower, unless his enemy has extremely strong defense or leaves the area covered by the superpower at the moment he activates his superpower, it will be difficult for him to escape because he is within the scope of the superpower. There is no way to escape within.

However, such a powerful ability has three flaws. The first is that the attack power of the Flower Blade is not strong, and even the tyrant's defense cannot be broken. The second is that the MD time of this ability is relatively long and requires an interval of ten minutes. before it can be activated again.

(Zombie: Hey... do you want to say CD? This is a curse, you know?)

The last one is the most deadly, that is, Flower Blade requires a starting position and lasts for 0.\\n5 seconds. To put it bluntly, it means that you must make a POSE before launching it. Although this POSE looks cool, and It is only 0.\\n5 seconds, but it is enough for the person who knows this ability to leave the range of the ability. Therefore, as long as the enemy knows the characteristics of this ability, Lin Xiaotian's Flower Blade basically has no chance of hitting.

(Zombie: You still have to show off when fighting. What can I say about you?)

After using the injection given by Li Yichen, the Blossom Blade's attack was equipped with penetration properties, its defense-breaking ability was greatly improved, and its CD was reduced to one minute.

The most important thing is that the starting move has been cancelled, and the Flower Blade has become instant. In this way, I am afraid the most unlucky ones are those who are familiar with Lin Xiaotian. While they are still waiting for Lin Xiaotian to do that POSE, countless The sword energy has filled the sky, and now Lin Xiaotian will feel quite enjoyable just thinking about that scene!

After Lin Xiaotian finished talking about the changes in his powers, Li Yichen frowned:

"that's it?"

"How did you know there was more?"

Lin Xiaotian was stunned.

"Uncle Lin! Do you think I'm a fool? If this is the only change, it should be called enhancement, not mutation!"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Xiaotiandao with an idiot look.


Lin Xiaotian slapped his forehead. Really, if there was nothing else, it was just an enhanced ability, and there was no mutation at all.

"Forget it! I won't tell you anymore, I'll just open your eyes!"

Lin Xiaotian shook his hands and drew out his two sharp blades. Then he turned around and faced the tide of corpses. Suddenly, he heard a scream and jumped into the air. As soon as he landed, the two blades in his hands rippled with silver under the moonlight. At the same time, the body suddenly thrust forward...

The three-meter-wide silver light moved forward quickly, and zombies along the way were dismembered. In just three seconds, the silver light actually advanced ten meters, leaving a stump among the zombies. The bloody road paved with broken arms...


After releasing his superpower, Lin Xiaotian jumped out of the tide of corpses and returned to Li Yichen. With a shake of his hands, he put the two blades in his arm armor and asked with a smile:

"How's it going? Do you see anything extra?"

"Although I haven't seen your superpower before, I guess... it should be an extra dash ability, right?"

Li Yichen looked at the empty area among the zombies that had not yet been filled with zombies, thought for a moment and then replied...

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