Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 342 Do you like this magic?

After seeing this mark, Li Yichen no longer hesitated and immediately drove the helicopter to the rooftop.

This man was naturally Zhang Yongqiang. He watched the helicopter rush down at an extremely fast speed, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. At this speed... the helicopter should crash, right?

If it is an unmanned helicopter, it may be said to be a mechanical failure, but there is obviously a pilot on the helicopter? Moreover, it doesn't seem like he wants to hit himself with the helicopter, because according to this trajectory, the helicopter will crash on the other side of the rooftop.

At this time, something magical happened. The helicopter quickly approached the rooftop, but suddenly disappeared at the moment when Zhang Yongqiang and the others thought the helicopter was going to crash. There was no fire or sound, as if it had never appeared...

Zhang Yongqiang was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly ran forward and took a closer look at the location where the helicopter was supposed to collide with the rooftop. There was no trace of the impact.

Zhang Yongqiang, who did not believe in evil, stuck his head out of the edge and looked down, but still found nothing.

"What a ghost! How could such a big plane disappear out of thin air? Did it enter the Gate of Time and Space? No! The Gate of Time and Space is clearly not here! Could it be that there is an extra one here?"

Zhang Yongqiang murmured alone, then punched him hard on the rooftop, picked up a piece of gravel, raised his hand, and threw it to the place where the helicopter disappeared. The gravel drew an arc in the air, and then fell downwards.

Watching the gravel fall, Zhang Yongqiang's solemn expression seemed to relax a little:

"It's not a space gate, so where did this plane go? Is it a phantom? There can't be such a real phantom, right? It can't be the helicopter piloted by David Copperfield, right?"

Li Yichen, who was clinging to the window on the floor below him, heard these words and almost fell down without letting go. David Copperfield? How did he know this name?

After looking around again, Zhang Yongqiang, who still found nothing, finally walked back with a confused look on his face.

Hearing the footsteps above gradually receding, Li Yichen took out Tianya, cut a piece of glass on the top floor of the building and put it into the system, and then entered the room.

At the moment when the helicopter was about to hit the rooftop, he recovered the helicopter into the system, and then used Thunder Flash to climb to the top. Because it was almost done simultaneously, no clues were seen - as for those below Zombies? At such a high altitude, given their eyesight, they would not be able to spot Li Yichen even with a telescope.

(Zombies: Mainly because they don’t know how to use it!)

After observing carefully to make sure that he was not discovered, Li Yichen quietly walked out of the room and slowly walked toward the rooftop. Buildings like this have stairs leading to the rooftop, and a house will be built on the rooftop. , this one is no exception.

"David Copperfield? Just now I was wondering if I saw that sign wrongly, but now it seems... it should be right!"

While carefully stepping on the stairs, Li Yichen thought to himself that when he was turning around for the second time, he suddenly found a trademark on the guy's shoes - a check-shaped trademark!

Li Yichen had seen this trademark countless times on Earth, and he even bought shoes with such a trademark himself. Of course, he bought the cheap kind!

Now he heard the guy say a name again. There may be people in this world with the same name as on the earth, but when he talked about this person, it was after the helicopter disappeared. The David on the earth was named after him. Li Yichen, who is world-famous for making planes disappear, doesn't believe that people with the same name even have the same occupation!

"Is this guy also from the earth? But what he said is clearly the language of this world, especially when he was talking to himself just now, using the language of this world! But why does he know the people on the earth and still wear the clothes of this world? Where are his shoes? Also, what is the gate of time and space he is talking about? "

Li Yichen secretly guessed that the guy above made him feel a little mysterious, but fortunately he could talk, so communication between the two parties should not be a problem, but before contacting him, Li Yichen still had to observe him secretly.

Although he saved him when he met him before, he didn't even ask his name. Moreover, after such a long time, this guy somehow became the boss of zombies. Li Yichen didn't dare to act rashly. After all, this is the base camp of the zombie tide. Once the other party doesn't miss the past, he may not be able to get out!

Slowly arriving at the rooftop, Li Yichen found that there was no one in the room on the rooftop, and the door to the rooftop was still open, so he sneaked in quietly.

"You two, go down and see if anything unusual happened in the tide of corpses. There seems to be something wrong today. Someone actually came up and performed a magic trick on me?"

As soon as he reached the door, Li Yichen heard the guy's roar, so he stuck his head out from the door and saw the guy standing on the edge of the rooftop, with his back to him, giving orders to the people around him.

Hearing his words, the two zombies beside him bowed slightly, and then jumped directly from the top of the building. Then he turned around and looked at the zombie on his right:

"You two! Go to the Space Gate and see if it is running normally! Then report back right away!"

The other two zombies also bowed and then jumped down...

"Damn! After waiting for so long, why are there only so many people to attack? Aren't they afraid that the entire Far North Continent will become a world dominated by those damn zombies?"

After sending four people out, the guy turned back to the table and sat down, while the remaining four zombies stood respectfully behind him.

"Damn! Didn't I say that? Let you sit down! What's the point of me sitting here drinking alone? Do you think I'm a fool?"

The man looked back at the four guys standing behind him and couldn't help but curse. The four people quickly sat down at the table, but they didn't dare to touch the things on the table.

When the guy saw them sitting down, he didn't care whether they were eating or not. He picked up a wine bottle and drank a few big gulps. Then he grabbed a piece of meat and bit it until his mouth was full of oil.

Seeing that there were only four subordinates left around him, Li Yichen hesitated for a moment, and then looked around. The building only had a passage leading to the rooftop, and it seemed that because this was this guy's territory, there seemed to be no other people in the building. Zombies, at least Li Yichen didn't see any of them after walking around a few times before.

After taking a breath, Li Yichen finally strode out, looked at the guy and smiled:

"Brother! Are you okay? Did you like the magic just now?"

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