Because of the narrow cabin, Li Yichen had no room to escape. In desperation, he immediately put away the helicopter that was almost turned into scrap metal, and then swung it up to the sky and slashed down at the giant claw in front of him.

The giant claws that could withstand machine gun bullets were easily cut off, but Li Yichen's body also fell straight down!

Other flying mutant bugs rushed towards Li Yichen and sprayed mucus and sharp thorns at Li Yichen.

Li Yichen was about to use Thunderbolt to dodge this wave of attacks, but suddenly he heard a loud bang below, and a huge airflow threw him and all the mutant bugs in the air upwards - the bomb swallowed by the big beetle detonated Got it! !

The bomb this time has the same power as the previous one, but the last one fell into the depths of the abyss and detonated. Most of the momentum was absorbed by the abyss, but this time... the bomb is on the ground, although it is I was swallowed by that beetle, but the body of the beetle cannot be compared with the abyss.

Li Yichen's body rose instantly like a rocket. After reaching an altitude of more than a thousand meters, the speed slowly slowed down. Feeling that he was about to reach the highest point, Li Yichen recovered the "steel bowl" he had redeemed before into the system.

This "steel bowl" was very large, bowl-shaped, with a handle in the recess. Li Yichen redeemed it in the mall the moment the explosion sounded, and hid in the groove, holding the handle. No direct impact from the shock wave...

After taking back the "Steel Bowl", Li Yichen immediately bought a small armed helicopter from the mall and ignited it while the helicopter was falling. Because he often performed this kind of operation and was quite skilled, the helicopter quickly stabilized its body. , flying downwards...

The abyss below changed its shape again, but because it exploded on the surface, the effect of the second bomb did not look as shocking as the first one. It fell southeast of the "funnel" around the abyss, so it just A deep circular pit was blasted!

Within the scope of the pit, the insect swarm that had been built was completely destroyed, and even the insects were blown to pieces. The insects that had been chasing Li Yichen in the air had also disappeared, and it was unknown where they were taken by the shock wave.

There were also large mutated bugs in other directions. The ones that were closer were directly blown to death, while the ones further away were also injured due to the vibration and looked a little sluggish. As for the small bugs, their limbs were mutilated by the blast, and the ground was a mess. .

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen wasted no time and immediately drove the helicopter to dive downwards. When it was about fifty meters away from the ground, he hovered the helicopter, then opened the hatch and jumped out.

At this time, the small bugs that had been continuously flowing out for the mutated bugs to kill were gone. It was quiet below the abyss. Li Yichen did not dare to delay and walked around the explosion area to recover all the dead bug corpses. within the system.

Then, he came to a large beetle that was not dead yet, swung up to the sky, and cut into its head with his bow arm. Although the beetle was huge, its head was very small, especially the part connecting the head and the body. It wasn't very thick, so it didn't take much effort for Li Yichen to cut off the beetle's head.

While cutting, Li Yichen noticed that the beetle's head was also covered with carapace, and even the shells of its eyes were very hard. At least Li Yichen tried it with his own spurs, and it was difficult to pierce. Only Tianya could cut through easily.

However... the beetle's neck is very soft, which may be regarded as a weakness, but its neck is protected by the carapace on its back and head, and is not exposed to the outside, so it is not possible to attack its neck. An easy thing.

Li Yichen knew that the Capital of Hell would definitely encounter these bugs in the future, so it was naturally necessary to figure out their weaknesses now.

After killing the beetle and recovering its body, Li Yichen looked into the abyss, but there was still no movement, so he went to the bottom of the "funnel" and looked down.

There was darkness below, with no end at all. He didn't know how deep it was. Li Yichen shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​going down to find out. He turned around and ran towards another injured and dying mutant insect, not even the Zerg fragments along the way. Let it go.

This is a mutated insect that is very similar to a crab, but its body is as big as a two-story villa. Li Yichen also carefully studied this guy's weak point, but he has not really found this guy's weak point yet. Suddenly, I found that all the surviving insects on the abyss were moving.

These bugs were not preparing to attack Li Yichen, but all ran towards the abyss. Moreover, they did not climb along the edge of the abyss, but jumped directly...

Even the mutated crab next to Li Yichen moved its limbs in an attempt to turn over. Without saying a word, Li Yichen picked up Tianya and chopped it into its eyes a few times.

Green juice spurted wildly, but the mutant crab did not die. It was still moving its limbs desperately. Li Yichen couldn't help but frown, and suddenly found that a carapace on the tail of this guy flipped up, revealing a red line about two meters wide. .

Li Yichen's heart moved, and he jumped on the body of the mutant crab, came to its tail, and slashed at the carapace.

The big crab's struggle suddenly became fierce, but Li Yichen didn't care so much. After a few times, he actually cut off the flip-up carapace at its tail.

The carapace was separated from the body, and the red line connecting the carapace was naturally cut off. After moving its claws a few times, the big crab finally fell into silence...

"It seems...this guy's weakness is here!"

Li Yichen tried to collect the crab's body, and it was successful. He couldn't help but murmured. He looked at the other mutant insects that had entered the abyss, stepped on the carapace on the ground, which covered an area of ​​more than ten square meters, and found that it was extremely hard, so Shake his head slightly.

With the protection of this carapace, if you want to kill this crab, you may have to use extremely sharp weapons. Especially Li Yichen killed this crab because it was stunned and turned over. Relax, if it were in a normal state, I'm afraid Li Yichen would have to go through a lot of trouble.

At this time, all the insects on the abyss had entered the abyss, but Li Yichen noticed that the ground seemed to be shaking slightly, so Li Yichen stepped back and stared at the exit of the abyss!

As time went by, the vibrations became stronger and stronger, but there was no abnormality in the abyss until more than ten minutes later, a huge arthropod suddenly poked out of the abyss and hooked on the land outside...

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