"Ding! I found 9 or 5 units of garbage, 95% of which are recyclable garbage, 4% of which are dry garbage, and 1% of which are hazardous waste. Do you want to recycle it?"

The moment he touched the car, the system sound sounded, and Li Yichen nodded immediately:


The car disappeared instantly, and the system sound sounded again:

"Successfully recovered 9.5 units of garbage and obtained 9.2 purification points. Thank you for your support in purifying the environment!"

"System, how many units of garbage will be recycled, how many units of purification points will be obtained, right?"

Li Yichen asked.


The system replied.

"Oh! In this case, don't make a report after recycling the garbage in the future, especially the thank you part at the end. If we try to make up the word count like this, someone will be beaten!"

Li Yichen nodded.


If you hear it, you will be beaten, and the system will follow the good.

After recycling a car, Li Yichen looked at the mall again. Sure enough, there were a lot more items in the grids, most of them metal, and even motorcycles, and a classified page appeared next to it.

"Damn it! The system can recycle so many products from just one car?"

Li Yichen couldn't help but be surprised.

"of course not."

The system replied:

"The garbage classification system will decompose and retain the materials after recycling the garbage. The goods that the host sees are the goods that can be manufactured with the materials currently owned. When you exchange an item, the system storage will be consumed. materials, and goods with insufficient remaining materials to make them will disappear.”

"So that's it!"

Li Yichen nodded. Speaking of which, he really needs to recycle more garbage, so that the mall's reserves will be richer and he can purify more.

Looking back at the city, Li Yichen suddenly felt a little lucky. If he were on Earth, he really wouldn't have much valuable garbage to collect, but here? Hum! Trash...how much do you want?

Running back and forth, Li Yichen quickly collected all the cars, some debris, and trash cans on this street. Because he lived on this street, he deliberately used cars to block both ends of the street. Death is used to block ordinary zombies. Now, take them all away!

In the end, Li Yichen even recycled his own modified car, because after collecting two cars, he discovered that cars appeared on the product page of the mall.

Moreover, since the items in the mall are all manufactured by the mall itself, Li Yichen can also customize the products, just like his long bow, but they must be products that already have enough materials in the mall. Just fine.

For example, he can now customize an armed off-road vehicle and add armor, defensive thorns, etc., all of which are no problem. He can even put a machine gun on the vehicle, but there will be no bullets, because he currently has Among the recycled garbage, there is a lack of gunpowder for making bullets, so to put it bluntly, this garbage classification system is more like an all-round processing plant.

In addition, the higher the proportion of recyclable garbage in the recycled garbage, the more materials the mall can extract from this garbage. For example, the car he recycled for the first time was more than 95% recyclable garbage. , so the mall suddenly has so many more products.

The trash can he recycled is not much smaller than a car, but only 12% of the trash is recyclable. Naturally, the extracted materials cannot be used to make many products. I guess it would be nice to have a pot lid... …

After clearing away all the visible objects on a street, Li Yichen suddenly saw the body of a zombie lying on the corner of the street. It was a wandering zombie he had killed a few days ago.

"Can this...can be recycled?"

Li Yichen had a sudden idea and ran over and stepped on it with his foot...

"Ding! 2 units of garbage were found, 5% of which were recyclable garbage and 95% of which were hazardous garbage."

"I'll go! Is it really okay?"

The zombie's body disappeared instantly, which shocked Li Yichen. He had just turned on the automatic recycling mode. In this mode, all recyclable objects his body encountered would skip questioning and be automatically recycled by the system.

"System! The materials obtained from zombie corpses will not be used to make food, right?"

Because there is now an additional food tab in the mall, Li Yichen quickly asked to avoid the pain of accidentally redeeming a "zombie sesame cake" or something.

"There are no materials that can be used as food in the recyclables of zombie corpses, only enhanced enzymes!"

"That's okay! That one is stronger..."

The system's answer made Li Yichen's heart drop. He put his hand on the wall of a nearby building, intending to ask what the enhanced enzyme was. Unexpectedly, as soon as he put his hand on it, the building disappeared. Li Yichen was caught off guard and fell into a deep pit that suddenly appeared after the building disappeared before he could finish speaking.

"Holy shit! What's going on! System? Why is there such a big hole?"

Li Yichen got up in disgrace and roared angrily.

"This was a hole dug when the building was built. After the building was recycled, it was naturally exposed."

The system said that I was wronged. Why don't you blame me if you don't look at it? Why didn't I throw you to death?

"The building... can also be recycled?"

Li Yichen was shocked, Damn! That's a building with more than ten floors. It's worth tens of thousands per square meter on the earth. Are you just going to throw it away like garbage?

He quickly clicked on the mall, and sure enough, his purification points instantly skyrocketed, more than the garbage he had collected in a street, and there were two more pages, one for building materials and one for biological essences.

The biological essence was provided by the zombie, and the building materials were, of course, decomposed from the building.

Clicking on the building materials, Li Yichen found that there were many things inside, including walls, platforms, gates, houses, villas and even a dozen-story building. And because a lot of cars had been recycled before, the mall had a lot of metal materials. Buildings can choose to increase the proportion of metal to improve their sturdiness.

"This... I think I can build a city?"

Li Yichen turned around and looked at the high-rise buildings around him. He remembered that the building he took away was an eighteen-story building, and the building that appeared in the mall that could be redeemed was also an eighteen-story building. It didn't seem to have much damage.


After studying these building materials, Li Yichen was instantly motivated. He decided to sweep away all the recyclable things in the city and turn them into material reserves in the mall. Then he found a suitable location to use the materials in the mall. merchandise to build a majestic city of his own!

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