Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 403 The price of underestimating the enemy!


When the battle first started, many warriors were not adapted to fighting against the Zerg, so even though they were elites, a few warriors were still stabbed by the Zerg's arthropods! There was even a warrior who was bitten by a Zerg!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and immediately activated his superpower to get himself out of danger. Otherwise, with the bite force of the Zerg, he would have been seriously injured or even bitten into two pieces even with a battle armor!

This situation has something to do with the zombie battle they saw before, because they saw that a small group of zombies could kill three thousand bugs, and they were good at fighting zombies, so they subconsciously thought that these bugs were grown. It was scary and there was no threat at all, so I relaxed my mind.

If Li Yichen hadn't changed their equipment for them, they might have been killed or injured as soon as they made contact. Now, everyone became serious and began to fight against the Zerg army according to the techniques Li Yichen gave them.

Although Li Yichen hadn't arrived yet, he saw the live broadcast. He had requested this before. The purpose was to let other warriors see how to fight the Zerg first. Now it seems that this is really necessary, at least for the next two As a group of warriors, we should not take it so lightly anymore.

"Alas! It seems... they are still having a great time!"

Li Yichen couldn't help but shook his head slightly. In fact, this also had something to do with him. Because of the system, the warriors of the three legions in Hell City almost never lacked strengthening injections, so their strength was naturally not weak. In addition, Yinhui Xing There were no difficult zombies in the province, so they basically didn't suffer any losses.

Especially during this period of time when they were killing zombies in the Han Province, because the castle built by Li Yichen was there, and under the care of Lin Xiaotian and Xiao Mao, they had no casualties at all, and naturally there was no sense of crisis in their hearts.

Arriving at the first blocking point and looking at the battle below, Li Yichen frowned. It was not that the battle situation below was not optimistic. In fact, after experiencing the previous thrills, the three legions had begun to find the right attitude. Ways to deal with the Zerg.

Although it now seems that they are surrounded by Zerg and fighting in the middle, the rhythm of the battle is firmly controlled by the warriors of the three legions. The filling and cooperation between them are quite tacit, and they are not even from the same legion. , can perfectly connect the filling positions!

"Everyone, listen, break up your formation immediately! Start attacking freely until all the bugs are killed. After the battle, count the scars on the armor. A scar can be offset by two kills. It is fatal. The scars need to be offset with ten kills!"

After watching quietly for a while, Li Yichen suddenly came up with an idea, so he turned on the helicopter's loudspeaker and said coldly to the bottom:

"After the final count, if someone's kill count is not enough to make up for the scars, their current identity will be canceled immediately and transferred to the standing army!!"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, the soldiers below were shocked. From Li Yichen's tone, they knew that Li Yichen was angry.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Disband the formation immediately! Fight on your own! Remember, I trained you and enhanced your strength at all costs so that you can better protect the capital of hell! Rebuild our world! No. Let you use it to show off and despise the enemy!"

When Li Yichen saw that the soldiers below did not immediately disband their defensive formation, he shouted again:

"If any of you think you are invincible, then leave the capital of hell. I don't need such impetuous people here! Especially those who came back from Wucheng, your lives are in danger Those comrades who have been lying in Wucheng forever have brought them back for you. What the hell do you have to be proud of? Do you think you are cool? Are you awesome? Then have you ever told those dead comrades that you are now dead? You are a master of loneliness. You were able to wipe out that little zombie wave by yourself??"

The soldiers below are the top elites of the three legions. The survivors who participated in the Battle of Wucheng are all here. After hearing Li Yichen's words, they were stunned for a moment, then their eyes turned red and they shouted loudly. With a sound, he clutched his weapon tightly and rushed into the insect wave in front of him...

The other soldiers also looked ashamed. They knew they had made mistakes before, so no one dared to refute, especially... this seemed to be the first time they heard Li Yichen get angry at them!

Before, they didn't realize how serious their mistake was at the beginning, and they just underestimated the enemy. But when they thought about it carefully, they understood that if it weren't for the new armor, then someone among them would definitely have died.

After training for so long and spending so many resources, in the first battle with the Zerg, he died without any effect at all. Then...

As a result, the defensive formation below instantly disintegrated, and all the warriors plunged deep into the insect swarm. Moreover, they would no longer take the armor's defensive power lightly this time.

Because Li Yichen said that for every additional scar on the armor, they would have to kill two insects to offset it, and the fatal scar would require killing ten insects to offset it.

If it is found that it is not enough in the end, they will be expelled from the three major legions. Even if Li Yichen gets angry, he may even be expelled from the capital of hell directly based on his tone!

Whether they are expelled from the three major legions or from the capital of hell, they cannot accept it. Each of them feels extremely honored to be able to enter the three major legions. If they are really kicked out, they will feel worse than death. Uncomfortable!

If they weren't fighting right now, they would rather take off their armor and use their bodies to resist the sharp arthropods of the Zerg! I don't want to have any more scars on the armor!

However... they did not become timid because of this, but became even more cruel, because Brother Yi was watching from above, and he was angry now and in a bad mood. If there was not a wonderful battle to calm Brother Yi down, Even if they use their own record to offset all the scars on their armor, they will definitely not get any good results.

Thinking of the devilish training Li Yichen gave them during the distance from Wanshan Base to the Valley of the Dead Army, and thinking of the battle in Wucheng, the old members of the Redemption Blade suddenly felt as if they were on fire, fighting with all their might. They charged and killed among the swarms of insects.

Seeing these people suddenly going crazy, although the others were a little confused, they all knew that these people were the first to follow Li Yichen. They would do whatever they did, so... the battlefield below suddenly changed. Get crazy...

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