Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 408 I know how to use tools

Previously, there were only two energies in Li Yichen's body, his own and that of the mysterious strong man. Although the strong man only struck casually at that time, and Li Yichen was only affected by the aftermath, the energy that entered his body was still extremely powerful and belonged to Li Yichen's life energy was simply unable to compete with it!

The two energies are entangled in Li Yichen's body, and the energy belonging to Li Yichen is constantly being destroyed. If this continues, there is only one ending waiting for Li Yichen - death due to exhaustion of life energy!

Fortunately, after Li Yichen hit the mountain wall, he did not remain embedded there, but fell down. Otherwise, after he died and weathered, he might end up becoming a strange mural.

When the two zombies were fighting, Li Yichen was soaked in blood at first, but at that time there was only the blood of the bone-spurred zombie, and although the bone-spurred zombie was in a panic at the time, it had not lost control of the energy in its body.

Until later, two zombies broke out at the same time, fighting to the death. One died and the other was dying. At the same time, they lost control of the life energy in their bodies, and their life energy flowed out with the blood.

Bone spur zombies and blood red zombies are zombies that have become undead. They can eat each other originally, so their life energy is also the same. When their blood fuses together, the life energy contained in them naturally also fuses with each other. Together.

When this life energy entered Li Yichen's body, it collided with the two entangled life energies. Because the life energy of the mysterious strong man was the most powerful, the life energy of the two zombies instinctively began to resist it. Li Yichen's life energy also got a chance to breathe - this was the reason why Li Yichen was able to wake up.

However, although he woke up, it did not mean that Li Yichen could save his life. He was now under a mountain wall, surrounded by corpses on three sides, and his life energy was now suppressed, and his body's strength was completely powerless. Give it your best, not to mention mutated zombies, even if a tyrant comes, he can't deal with it!

If the two strands of life energy in his body are not removed or swallowed, his strength will never be restored, and he may even die directly due to the backlash of the other two strands of life energy.

"System! Is there any potion that can help me?"

Li Yichen asked in his mind after he found that it was difficult to even stand up.

"I'm afraid not now!"

The system shook its head and said:

"Although the other life energy has been temporarily suppressed due to the addition of the zombies' life energy, it is obviously still stronger than the two of you combined. Any medicine injected into you may be robbed by it, and not only cannot it be used to treat you body, but it will strengthen it, then you will be even more dangerous!"

"That means...I can only think of a solution on my own?"

Li Yichen lowered his head and looked at his reflection in the blood, and laughed at himself softly:

"Is this me? Isn't it too ugly? But it's not bad! At least...if I become a zombie, Wanshan and the others won't be able to recognize me! I don't have to worry about being embarrassed!"

"You...won't...become a zombie! Because...I will...eat you clean!"

When the blood-red zombie heard Li Yichen's words, he stared at him and said grimly. He saw that Li Yichen had no power anymore, so even though it was barely free with only one head left, it had no fear because it knew that as long as it kept devouring The corpse of this bone-spurred zombie can recover quickly!

Moreover, this place is on the periphery of the zombie tide. Zombies that have evolved into the undead are unlikely to come here. Therefore, whether it is the human corpse or the corpse of the bone-spurred zombie above, they will eventually be swallowed by it and gain these energy. It will evolve again and become the most powerful undead in this area!

"Shut up! You're such an ugly monster, you can't even speak politely, but you still want to eat me?"

Li Yichen turned to look at the blood-red zombies and frowned.

"Don't worry! Just wait... it won't be... long!"

The blood-red zombie smiled ferociously:

"I... will be ready soon! I will... eat you slowly!"

"Then I will kill you first!"

Looking at the blood-red zombies that started to devour the bone-spurred zombies again, Li Yichen struggled to get up again, but he was just an ordinary person now, with serious injuries on his body. He seemed unable to complete even this simple action!

"Depend on!"

After Li Yichen failed again, he gritted his teeth and took out Tianya, and put one end of the bow arm on the ground, intending to use it to support himself, but as soon as he exerted force, Tianya's bow arm sank into the ground.

"I'll choke you! It seems like my brain was eaten a little bit just now, right?"

Li Yichen finally came to his senses, shook his head, and then let go of Tianya. After thinking about it, he exchanged it for a square iron frame from the mall.

Pulling hard on the iron frame, Li Yichen finally stood up. He slowly held on to the iron frame, stabilized his body, and looked down at the exposed head of the blood-red zombie:

"Hey! Eat quickly! Otherwise you won't have a chance! But you are lucky, I will only kill you, although... I may look scarier than you now! But I don't eat people, nor do I eat zombies !”

"Human...you can't kill...mine!"

The blood-red zombie looked at Li Yichen with disdain, and then continued to chew. Although it is agile and not outstanding in defense, it is an undead after all. Even if it only has one head left, it does not need to rely on external objects to support it. Humans who stand up can kill.

"Then let me try!"

Li Yichen smiled slightly, and then realized that his face was almost eaten away by zombies. He couldn't laugh even if he wanted to. Even when he spoke, he mostly relied on his tongue, and his words leaked everywhere. He couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

"I swear, this is the most shameless time I've ever had!"

Then, Li Yichen held on to the iron frame with one hand and pulled out Tianya from the ground with the other, and then moved Tianya to the head of the blood-red zombie.

The blood-red zombie didn't stop eating. While chewing, he looked at the sharp arms of the Tianya Bow. His eyes were still full of disdain, and he didn't even bother to say anything!

"Do you know the biggest difference between humans and other creatures? That is that we can use tools!"

Li Yichen was not angry, and slowly lowered Tianya's bow arm. When the tip of the bow arm came into contact with the blood-red zombie's head, the disdain in its eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by a look of horror!

Because it discovered that this weird weapon that landed lightly on its head actually pierced its skull easily...

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