Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 422 Fusion Type Injection

After Qu Fengyang and the others boarded the helicopter and left, Li Yichen began to recover the corpses of the bugs. The system was upgraded to another level, and the range of recycling was expanded again. Therefore, after a few turns, they recovered all the bug corpses on the ground. .

In fact, the Zerg that are currently appearing are easy to deal with. In the previous blockade, the three major legions mobilized a total of only about 5,000 troops. In addition, combined with almost all the high-end combat power of the current Hell City, the total strength is only 5,000. Two to three hundred people, but they wiped out nearly 100,000 Zerg without any casualties.

Although there was a new type of armor given to them by Li Yichen and the reason for Li Yichen's previous anger, it was enough to prove that these bugs did not pose much of a threat to them!

But in Li Yichen's mind, the biggest threat to them in the early stage was these bugs!

After absorbing the memories of the vampires, Li Yichen has roughly understood the characteristics of those six races.

Orcs: Extremely tall and stalwart, they value strength. Their weapons are mostly large weapons such as axes or maces. Their racial talent is Bloody Fury, which can double their strength after activation! Weaknesses: heart and head, the strongest: Beast King Dapura!

Zerg: moves quickly, almost infinite in number, does not use any weapons, relies entirely on itself, racial talent is fusion, can quickly accumulate high-level Zerg by relying on cannibalism, weakness: head, strongest: Mother Queen Grihar watt!

Undead: A variant of human beings. It is said that the original undead were caused by a plague in a world, which turned humans into zombies. Eventually, the zombies developed autonomous consciousness, gradually developed the undead, and ruled that world. The racial talent was Infection + inherited memory! Weakness: Head, Strongest: Immortal Emperor Archimonde.

Goblin tribe: a kind of green-skinned little man with a huge head, but a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. The height is no more than 1.2 meters, that is, you don’t need to buy a ticket to ride on the bus. Their own combat power is very low. Their racial talent is creation, and they are good at manufacturing high technology. Weapons and alchemy!

The goblins are considered the most special race. They are not united internally. There are two branches. One is specialized in researching various high-tech equipment to arm themselves. They can make mechas and various deadly weapons, but they themselves The strength is extremely low, and there is almost no threat without the equipment.

The other branch refuses to use technological weapons. They specialize in refining various potions and use them to strengthen their bodies. Each member of this branch will carry many alchemy potions with him! And there have been some high-level beings among them. The most powerful person of the goblin tribe, Sirimaha, is said to have relied on alchemy potions to become an S-level expert.

But Sirimaha is different from other tribesmen who focus on alchemy. Although he uses alchemy potions to strengthen himself, he does not refuse to use high-tech weapons. It is rumored that Sirimaha equipped with mechas has combat power that can even rival SS-level beings! It is precisely because of him that the divided goblins managed to get together. Weaknesses: heart and head.

Vampires: Similar to the existence of vampires on earth, they have wings, can fly at low altitudes, feed on blood, have a strict hierarchy, and have no specific attributes like humans. The racial talent is body seizing + transformation! Weakness: Heart, Strongest: Dracula, the King of Blood.

Demon Clan: Also known as the Demon Clan, it is said to be a kind of terrifying creature living in the world of purgatory. It has dark red skin, black lines on its face, and two horns. The male demon is tall and burly, with mainly strength attributes, while the female demon is petite and exquisite. , mainly with agility attributes, racial talents are charm + mental whipping, both are mental attacks, extremely powerful, weaknesses: heart, head, the strongest: Demon King Hu Lebadu!

These are the so-called six trial races. Among these six races, the ones that can have strong combat power in this world in the early stage are the Zerg and Goblins.

Before the trial passage is completely stabilized, beings that are too powerful cannot pass through the trial passage, which will cause the passage to collapse, but this restriction does not appear to be that big for the Zerg and Goblins.

The Zerg can first send countless low-level bugs into the passage, and then use their racial talents to fuse a large number of high-level bugs in this world. Although this fusion also has certain limitations, at least in the early stage, they can form an invincible army. army!

The same goes for goblins. Goblins in the alchemy branch are too powerful to pass the trial passage, but those in the technology branch do not have this problem. The equipment has no life and is not restricted by the passage law. They can completely transport their own equipment over. Assemble here, and then, a powerful army is born.

The Goblins can even bring a large amount of alchemy potions over here, quickly strengthen themselves here, and then equip themselves with mechas and weapons. Such an army may be enough to compete with the Zerg.

Fortunately, the passage for the goblins has not yet been opened at all, and they do not have the racial talents of the vampires, so there is no need to worry for the time being. Therefore, the main enemy of mankind in the near future should be the Zerg.

Fortunately, the current goal of the Zerg should be to defeat their undead in the last era, so humans seem to be able to consider making a profit from it! The only problem is that Li Yichen doesn't know if high-level insects appear, and under their leadership, the insect tide will rush straight into the Han province, ignoring them who intercept them on the way.

If the high-level Zerg have a certain degree of wisdom, if they continue to block the attack like today, they will probably anger the Zerg and lead the Zerg army to the Valley of the Dead, which will be troublesome!

"It seems! After the advance base is finished, it is necessary to go to the insect tide to take a look!"

Li Yichen murmured, time is still short. Li Yichen doesn't know whether the Zerg have sent another wave of insects towards the Han Province, or whether they are constantly devouring each other and creating a high-level Zerg army. He hopes it is the former. , in that case, they will be easier to deal with.

Now Li Yichen has some regrets. If he had obtained the memories of the vampires earlier, he would never have chosen to provoke the insect swarm, let alone drop bombs there, and would have just let the insect army attack the Han province.

In this way, the undead in the Han Province will be restrained by the Zerg, and they can kill the zombies while blocking the insect tide, and continuously accumulate a large amount of enhanced enzymes!

After the system upgrade, there are no more advanced enhanced enzyme injections, but there is an additional option for superpower injections - fusion superpower injections! !

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