Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 428 Fierce fighting resumes

Looking at the gradually darkening sky, Li Yichen let out a breath. It would be okay if Wilson and the others chose to go elsewhere. After all, people have the freedom to make their own choices. If he had not saved them, they would have had to seek refuge in the capital of hell. .

What Li Yichen is worried about now is that it's not that they didn't come to the capital of hell, but that an accident happened on the way there!

Counting the vampires who were devoured by him, only three of the six major trial races appeared, and there were three more races. Li Yichen didn't know when they would appear, let alone where their trial passages were.

"I hope you... have found a better hiding place!"

Li Yichen said softly that he could only think like this now, unless Zhang Anji and the others discovered something else tomorrow.

The fighting in Yunzhong City is non-stop at night. They just turn on the lights and fight at night. Anyway, the soldiers of the three major legions work in shifts and can get enough rest. In order to make themselves new humans as soon as possible, even what Yi Ge said Class D beings, these guys are going to fight for it!

What powered Yunzhong City was the fuel engine that Li Yichen exchanged in the mall. Anyway, it had swept away almost all cities in several provinces. The reserves in Li Yichen's mall were extremely sufficient. As for water, they used water storage tanks. The people who come here are all warriors who kill zombies all day long. They don't care about cleanliness so much, as long as they can drink water.

Li Yichen wanted to go over and look for a water source, but this was the province of Han, and there were zombies along the way, so there was no way to divert water. If it were diverted from the waterfall in the Dead Army Valley, it would be too far, so he could only deal with it temporarily, Yun Zhongcheng was originally designed as a war fortress, and the living environment was not important.

That night, Li Yichen stayed on the platform of Yunzhong City all night. With him there, all other sentries could be cancelled.

At dawn the next day, a report came from the military channel, but it was not from Zhang Anji and the others, but from the team monitoring the group of corpses.

"Brother Yi! The group of corpses we were following had some changes this morning! It seems to have mutated!"

The team leader of that team said.

"Transfer the screen to me!"

Li Yichen said immediately, and then turned on the terminal's projection.

After the projection was turned on, a group of corpses with only more than 300 zombies appeared in front of Li Yichen. This group of corpses was very united. The more than 200 high-level zombies did not leave behind the more than 100 ordinary zombies, and they were still together everywhere. Wandering.

From the high-definition picture, it can be clearly seen that these zombies are very different from yesterday. All the zombies in the zombie group have more or less black armor on their bodies.

Especially the skinless lickers, whose heads are simply covered with black armor. These armors are similar to fish scales and look a little disgusting, but obviously zombies won't care.

(Zombie: As if we wouldn’t be disgusted without those armor plates!)

Moreover, the nails of these zombies have also changed into the tips of Zerg arthropods, which look extremely sharp, even for ordinary zombies.

"These zombies...are they bugs or zombies now?"

Li Yichen frowned and looked at the screen, and then suddenly remembered the bugs that rushed into the zombie tide in Han State Province, so he quickly jumped on the helicopter and flew in the direction where the bugs rushed into the zombie tide before.

Arriving at the place where the Zerg and the zombies fought, Li Yichen landed his helicopter and circled over the zombie tide. Sure enough, he found some zombies with black armor wandering among the zombie tide.

"It seems! They are still zombies. How can Zerg corpses strengthen the zombies so quickly? They actually send only these low-level Zerg species here. Is it just to strengthen these zombies?"

Li Yichen secretly thought, according to the blood clan's memory, the Zerg clan fought with the zombies in the last era. It is impossible for the Zerg clan not to know about this situation, but they still sent out a large army, so they must have their intentions.

As for the specific reason, it is impossible for Li Yichen to figure it out now. Fortunately, the Hell City now has reconnaissance helicopters specifically following the insect tide. They are constantly reporting the location of the insect tide. They have crossed the Yinhui Province and actually encountered them. That group of corpses that had killed a lot of bugs.

This time, the zombie group was not so lucky. Last time, the Zerg group was only a small section at the end without any reinforcements, so they were all killed by them and strengthened themselves. But this time, they didn't last long at all. Completely engulfed by the surging insect tide.

This small episode did not delay the progress of the insect tide. Soon, they entered the Han Province and encountered a zombie wave again from the position where the insect wave entered the corpse group last time.

Viewed from the air, the scene of the insect tide rushing into the corpse tide is extremely spectacular. After all, both sides are races that dominate by numbers.

After entering the zombie tide, the momentum of the Zerg attack was immediately curbed. Especially the Zerg that rushed into the zombie tide first were killed by the zombies almost instantly. However, the steady stream of bugs behind them immediately filled their gap. vacancy.

Because of the obstruction of the zombie tide, the insect tide began to spread vertically, and at an extremely fast speed. A steady stream of bugs poured into the battlefield, expanding the battlefield continuously!

"I'll go! This scene...if it's filmed, it will definitely outshine all war blockbusters!"

Li Yichen looked at the spectacular scene below and exclaimed, but he immediately realized that something was wrong. The battle line between the Zerg and zombies was rapidly expanding, and it might not take long before it would spread to Yunzhong City.

"Attention everyone, close the battle lines and retreat to Yunzhong City. The Zerg are already here. Let them start the war first. We will take a look at the situation first and then decide how to respond!"

Li Yichen turned on the communicator and shouted in the war channel that Chang Guchuan and the others immediately carried out Li Yichen's order, quickly shrinking the front line that had advanced several kilometers towards the corpse tide, and retreated back to Yunzhong City.

In less than an hour, the battle line between the Zerg and the zombies spread to the vicinity of Yunzhong City. Fortunately, one side of Yunzhong City is close to the cliff, and after the Zerg appeared, the zombies seemed to be more interested in them. Ignoring those soldiers, they all rushed towards the Zerg.

The soldiers of the three legions all stood on the second city wall, looking at the fierce fighting of Zerg and zombies below. The place where they were fighting had reached the bottom of the city wall of Yunzhong City.

"It's a bit of a miscalculation!"

Looking at the battle below, Li Yichen murmured that he found that whether it was Zerg or zombies, after killing the opponent, they would immediately start to devour the opponent's body, completely ignoring that he was still at the forefront of the battlefield...

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