"Ha! No?"

The young man smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Even if you can escape from here, where can you escape to? To other bases? Or are you hiding alone in the wild and working hard for a little food every day?"

"Think about what we have done in this life? Is there anything worth mentioning to others? We lived in obscurity and died in obscurity. If you want this, then you all go away. I will fight and let my son see it. His father actually had the courage to allow me, at the moment of death, to find something in my life that was worth remembering at that time!"

As soon as the young man finished speaking, a man in his forties came out, removed another leg from the stool, looked at the young man and said:

"Count me in! There doesn't seem to be anything memorable in my life. I really don't want my mind to go blank when I die, although there is a high possibility that I should be scared to the point of thinking about everything. Can’t get up!”

"Count me in too!"

"I am coming too!"

"I'm getting old, I can't run anymore, and I don't want to run anymore, so I'll just leave my old bones here!"

"I have nothing to worry about. I'm just a brother. There's no one to write a suicide note, so just stay here! It's really unbearable to be worried all day long!"


Soon, more than 30 people stood up. Compared with more than 800 people, this number seemed a bit small. They each took their weapons and came to the young man. The young man looked at his wife and children and nodded vigorously. , then turned around suddenly and shouted:

"Kill! For our first battle!"

Amid the shouts, the young man was the first to rush out, and more than thirty others followed him, roaring in the same breath, leaving behind what may be the last declaration that they can leave in this world:

"Kill! For my shining memories!"

"Kill! For the courage I lost!"

"Kill! For me...for my impulse! Why the hell did I stand up in a hurry..."

The little boy who was picked up by the woman excitedly watched his father rushing to the front. He was still young and didn't know that he might lose his father in the next moment. He clapped his hands and shouted:

"Ah! Dad is so brave! Mom! I will definitely be as brave as dad when I grow up, right?"

He may not know that the most difficult thing about his wish is not to be as brave as his father, but to grow up!

For children in the prosperous age, their hopes are toys, ice cream, Disney, and Disney with ice cream. But for children born in the end of the world, growing up is their only luxury!

"Yes! My baby!"

The woman looked at the young man's back, tears welling up in her eyes, and she held the child tightly in her arms:

"You will, you will be as brave as dad, mom... mom will definitely let you grow up! Definitely!"

The woman's voice was not loud, but it was heard by many people. They slowly turned their heads to look at the woman and the little boy in her arms, and collectively fell into silence.


Suddenly, a man screamed hysterically, and then he threw his backpack heavily on the ground and stepped on it wildly. Just when everyone thought he was crazy, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the battle at the gate. , shouted and rushed forward again...


As soon as the man rushed out, there was another roar from the crowd, and a figure chased after him, and then another...

Two, three...twenty, thirty...two hundred, three hundred...Soon, almost all the men in the crowd rushed over, and the rest were basically women and children, as well as people of different ages. Old people, even some young men who are timid, the strange looks from the people around them will stab them in the back, and eventually they will run forward like crazy...

Yes, human beings will be infected and changed by the environment around them. The persistence of a few people will always get too many strange looks, no matter whether you are right or wrong.

The rest of the people looked at them silently. The children clapped their hands happily, the women cried softly, and the old people had complicated faces. Their experienced and wise eyes showed both relief and regret... …

Fortunately, among these people, they have seen the recovery of humanity. Unfortunately, the passage of time has caused them to lose the power of impulse!

In this dark apocalypse, human nature is gradually suppressed by the pressure of survival and the fear of death, and gradually sinks, but when you want to wake it up, it can still wake up in an instant and emit a dazzling light...

"What's wrong with these guys?"

The soldiers who were fighting had no idea about the "mental journey" of these people. They were a little confused when they saw them shouting like madmen to join the battle and rush into the battle circle.

"Whatever! This is a good thing!"

one of the warriors shouted.

"Damn it! Not necessarily!"

Another soldier shouted:

"Don't push the ones in the back, I'm going to let you push them into the group of corpses!"

The soldier was stabbing a zombie's head with a knife, but before he could draw out the knife, a force came from behind him, causing him to rush into the group of corpses involuntarily. Fortunately, he was smarter and immediately let go of the knife in his hand. With the knife, he blocked the zombie who was stabbed to death in front of him, so that he was not bitten by other zombies.

As more and more people "awake", the number of humans on the battlefield in front of the door soon exceeded the number of zombies, and the territory of the zombies inside the wall was also rapidly shrinking.

This is naturally a good sign for Wanshan Base, because it means that they are likely to expel all the zombies and save their home.

But for the soldiers at the front, as well as the first batch of young people and others who rushed up, this was not so good, because these survivors basically had no fighting experience and only knew how to rush forward like a swarm of swarms. , although they can quickly suppress the zombies' territory, they have become the vanguard of squeezing the zombies' territory!

"Hey! Who pushed me? I was almost bitten by a zombie! Why are you pushing me?"

"Slow down, slow down, kill the zombies and then move forward... Damn it! Can't you understand human language?"

"Stop! If you keep squeezing, I'm going out! Close the door. Close the door quickly? The zombies are all out!"

"Quick, quick! Close the door, stop crowding! Hey, close it slowly and let me go back!"

"I'll go! Be gentle! Why are you crowded? Close the door quickly! If you can't get on, wait for the next one!"


This should be regarded as a medium-sized miracle in the apocalypse. A group of people who have always been timid and cowardly dared to attack the corpse group with only a few words from others, and they succeeded. However, the crisis at Wanshan Base , but it has not been lifted, because there is also a giant zombie in full armor, wreaking havoc in their base...

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