
Being stared at by Zhang Yuxin like this, Wan Shan suddenly blushed and asked stammering. The people around him couldn't help but look at Wan Shan strangely, which made Wan Shan even more embarrassed.

"This central base should be the main base of Hell City. All non-combat units live here, right?"

Zhang Yuxin was not affected by other people's eyes, she still looked at Wan Shan with a smile and asked.

"That's right!"

Wan Shan nodded.

"They told me that behind this base, women, children, and the elderly make up the vast majority, even reaching four-fifths of the total population of Hell City! Is that true?"

Zhang Yuxin asked.

"That's right!"

Speaking of things at the base, Wanshan finally returned to normal:

"The total population of the capital of hell now exceeds 850,000, but the number of young and middle-aged males is only over 200,000!"

"Why is this happening? Is it because you lost too many young and middle-aged men when you were fighting the zombie tide?"

Zhang Yuxin asked again.

"of course not!"

Wan Shan shook his head and said:

"Since the establishment of our hell capital, the total number of deaths, including battles, accidents, deaths from illness, natural deaths and disappearances, has never reached four digits."

"Then why is there such a disparity in the population ratio of the Capital of Hell? Looking at the scale of the Capital of Hell, it shouldn't be those young adults who left on their own initiative, right?"

Zhang Yuxin was still staring at Wan Shan.

"This has something to do with the Kingdom of Heaven! Remember when I was in Yunzhong City before, did I say that they would only attack human bases with zombie waves in Beilu Port?"

Li Yichen said from the side at this time, and then told what happened at Li Qingfeng's base:

"Our population was not large before, and including the scattered bases that came to join us, the population did not exceed 250,000. It was not until the old, young, women, and children from that base joined us that the population began to skyrocket!"

"That's right!"

Wan Shan also smiled bitterly and said:

"Because of the control of the Kingdom of Heaven, the survivors of the Far North Continent are scattered to form bases and struggle to survive. Those bases that have developed relatively stably will be secretly controlled by the Kingdom of Heaven, and even directly merge several bases, and then Driving the tide of corpses to devour them, so the survivors of the Far North Continent... are actually not very many!"

"I didn't expect that the Kingdom of Heaven would be so crazy! These bastards, don't let me see them in the future!"

Meng Jiang said angrily that the Freedom Alliance has always believed that the more human survivors the better, so that they can finally defeat the zombies, so they are naturally the most angry about this kind of thing!

"Put aside the Kingdom of Heaven for now! There will be plenty of opportunities to settle accounts with them in the future!"

Wan Shan waved his hand, then looked at Zhang Yuxin and asked:

"What is your request?"

"My subordinates said that they had contact with the people in your base and found that they seemed to be living a happy life. Originally, I had some concerns because of the proportion problem, but now I don't have any more!"

Zhang Yuxin stood up, looked at Wan Shan solemnly and said:

"I want to ask the Hell Capital Base to take in all the members of our Explorers Association! Most of them are women and children. I don't have the ability to make them live as safe and happy as they do in Hell Capital, so... I beg you! please!"

With that said, Zhang Yuxin bent her waist at ninety degrees and bowed deeply to Wan Shan.

Due to the angle, Zhang Yuxin's deep ravine made Wan Shan tremble with fear. He quickly turned to look at Li Yichen. Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan with a playful expression and said softly:

"What do you want me to do? You are the leader, I am just a thug, I am in charge of fighting, and the lone wolf is in charge of law enforcement. This matter is obviously your business, make your own decision! Don't discuss it with anyone!"

"President Zhang! Do you mean...to merge the entire Explorers Association into the Capital of Hell?"

Wan Shan turned to Zhang Yuxin with a black line on his face and asked.


Zhang Yuxin stood up and nodded vigorously at Wan Shan:

"I am willing to give up my status as president and come to Hell City to be an ordinary member. If you have concerns about me, I don't have to join, as long as you can accept other people and let them get the same benefits as those members of Hell City. Just the treatment!”

"If President Zhang is willing, of course there is no problem!"

Wan Shan smiled and said:

"There are still many spare rooms in our capital of hell, and there are enough jobs in the nine major bases. As long as they are willing to work, it will not be a problem to support themselves, but... our capital of hell is rooted in the Valley of the Dead, so if they If you want to join, you can only transfer them all here!"


Zhang Yuxin frowned:

"Our Explorers Association's bases are spread across eight continents. Move them all here..."

"That's not what I meant!"

Wan Shan shook his head and said:

"We in the Capital of Hell can solve the problem of personnel transfer. What I mean is that the trial passages from the six major trial races to our world are all in the Far North Continent. In other words, the Far North Continent will become the place between us humans and our world in the future. The first battlefield of the alien race! If humans cannot hold on, the Far North Continent will be the first to fall! Are they... willing to come? "

After hearing Wan Shan's words, everyone looked at Zhang Yuxin.

"If...I mean if, if we humans really can't hold on any longer, will you give up here and go to other continents?"

Zhang Yuxin looked at Wan Shan and asked.

Wan Shan turned to Li Yichen, the two looked at each other and smiled, then Wan Shan said:

"No! I said, the Valley of the Dead Army is the root of the Capital of Hell. If you want to occupy this place, you will have to do it unless all the combatants in our Capital of Hell are killed!!"

"Then I'll have no problem here!"

Zhang Yuxin nodded and smiled:

"I will give you the distribution map of our base, and my subordinates will also assist you in going to other continents to pick up those people. With my people following, they will not have any problems!"


Wan Shan nodded and then reminded:

"The last point is that we in Hell City have our own rules, and all members must abide by them. If they are violated, then our Hell Law Enforcement Officer will take action. In front of him, even my words will not work, so you It’s best to take a closer look at the rules of our hell city first!”

"Thanks for the reminder! I've looked at it carefully!"

Zhang Yuxin smiled and said:

"We need to find a safe place for the sisters to stay! I will naturally investigate carefully. There are not many rules in the capital of hell, and they are not excessive. If they really violate it after coming here, then you can punish them!"

"Okay! It's settled then!"

Wan Shan nodded, and then looked at the two leaders of the alliance, Survivors and Protectors...

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