Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 454 Call the lone wolf!


Li Yichen frowned.

"Yes! Just afraid!"

Wan Shan took a deep breath:

"You may not understand this, but... to me, I am the leader of this base, so the people in this base are all protected by me, including those before, you know... under my protection Excuse me, how many people have died already?"

Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen and smiled bitterly.

"Lao Wan! Have you... been thinking like this?"

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan and asked seriously.


Wan Shan took a deep breath and nodded vigorously:

"I will always feel that as long as I am called Wan Tou, I should be responsible for their life safety!"

"Then no matter how many lives you have, it won't be enough!"

Li Yichen sighed and looked at Wan Shan:

"Lao Wan! As the leader of a base, I think...you should have this awareness, right? Especially...it seems that no one has died since our base was established?"

"That's different!"

Wan Shan shook his head:

"I'm talking about when I was the leader, and that includes Wanshan Base! At that time... how many people did we die? In Wucheng! How many people did we die? We are getting better and better now. Powerful, but... when the aliens invade, how many of us will die??"

"Xiaoyi! I know you are very powerful! But do you know how many old, young, women and children there are in our base? They account for more than 80%!"

Wan Shan came to the window, looked outside and said:

"Maybe you don't know... what their condition is now, but I know that they are very happy, especially the children and the old people. Every day when I see the old people looking at the children with kind smiles, I... …”

Wan Shan turned around suddenly, looked at Li Yichen and asked seriously:

"Can we really keep them safe?"


Li Yichen shook his head simply:

"Lao Wan! I understand what you mean! I also know why you... are filled with despair! Do you think... we can't compete with those alien races?"

"That's not true!"

Wan Shan shook his head:

"We now have five legions in the capital of hell, each with the strength of an enhancer or above. We have the power to fight against any enemy, but the question is... what about the others?"

"You mean...the old people, women and children?"

Li Yichen asked with a smile.

"That's right!"

Wan Shan nodded vigorously:

"Qingfeng cares about these people very much! So do I! As far as you are concerned, you are only responsible for the military. To be serious, you are only responsible for the three legions, but what about the others? If there is a real fight, Xiaoyi! In addition to the four peripheral A base, the rest... are all in the suppression zone! Those alien races are not subject to this restriction!!"

"Lao Wan! Don't worry! I won't let them break through here!"

Li Yichen said, he turned to look at Wan Shan:

"I am not the leader of Hell City, but... Hell City was built by me! This is my home! Anyone! Any race! If you want to enter here, you must get my consent!!"

"Thank you! Xiaoyi!"

Wan Shan stared at Li Yichen blankly for a long time, then finally stepped forward, patted Li Yichen on the shoulder, and said softly:

"Actually... I know all this, and I believe you! But I am the leader! You forced me to do it, and there are certain things I have to do!!"

"Lao Wan! As long as you take care of the base, that's it! I'll take care of the rest!"

Li Yichen suddenly stood up, glanced behind him and said:

"If someone forces you to express your stance again, I will deal with them directly! Killing a few people is nothing to me!"

"How the hell are you talking?"

Seemingly knowing that Li Yichen had discovered them, one person said directly:

"After all, we are also the leaders of a base. When we come to you, we have no merit but hard work! What's the matter? Now we can't even say a word?"

The speaker was about forty years old and looked filled with indignation.


Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan, who did not dare to look at Li Yichen.

"Lao Wan! Is this person... related to you?"

Li Yichen asked, this was what he was most afraid of.


Wan Shan raised his head in shock, looked at that person, then shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"Xiao Yi! My family...are all dead a long time ago!"

"Then why are you afraid of him?"

Li Yichen couldn't help but frown.

"He is the leader of a base. He came here with some people, and then... he came under your banner. I don't know the depth, so I can't... arrange it!"

Wan Shan sighed.

"Depend on!"

Li Yichen couldn't help but swore. He actually saved a lot of small bases outside, especially when the zombie tide became smaller. But rescuing these bases, including letting them come to the capital of hell, Li Yichen couldn't help but With the mentality of rescuing them.

I will give you a place to stay. Isn't it very simple for you to go and seek refuge? What's going on? After you come here, do you still want to show off?

"Your surname is Li, right?"

At this time, a middle-aged man about forty years old came up from behind Wan Shan, looked at Li Yichen and asked.

"Yes! My surname is Li!"

Li Yichen nodded, then looked at Wan Shan:

"Do you know who he is?"

"I know! He is the leader of our hell capital base, Wan Tou! Hello Wan Tou!"

The middle-aged man said.

"I know he is Wan Tou, so why do you still have a place to speak now?"

Li Yichen said coldly! Even in the three major legions, if he is here, except for the commanders of the three major legions, who else would dare to say anything?

"What's wrong? We have something to say and we can't talk anymore?"

The middle-aged man looked Li Yichen up and down:

"If you are the Li Yichen who is often absent but is in charge of the capital of hell! I must warn you that there is a big problem with your management. Soldiers are not like soldiers, and ordinary people are not like ordinary people. You must change it! !”

"I'll paralyze you!"

Li Yichen looked at this buddy, smiled, and said seriously.

"Look! A base leader always speaks foul language. Can we stay in a base like this?"

The middle-aged man did not continue to compete with Li Yichen, but just followed the person behind him.

"You don't have to stay any longer!"

Li Yichen smiled and said to the middle-aged man:

"We, the capital of hell, can't afford to keep such distinguished guests as you! Li Jinghong, I remember you. Back then, it seemed that I was the one who saved your camp after killing that little zombie wave. Is this how you repay me?"

"What? Are you the one who released a lot of thunder and lightning?"

The middle-aged man asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Lone wolf! What are you busy with? You have your own work to do here!"

Li Yichen ignored him and shouted directly to the terminal...

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