Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 461 Keep it in your heart

"It's very simple! If he is a foreign race, why would he kill those zombies and bugs?"

Chen Tianyu looked at Guo Jinbao and smiled:

"We have all seen these days, how many bugs and zombies have they killed? To be exaggerated, it is more than we have killed in the entire apocalypse, right?"

"I said they were aliens! I didn't say they were zombies or bugs!!"

Guo Jinbao hated the fact that iron cannot become steel:

"It is true that the six major trial races are all our enemies, but they are not friends with each other, right? What's so strange about attacking each other?"

"All right!"

Chen Tianyu finally nodded:

"If Li Yichen is a foreign race! Which race do you think he is?"


Contrary to Chen Tianyu's expectation, Guo Jinbao nodded firmly and said:

"Besides, not everyone in the Capital of Hell is a foreign race. I mean, only Li Yichen is a blood race!"

"What's the basis?"

Seeing Guo Jinbao's expression, Chen Tianyu also became serious, he frowned and asked.

"The basis is the information given to us by the Capital of Hell!"

Guo Jinbao opened the terminal, clicked on the information and said:

"Look! Vampires have the ability to seize bodies. They can give up their own bodies and use their consciousness to seize control of another person's body!"

"This is just their racial talent. How do you prove that Li Yichen was taken away?"

Chen Tianyu asked.

"Because Li Yichen said that he met a vampire. The vampire at that time snatched a zombie and then killed him. Moreover, Li Yichen also got his memory, and then he knew the place of trial. information!"

"You mean, Li Yichen was originally a human, but... after meeting that vampire, he was kidnapped, and then he started to plot against us?"

Chen Tianyu took a deep breath and asked.

"That's what I mean!"

Guo Jinbao nodded vigorously.

"I think... President Guo's guess is a bit far-fetched!"

Chen Tianyu shook his head and said:

"And... have you ever thought about what kind of chain reaction it would cause if you made your speculation public?"

"I thought of it! It will make others start to doubt Li Yichen, and even everyone in the capital of hell. In the days to come, we may all be in danger!"

Guo Jinbao nodded:

"That's why I'm just talking to you! I'm not looking for anyone else!"

"You said it too easily!"

Chen Tianyu shook his head and said:

"President Guo! You are a businessman and you should know people's hearts very well! If you really make your guess public, the consequences will be a hundred times more serious than what you just said!"

Turning around and looking outside, Chen Tianyu sighed:

"First of all, it is certain that Li Yichen and the people in Hell Capital are suspected, and this suspicion will soon spread and affect everyone. Even... within our own forces, there will be people who suspect that the people around us are being suspected. Someone who had my body taken away from me! For example... now you have reason to suspect that I was someone who had my body taken away from me."

"Why should I doubt you?"

Guo Jinbao said in surprise.

"Because I have been helping Li Yichen speak!"

Chen Tianyu smiled:

"Furthermore...if Li Yichen is really taken away, he has been taken away for several days now. Do you think it would be a big deal for him to get some people to go to the trial passage of the blood clan to take away the bodies for his people?" Is it a difficult thing?"


Guo Jinbao stopped talking. If Li Yichen was really taken away, then the three major legions in the capital of hell might not be so reliable! Even the leaders of the five major forces may no longer be human.

The reason is simple. As Chen Tianyu said, with Li Yichen's current prestige among them, it is not very difficult to take them somewhere! And once these people are taken away, it will be easy to control their power!

"President Guo! Although your guess does have some basis! But I think... the chance of Li Yichen being taken away is very small, basically impossible."

Chen Tianyu patted Guo Yuanbao on the shoulder and said with a relaxed smile:

"Furthermore, in my opinion, your basis is actually somewhat untenable! That's right! You are a businessman, so you think it is unreasonable for Li Yichen to make us make no profit at all by exchanging supplies with Zhinao. "

"But you forgot, you are the businessman, Li Yichen is not, and the Capital of Hell is not the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce. If Li Yichen and the others simply do not want to give up the Capital of Hell, and feel that relying on themselves may be very laborious, they want to recruit some allies. , and come to help us with all your strength?"

"If that's the case... then it's my own villainous heart!"

Guo Jinbao thought blankly for a while, then suddenly smiled bitterly and shook his head. Chen Tianyu was right. He considered this issue from the perspective of a businessman, so he felt that Li Yichen was a bit too righteous.

For him, being courteous for nothing is either a traitor or a theft. Why is Li Yichen so generous in exchanging open enhancement injections and superpower injections? Even if your three major legions and your other combat units in the capital of hell are not short of this for the time being, there are still hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in your capital of hell!

Don't they need it? By turning them all into enhancers, how much will the strength of Hell City be improved? Moreover, there is no shortage of Zerg and zombies here. If these enhancers can be trained for a few days, won't they all become combat units? It’s better than using it to strengthen the other five major forces, right?

After all, the members of Hell City are Li Yichen's own, and allies are allies after all!

So Guo Jinbao couldn't figure it out. If he is too righteous, he must be fake. He starts to be selfless and helps us for free as soon as we get in touch. This guy must have a plan!

Guo Jinbao thought about it for two days, and the more he thought about it, the more he got into trouble. But he didn't dare to ask Qu Fengyang because he felt that Qu Fengyang had a good feeling for Li Yichen now. Once he told him, maybe it would spread to Li Yichen. in the ears.

In the end, Guo Jinbao decided to discuss it with Chen Tianyu first. Although Shengshi Villa was not the force with the best relationship with the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce, Chen Tianyu was the person Guo Jinbao admired the most.

Not everyone can start from scratch, break out in this chaotic apocalypse, and create a huge force with their own hands. The opinions of such a strong person are worthy of serious consideration.

Guo Jinbao was thinking about it seriously now, but after thinking about it for a long time, he came to a conclusion that made him feel a little uncomfortable...

"President Guo! If you still have doubts in your heart! No problem, but I ask you to hide your doubts in your own heart and look for clues yourself. If you find any evidence, you can come to me at any time, but where Please don’t tell anyone about your suspicions before!”

Chen Tianyu patted Guo Jinbao's arm and said, then left with a long sigh...

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