Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 463 Cutting off the insect tide?

therefore! After thinking about it for a long time, no force chose a sub-base in the Capital of Hell. They all chose the location themselves and exchanged their favorite bases in their minds.

Because they can design this kind of base by themselves, just put the drawings in and declare the material, performance and other requirements! Then it's time to dig the base. Li Yichen goes over to redeem it and it's OK!

Li Yichen did not raise any objection to their choice. After all, although they were said to be an alliance, they only joined forces because of the alien invasion. They had no contact with these forces before, and no one could really trust anyone. .

In Li Yichen's opinion, among these forces, the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce should be the one closest to the Capital of Hell. Little did he know that the president of this chamber of commerce already suspected that he was a foreigner.

However, because of the need to fight against foreign races, the bases of the five major forces are all near the Valley of the Dead Army, and they are very close to each other, forming a fan shape and connected to each other by city walls. Even the capital of hell is here. A base was also established, and they called this base group a joint base!

The joint base is not far outside the Death Army Valley. It can be said to have become a barrier to the Death Army Valley. However, the five major forces are not worried that they will become cannon fodder in the capital of hell, because both Wan Shan and Li Yichen have personally promised that once here, If they are attacked, the City of Hell will defend with them. As long as they do not retreat, the City of Hell will definitely not retreat!

After spending a few days to complete all the joint bases and adjust them according to their own requirements, the Far North Continent actually began to calm down.

Although the insect tide is still pouring into the Han Province, everyone has become accustomed to it. After these few days of fighting, even the warriors of the five major forces have gradually become accustomed to this fighting rhythm and have begun to use the three major legions. With the help of soldiers, he can withstand attacks from a section of the front.

Moreover, due to the continuous supply of strengthening injections and superpower injections, there are more and more new humans among the five major forces. Li Yichen did not hide his secrets and told them all about the division of biological levels and the key points of breakthroughs.

After all, they will soon face an invasion from alien races. The stronger humans are, the greater their chances of winning. Naturally, Li Yichen will not hide his secrets at this time.

However, a few days have passed, and the preliminary preparations of the five major forces have been almost completed. Resources have been continuously transported to the Far North Continent. Almost all the survivors of the Explorer Association have been brought back, whether they are Zerg or Undead. It is still the Kingdom of Heaven, but there has been strangely no movement in the past few days!

This made Li Yichen feel uneasy. Although this would allow them to steadily improve their strength and build a more complete joint base,... Li Yichen always felt that this was not a good thing.

So, Li Yichen invited the leaders of the five major forces to gather together for a meeting. It was called a meeting, but everyone just gathered on the wall of the joint base, and no formal meeting room was prepared.

Now, the leader of the Freedom Alliance, Meng Hai, and the leader of the Doomsday Scavengers, Sun Hao, have also arrived in the Far North Continent. Naturally, they have to show up for such a big thing. As for the two deputy leaders, Meng Jiang and Chang Tianyuan, He was sent back to take charge of the daily work of the alliance.

After all, there has been no movement in the Kingdom of Heaven, so they need to keep an eye on it. Moreover, most of the combatants from these five major forces have been transferred to the Far North Continent. They are also afraid that the Kingdom of Heaven will not come here to cause trouble, but will instead send them here. Bases on other continents were annexed.

"Everyone! The joint base is basically completed! And during this period, your soldiers are almost familiar with fighting zombies and Zerg, and there are even many D-class strong men!"

When all the leaders of the five major forces arrived, Li Yichen said:

"But there has been no movement from the undead tribe, the Zerg tribe, and even the Kingdom of Heaven so far. I think this is not normal!"


Meng Hai took the lead in nodding:

"I also think there is a problem, especially the undead! They are not far from the battlefield in Yunzhong City, but they allow us to intercept those zombies. This is really wrong!"

"What do you think we should do?"

Guo Jinbao looked at Li Yichen and asked:

"You summoned us here. You must have something in mind, right?"

"Well! I plan to...expand the battlefield!"

Li Yichen nodded and said:

"Our current combat personnel have reached more than 300,000! The Yunzhong City battlefield is no longer enough to accommodate so many people. Now more of them are defending our joint base!"

Pointing to the joint base behind him, Li Yichen continued:

"But our joint base currently does not need defense at all. It is still far away from the insect wave, and even further away from the zombie wave! They can be said to be idle now!"

"Xiao Yi! If you have any ideas, just tell me!"

Chen Tianyu looked at Guo Jinbao and said.


Li Yichen nodded:

"I plan to directly cut off the insect tide and stop them from entering the Han Province. With our current military strength, it is not difficult to do this! Because we have enough manpower to rotate, and while cutting off the insect tide, we will immediately Excavate the foundation and build a castle like Cloud City on the path of the insect tide!"

"The difficulty in cutting off the insect tide is actually at the very beginning. We must ensure that we withstand the insect tide for at least four hours, so that we have time to dig foundations in their path. Once the castle is established, then It’s basically a success!”

"Why are we doing this?"

Sun Hao, the leader of the Doomsday Scavengers, frowned and asked:

"If it is just to open up enough battlefields for the soldiers, we can build a castle not far from the insect tide, and then use the corpses of zombies to divert part of the insect tide. There is no need to cut off the entire insect tide. ah?"

"Yes! Moreover, it is more reliable to divert the insect tide, because we can control the flow of the insect tide! If it is cut off directly and something abnormal happens, we will have no way out!"

Wu Xiaogang from the Hunter Association also nodded, agreeing with Sun Hao's suggestion!

"Of course it's not just to expand the battlefield! The main reason I do this is to force the undead to react! Now that they have been standing still, we must make them move, otherwise, we will have no way to deal with it!"

Li Yichen took a deep breath, looked at everyone and replied...

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