Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 466 Triangular Defense Zone

This is definitely a long-term battle. Personnel rotation, supplies, transportation of the wounded, trophies, etc. all must be done. If there are transportation trenches, there is no need to use helicopters every time.

As for Li Yichen himself, this can directly liberate him, just like the current Hell Capital base. In fact, the food grown in Hell Capital has not been processed in any way. It is just cut or dug out from the ground. , and then piled them together, waiting for Li Yichen to collect them.

The system can process these things into energy blocks, compressed biscuits, even potato chips and other finished products in an instant. Why should the city of hell bother to build a processing plant? Wouldn't it be better to reclaim an extra piece of wasteland if you have the time?

Since the emergence of Zhi Nao, this process has been directly taken over by Zhi Nao. The logistics department organized people to move all the crops to Zhi Nao for recycling, and then exchanged the corresponding food from Zhi Nao. Li Yichen was completely liberated. .

Even if he doesn't return to the Capital of Hell once a year now, the Capital of Hell can still operate normally! As for the Intelligent Brain, most people in the base think it is more like a large processing factory. No matter what raw materials are thrown in, the finished product will be ready. Especially since this processing factory does not pick and choose, as long as you put it in, no matter it is What, it will be accepted.

Li Qingfeng was in Yunzhong City at this time. When he heard Li Yichen's call, he immediately flew over in a helicopter. While he was here, Li Yichen discussed with others the details of the two fortresses and the size of the traffic trench. and direction.

Since they don't have to worry about materials now, Li Yichen planned to build two fully enclosed transportation trenches. As for the direction, they originally thought it was very simple, just draw a straight line from the two forts to the joint base.

However, after drawing the route, everyone discovered that if the original position set by Li Yichen to intercept the insect wave was moved ten kilometers to the left to make way for the mountains between it and the passage, then the two fortresses and the joint base would form a triangle.

"Xiao Yi! I think we can build three traffic trenches."

Guo Jinbao was the first to discover this. He directly pointed at a point on the path of the insect tide and said:

"If the point to intercept the insect tide is set here, it will be a triangle. If we build traffic trenches on these three sides, then the area in the middle will also become a safe area. You can plant whatever you want. I know this area This area is all plains, so there is basically no need to cultivate it!”

Although he still had doubts about Li Yichen, Guo Jinbao was a businessman after all, and the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce was also involved in this action. Naturally, he had to seriously consider how to maximize his profits - he was a businessman!

After hearing Guo Jinbao's words, everyone looked at it carefully, and then Chen Tianyu pointed at the map and said:

"If this is the case, then there will be no need for traffic trenches. What we need... are three city walls that are strong and tall enough! And there will be a large safety zone!"

"Can consider it!"

Li Yichen looked at the triangle drawn by Guo Jinbao and made an estimate in his mind. The total length of the three sections of the city wall was sixty or seventy kilometers. There was no problem in building it, so he nodded and said:

"It's just that... this safe area is not very safe. When someone enters, some guards must be arranged! And I will also design the city wall to be hollow. If necessary, you can enter the city wall to escape!"


After hearing Li Yichen's words, everyone nodded together. Yes, this place is different from the open space in the Hell Capital Base. Although it is also closed, it is too close to the insect tide. Those insects can climb the wall, no matter how high the wall is. You can't stop them, so naturally there is a certain degree of danger!

After a while, Li Qingfeng arrived. After he understood everyone's thoughts, he looked at the map carefully, thought for a while and said:

"I don't think the fortress is a problem! As long as the walls of the fortress are modified to be suitable for defending against insects, as for this, just move Yunzhong City directly to the entrance of the passage, and connect the walls to the mountain wall on both sides."

"The key is these three city walls. I think they are designed so that there is a passage in the middle, with small doors opening a few hundred meters inside. This should be foolproof. When necessary, the passage in the middle of the city wall can be used as a traffic trench!"

"In addition, I will also design the exterior of the city wall to be able to be defended on both sides, rather than like our current city wall, which can only be used for external defense. The location where the city wall connects to the joint base should be on both sides of the joint base, so that If so, once an enemy appears in this triangular area, we can still rely on the city wall and joint base to launch an attack on them!"

"There are enemies in the middle area?"

Wu Xiaogang obviously did not understand what Li Qingfeng meant, and others also looked confused.

"Our enemies are not just zombies and bugs. The city walls built by Xiaoyi are strong enough to withstand attacks from thermal weapons. If the Kingdom of Heaven really comes to attack, this inverted triangle defense zone will definitely give them a surprise!"

Li Qingfeng said with a smile.


Everyone suddenly realized that, yes, if the Kingdom of Heaven comes to attack here, then when they see this triangle area, they will most likely choose to land here, and then try to break through from the inside. If this is the case, Li Qingfeng's design, It will definitely make them suffer a lot!

Of course, there must be a premise here: the material of this city wall must at least be able to withstand the attack of airborne missiles. Otherwise, if two missiles come down, the city wall will collapse. What's the point?

Those present were all leaders of various forces. Naturally, they all thought about this problem, so they all looked at Li Yichen. Li Yichen smiled slightly, nodded and said:

"completely fine!"

The system has been upgraded twice. If it still cannot synthesize materials that can withstand missiles, it would be too bad. However, if all this material is used, the consumption of materials will be quite large. Fortunately, the five major forces have recently shipped it. A large amount of supplies, and Li Yichen originally had them in stock, was barely enough to build such a city wall and a fortress!

Li Yichen nodded, and the others had no objections, so Li Qingfeng immediately began to draw drawings. Of course, it was just a drawing of a city wall, a fortress, it would be more or less fine, or even just shrinking Yunzhong City a little, that would be enough!

"Let's take a look, how about this?"

It took Li Qingfeng nearly two hours to complete the design of the city wall. After sending the design to other people's terminals, he smiled and asked...

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