Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 477 Is there another traitor?

"What's going on?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Inside... they are still fighting down there, we..."

Chen Tianyu pointed down awkwardly, and everyone suddenly realized, yes, there is a lively fight in the hell city below, why are we chatting here?

If you want to say that when the missiles come, it's okay if we don't go down. You can say that we are afraid of death, and we don't know how capable you are. But now...the missiles are gone, and we still watch the fun, which is a bit unreasonable.

Looking down, okay, not only are the leaders of these forces chatting above, but the soldiers from the five major forces below are also standing in the distance watching the fun, and there are even people pointing and discussing something over there.

"Go down and let them join the fight!"

The leaders of the five major forces quickly ordered their men to jump off the helicopter and organize their soldiers to join the battle.

"Hey! Tell me...if we all jumped when the missiles came, would our soldiers be like the soldiers in Hell City, rushing over with the missiles?"

Just when the five of them were about to jump off, Chen Tianyu looked down and asked suddenly.

The other four people froze. After a pause, no one answered and jumped down one after another. This question... might be a bit cruel to them.

Seeing the four people jumping down one after another, Chen Tianyu himself sighed. At this time, Zhang Anji suddenly turned around and said:

"Master Chen, do you have the answer to the question you just asked?"

Chen Tianyu grabbed the hatch, turned around and looked at Zhang Anji, thought about it seriously and then replied:

"The ones who can rush up will probably... be about a quarter! And I think that among our five forces, our Shengshi Farm will have the highest proportion!"

After saying this, Chen Tianyu turned around and jumped out of the helicopter without further delay...

"One in four, only one of four people comes up!"

Zhang Anji murmured:

"What you lack...is it a lone wolf? Or is it a boss?"

At this time, Li Yichen was no longer on the battlefield below. Even Wan Shan and others had left, cutting off the insect tide. The soldiers of the three legions were enough to sustain the next scene. They had to quickly organize manpower to attack The remaining section of the foundation is dug to complete the entire defense area!

Although the five major forces did not join the battle as agreed, and even after he disposed of the missiles, they did not appear for a long time, Li Yichen was not dissatisfied. He did not know that those people were actually studying his management methods above. He just felt that , the people of these five major forces felt embarrassed because they did not come down immediately before, so they did not rush them.

But the five major forces did not move. They in the capital of hell must rush to work and complete the task as soon as possible, because the kingdom of heaven has appeared. If it doesn't work this time, they will definitely have another time.

Moreover, their actions this time were actually concealed from the five major forces, because even the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce did not receive the news in advance. This shows that after learning about their alliance, the Kingdom of Heaven did not take immediate action, maybe it was to clean up the traitors!

This is definitely not good news, but after seeing the power of Li Yichen's missiles, the five major forces no longer care about the Kingdom of Heaven, because... the two sides no longer seem to be on the same level!

"Xiaoyi! I'm sorry! I was frightened by your move just now! So..."

After seeing Li Yichen, the five leaders greeted each other and made decent excuses for themselves, although they also knew that with Zhang Anji, the black driver, their conversation above would definitely reach Li Yichen's ears. But for big-shot people like them, everyone knows many things well, but they won't talk about them in detail. They are just carrying people in sedan chairs.

"it's okay no problem!"

Li Yichen also waved his hand:

"It's all because of you guys who were on guard for us that we dared to let go of the killing. You've also saved us from worries!"


The five leaders suddenly froze, Damn, if you don't curse like this, why do you expect us to be on guard for you? If you really dare to admit this, it would be a bit shameless.

"There's something wrong!"

Guo Jinbao is a businessman after all, so he quickly changed the subject:

"Xiaoyi, let me ask you, where was the target of that missile at that time?"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then replied:

"That's our helicopter!"

"Are you sure it's ours and not another helicopter?"

Guo Jinbao asked again. It was not just their helicopter that was hovering there at that time, there were more than a dozen in total!


Li Yichen didn't hesitate this time. He had eagle eyes and could show the trajectory of the missile. It was impossible to see it wrong! Of course it's confirmed.

"It's unlikely that the Kingdom of Heaven knows that you have the ability to disintegrate that missile, right?"

Guo Jinbao asked again.

"Of course it's impossible!"

Li Yichen shook his head, and then asked directly:

"President Guo, what do you want to say? Just say it!"


Guo Jinbao nodded and said seriously:

"Then let me tell you straight. When I came here, I thought about it carefully. The target of these twelve fighters this time may not be the Hell Capital base, but us!"


After hearing this, the other leaders also listened carefully.

"Don't you think their timing was very clever? Moreover, their actions were extremely confidential. We didn't even get the slightest hint of the inside line in the Kingdom of Heaven. They were twelve jet fighters, not twelve people!"

Guo Jinbao analyzed:

"Not only did they avoid our eyes and ears and come here, but they also happened to arrive just as we were preparing to intercept the insect tide. The leaders of the six joint alliances all arrived in a helicopter. And when they suffered a fatal blow, the only one The missile that was launched happened to be aimed at our helicopter! This is clearly a beheading operation!!"

"Decapitation operation?"

Everyone gasped and looked at each other. Originally, they had not thought of this because of Li Yichen's amazing performance and the topics that followed, but after Guo Jinbao's analysis, it seemed that this was really the case. !

"Yes! It's a beheading operation. Their goal is to kill us!!"

Guo Jinbao said with certainty:

"Of course, if they are not completely wiped out, they may kill all the helicopters we have there. After all, in an air battle, helicopters cannot compete with fighter jets, and even our ground troops will be hit hard! "

"And to be able to grasp such accurate intelligence, launch a beheading operation against us, and almost succeed! The only explanation is... we have a traitor here!!"

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