Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 479 Let’s make a bet?

Chen Tianyu's actions not only shocked Li Yichen, but also shocked the leaders of several other forces. They all looked at him with wide eyes. They didn't believe that Chen Tianyu would give away his Shengshi Farm so easily, but the problem was... ...What he did was almost equivalent to giving his offensive and defensive power to Li Yichen, right?

Although he also said that the period from now until the victory over the alien race is not permanent, but who knows when he will be able to defeat the alien race? how long? At that time, was Chen Tianyu still alive?

"Everyone, follow me!"

Chen Tianyu looked at everyone and suddenly smiled. Then he waved his hand and led everyone to the side. After looking around, he was sure that only the leaders of the five major forces and Wanshan Li Yichen were behind. He took a deep breath and said :

"Everyone must be wondering why I gave the Shengshi Farm that I worked so hard to build to Xiaoyi so easily, right?"

"Actually, this is a trick on my part, Xiaoyi. I will tell you my thoughts directly, and then you will consider whether you are willing to accept it. Although in this way, I will take a big advantage, but I think You are not a stingy person!"

Chen Tianyu's words made everyone even more puzzled, what's going on? You gave him your Shengshi Farm and claimed that you took advantage of it, for fear that others would not want it? Then give it to me? I'm not afraid of this kind of loss! !

"Master Chen, please tell me!"

Li Yichen didn't understand it himself. After looking at each other with Wan Shan, he looked at Chen Tianyu and nodded.

"Actually, my idea is very simple! By doing this, it seems that I am handing over my Shengshi Farm directly to you, but don't forget, what I said... is only from now on until we win the war with the aliens. !”

Chen Tianyu smiled and said:

"I know you are thinking, who knows how long our war with the alien race will last? What if it lasts too long, or I die in the war? Even if Xiaoyi has any ideas, he may even kill him intentionally Me, then my Shengshi Farm will completely belong to him, right?"

Hearing this, even Li Yichen smiled and nodded:

"Are you reminding me that I should have had an accident with you sooner?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chen Tianyu laughed:

"That's impossible. I, Chen Tianyu, have always believed that I am very accurate in identifying people. If you were that kind of person, then I wouldn't make this suggestion. So let's just say that if I really die in battle or die of old age Well, after all, none of us can guarantee how long this war will last!"


Everyone nodded together and looked at Chen Tianyu.

"Let me ask you first, why are we forming a force? It is so that we and the people around us can survive and live better, right? Otherwise, we can bring our closest people with us, Find a safe place to live!”

Chen Tianyu continued:

"With the strength of people like us, it's no problem if we want to do this, and it doesn't have to be so tiring. Everyone knows how tiring it is to manage a large force, right?"

"That's right!"

All five leaders, including Wan Shan, nodded, with the exception of Li Yichen, because he was a hands-off shopkeeper, and if he dared to nod, Wan Shan would kill him.

"So! Everyone knows what the capital of hell is like. If I die, then my Shengshi Farm will be truly merged into the capital of hell. In this case, at least I will be able to give me the gift before I die. My son, I and my relatives and friends have found a good support!"

"I'd rather die! Wouldn't it be great to find a good escape route for them? And I believe that Xiaoyi will treat them equally and treat them completely as people from the capital of hell, right?"

"Are you so sure?"

Li Yichen asked with a smile.


Chen Tianyu nodded seriously:

"We had a conversation with your driver's subordinate today. From his words, I can feel how you treat your subordinates!"

"He said it's because you gave them everything, so they are grateful. This means that you must have no problem with your subordinates! Of course, he also said that there is also the deterrence of the lone wolf! In other words, they obey you. The reason is high pressure!”

Chen Tianyu looked at the other four leaders:

"Everyone, although the guy described Lone Wolf as cruel, and this may be true, did you see the guy's expression when he spoke?"

Hearing Chen Tianyu's words, the four people's hearts moved, but no one took the initiative to speak.

"We are all leaders of big forces. Whether a person is intimidated by cruel means or we truly admire someone, we can all see that when the driver talks about his boss, the look and eyes on his face are definitely not the same. Anything high-pressure!"

Chen Tianyu looked at Li Yichen with some envy:

"That's totally worship! Yes! Without gratitude, it's just worship. This is the most rare thing. If it's gratitude, then after a while, when he feels that he has fully repaid your kindness, the gratitude will slowly disappear, but worship Won't!"

"I'm sure that when we were talking up there, Dao Xiaoyi didn't have any derogatory words. If he had, the driver would definitely jump up and kick us all down one by one. Do you believe it?"

Chen Tianyu asked as he looked at the four leaders.

"I believe!"

Guo Jinbao was the first to nod. The pilot had no scruples in attacking him, and any more kicks would naturally be nothing. The other three leaders also smiled and nodded, indicating that they believed it too.

"This is why I believe that if my Shengshi Farm is really merged into the Capital of Hell, it will not be squeezed out!"

Chen Tianyu finally made his own conclusion.

"What if we win quickly?"

Sun Hao asked.

"That's better! What's mine is still mine! I don't think Xiaoyi will dominate my Shengshi Farm and refuse to return it, right?"

"He certainly won't!"

Before Li Yichen could speak, Wan Shan shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"This guy has no pursuit of power. After he saved my base, I said I would let him be the leader, because I know my own weight!"

After looking at the five leaders, Wan Shan said with emotion:

"Half a year ago, I was just a small leader who managed a base of several thousand people, and I was just a strengthener. At that time, let alone standing in front of you and chatting and laughing with you like I am now, I'm afraid I wouldn't even let you see me. You don’t even have the qualifications to take a look!”

"And this guy, after saving us, cleaning up the Valley of the Dead Army, and establishing the Capital of Hell, refused to be the leader himself, so he had to leave it to me! Such a lazy guy will hold your people captive. put?"

"Do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Wan Shan looked at Chen Tianyu and asked...

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