yes! In fact, what Chen Tianyu said before was just to make sure that the Capital of Hell would not really annex his power, and the most important thing was the last four words - treat everyone equally!

We are temporarily annexed to the Hell City, right? Then our soldiers here are all from the capital of hell! If you want to treat everyone equally, what is the most important thing? Terminal! !

If the capital of hell could also give their people a terminal that can connect to the brain, these warriors can throw their trophies into the brain, support themselves in the future, and earn points to exchange for whatever they want. .

In this way, the people are still theirs, but... they don't have to use resources to exchange them for things!

During this period, the five major forces were almost depleted because there was no inventory of the products in Zhi Nao. None of them knew how many super power injections they still had, so they naturally rushed to get more points and exchange as many as possible. Point, even if it is to gather up first!

Now that the resources of the five major forces in other continents have been almost all transferred, the remaining ones cannot be moved anymore because they still have to maintain their bases in other continents!

Originally, the five major forces were still worried. They had no resources. What would they use to replace injections for their soldiers in the future? Now Chen Tianyu's action has perfectly solved this problem.

Moreover, they have also thought carefully about it, and Chen Tianyu's previous analysis was correct. Merging into the capital of hell is definitely a sure-profit deal!

Even Guo Jinbao, who still had doubts about Li Yichen, joined in at this time. He thought more clearly that if Li Yichen was a human, then he would naturally join. If Li Yichen was a vampire, as long as he showed evidence, others would still Will you support him? So naturally join first and then talk!

Li Yichen and Wan Shan were caught off guard by the joining of the five major forces. After the two looked at each other, Wan Shan nodded lightly, meaning you can figure it out yourself!

Li Yichen raised Chen Tianyu's token in his hand, looked at it silently, and thought to himself, then took a deep breath and said:

"Everyone, in theory, I agree with your request, because to face the upcoming war, we must have a unified command. This is necessary because our current bases are connected together. If you hit everyone, that would be too passive!"

"But! I'm going to say something ugly here! I'll give you one day to go back and tell your people about this merger, and let them make their own choices. Those who are willing to stay can stay. If you don’t want to, you can send them out of the Far North Continent and back to your bases on other continents—our merger is limited to your people in the Far North Continent!”

"Tomorrow we will hold a merger ceremony at the joint base and announce all the details of our merger! Let everyone know about it! And after the ceremony, the people left behind will be temporarily taken over by us in the capital of hell , until our war with the aliens is over!”

"During this period, they will get the status of temporary members of the Hell Capital. The treatment of this status is the same as that of formal members, except that they have a time limit. They will also get a terminal connected to the brain!"

Hearing this, the leaders of the five major forces breathed a sigh of relief. This is what they want. As long as Li Yichen agrees, everything else will not matter!

"Of course! Becoming a member of Hell City, even if it is an agreement, will be treated as a real member by us, so you will have all the benefits you should have. At the same time, if you make a mistake, you will also have the same punishment. of!"

Li Yichen's tone suddenly became serious, he looked at the five leaders and said:

"Five people! If your people make mistakes, then the lone wolf will definitely take action. I don't want to see you come to me to plead for mercy when this happens again! So, if any of your relatives is the kind of person who doesn't like to guard Behave yourself, you'd better send him away first, so as not to make everyone look ugly later!"

"rest assured!"

Chen Tianyu said:

"My son will also join! If he makes a mistake, even if you skin him, I won't say a word!"

"Okay! Master Chen! You'd better remember what you're saying now, because... stripping his skin off is far from the standard of cruelty for a lone wolf!"

Li Yichen looked at Chen Tianyu and said calmly. After hearing Li Yichen's words, the five leaders looked at each other warily. Judging from Li Yichen's attitude, it seemed that what he said was not a lie. Isn't peeling the skin cruel?

"What I said is true. If a person makes a big enough mistake, such as inciting others, when he falls into the hands of a lone wolf, death will definitely be the best thing for him and he is extremely looking forward to it. matter!"

Li Yichen continued to put pressure on the five leaders:

"I will send you a video later. You can go back and watch it. After watching it, tell me your decision! In addition, I want to declare how the Hell City will be managed after everyone joins."

"Fundamentally speaking, our management methods will not change, but because five people have joined, whether it is to calm the emotions of your people or the daily management of our base, some changes need to be made."

"We will set up a parliament! The five of you here, as well as Lao Wan and Zhang Yuxin, will all be members! Regarding matters such as base construction and personnel management, you can all decide through the parliament!"

"But the military and law enforcement aspects will still not change. I am in charge of the military, and law enforcement is still a lone wolf. No one else is allowed to participate. Of course, in the military aspect, everyone has the right to make suggestions, but the decision-making power still rests with me. As for law enforcement, you have the final say. It’s best not to interfere, otherwise the lone wolf has the right to take you down directly! In our case, attacking or obstructing the law enforcement team is regarded as a declaration of war against the capital of hell!!”


Hearing Li Yichen's words, the five leaders all took a deep breath. They have been here for so long, but they have actually not seen the lone wolf a few times. Moreover, this guy rarely talks and has no expression on his face at all. They didn't expect this guy to be here. The capital of hell actually has such great power?

Listen, there are three aspects of base management: law enforcement, government affairs and military. They can participate in government affairs, and they can make suggestions in military affairs, but law enforcement... they can't even say a word. This lone wolf... is the biggest in the capital of hell. BOSS, right?

"Okay everyone! That's all! Everyone go back first. I'll give you a day to think about it and notify your subordinates. We'll meet and decide tomorrow morning!"

Li Yichen said and handed the token in his hand to Chen Tianyu. Unexpectedly, Chen Tianyu shook his head...

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