"Is this gone?"

Li Yichen said with some surprise. In fact, it had only been three or four hours since they intercepted the insect tide. Although the insect tide had lost reinforcements because of them and was destined to be completely annihilated, but... the insects before were not Shao, why so fast?

"Yeah! It's gone!"

Chang Guchuan Road:

"The tide of corpses is now moving towards Yunzhong City. It is estimated that... it will arrive in about an hour!"

"Let's go! Go take a look!"

Li Yichen waved his hand and said, the zombies immediately started heading towards the passage after the insect wave was wiped out. This was a bit beyond Li Yichen's expectation. What he thought was that the undead should be trying to stabilize the passage now, no? Should we come to trouble them immediately?

And Gary should know very well that relying solely on the zombie tide, without the leadership of high-level undead, it is impossible to take advantage of the humans with fortified cities.

Zombies actually rely on numbers and their characteristic of never getting tired! Even Li Yichen would be in danger of falling if he fell into the endless tide of corpses and there were a few undead like Gary beside him.

But with Yunzhong City, the advantages of zombies are completely offset. They can neither surround the human race from all sides, but also the human warriors can take turns to rest in the castle and replenish their physical strength. No matter how many they come, they will be useless!

What Li Yichen didn't know was that Gary was going crazy now! Li Yichen's timing to cut off the insect tide was perfect! If it were two days later, they might have succeeded in stabilizing the trial passage. Although this stabilization was only temporary, and even the undead that were too powerful could not get through, it would not be a problem for one or two A-level ones to get through. .

Looking purely at numbers, the upper limit of life energy for C-level beings is 1,500, B-level beings are 2,400, and A-level beings are 3,000. It seems to be only twice as much, but this is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

This kind of doubling must be calculated by multiplication. One multiplied by one equals... No, it's division... That's not right either. Anyway, it just needs to be much stronger. At least with the current strength of the capital of hell, if you want to resist an A It is quite difficult for the undead at this level to defeat him. He doesn't even need to rely on the zombie tide, he can conquer the capital of hell by himself!

Not to mention that Li Yichen has not yet entered the B-level realm. Even if he has already entered the B-level realm, he will be killed instantly in front of such a powerful creature. Level suppression is no joke.

Just like when Li Qingfeng was able to defend against that guy's real damage, your real damage is to ignore defense, but if I have level suppression on you, you still can't break through my defense. This is the most real damage! !

Originally, Gary and the others had succeeded, but due to a small mistake at the end, the trial passage fluctuated and a building collapsed. Fortunately, their efforts were not wasted, so Gary and the others were ready to continue.

Now it seems that with a little more life energy, we can succeed, and because we have learned from the past, we will definitely not fail this time. The strong undead people over there will soon be able to cross the trial passage and come to this world, but in this By that time, the insect tide was gone...

Gary naturally knew that this was Li Yichen's fault, because it was impossible for the insect tide to disappear. As the undead race that was the winner of the last trial, Gary knew far more than that vampire race.

Gary didn't know why this trial existed, but he knew that they were able to come to this world early because they were the winners of the previous era, so their trial passage would be opened long in advance.

The same is true for the Zerg, except that their trial passages will be much later than those of the Undead. The same is true for other races. The order of starting the trial passages is determined based on the trial rankings of the previous era. In the end One will have to wait until three years before it is truly open!

Of course, the trial channels that were opened at that time will not be like they are now. They will gradually stabilize over time, and the stable time will become shorter and shorter. The last trial race will have their channels in It is completely stable the moment it is turned on!

Originally, Gary and the others had to wait for the trial passage to be stable. During this period, they only needed to collect the life energy of other races! But because of Li Yichen's appearance, Gary felt unsure, so he asked for help from the other side, and the answer from the other side was to stabilize the trial passage and they would send high-level tribesmen over!

It is actually not difficult to stabilize the trial passage. You only need to consume life energy to strengthen it. The only problem is - you cannot use the life energy of your own life!

This means that if it is an undead trial channel, then the life energy from the undead cannot be used to stabilize it. This is a restriction from the trial rules.

Otherwise, as long as the trial passage is open, the undead can completely use the huge base of zombies to stabilize the life passage. It may not even take a day, and their trial passage will be completely stable, and even the most powerful creatures of the undead can If you come to this world through the passage, what are the other races doing? It’s better than whoever gets there first! Change the trial to a sprint?

Therefore, the undead can only rely on hunting the Zerg to obtain life energy, because in this world now, apart from humans, there are Zerg, and humans and the undead are actually from the same source, so they can only use the life energy of the Zerg!

Do you think big trees and other large plants can’t be used? OK! The problem is that the undead cannot absorb the life energy of plants. When have you ever seen a vegetarian zombie? A zombie was hugging a big tree and gnawing wildly. Either there was blood on the tree, or the guy was too drunk.

The Zerg are also facing such a problem, especially since the Zerg not only need the life energy of foreign races to stabilize their life channels, but also need to add the life energy of other races to their own devouring.

It just so happened that these two races were famous for their numbers, so there was a scene where the Zerg race traveled long distances to invade the Han provinces.

As for why the Zerg came to the door instead of the undead going to the Zerg? At the speed of zombies, it would not take them seven or eight years to reach Starry Sky Province? The trial ended a long time ago, is it possible?

Originally, Gary thought that he would not mess with humans and wait for the life energy in peace. Although it would be intercepted a little by humans, he would gain something every day. When the passage was stabilized and the strong men on his side came, how much would those humans eat by then? , let them spit it out twice as much.

But seeing that it would be over in two days, the Zerg were actually gone. This made Gary feel aggrieved and angry, so he immediately ordered the zombie tide to move towards the Silver Star Province, and they also hid in the zombie tide, preparing to attack humans. Give it a try...

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